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7 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear - book, play, film, T-shirt......though I swapped the nauseu bit for dizziness.



Are photos available?  Asking for a friend.....


Bad Bear. Go and have that cold shower. What would JA say you naughty Bear.



PS can I have some as well.

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On Italy in WW2, it's generally ignored by most that the Folgore parachute division was one of the finest units in the North Africa theatre and that Italian naval frogmen were very brave and effective. Although most (but not all) Italian combat aircraft were lackluster if compared with German and Allied equivalents they were flown by skilful and brave pilots. The SM.79 torpedo bomber was an effective anti-shipping aircraft despite looking a bit archaic (though less archaic than the mighty Swordfish).

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

@jjb1970  I think that for the health of society, freedom of speech must include the offensive. Let‘s not forget, as you have inferred, things change and “offensive” becomes the normal or vice versa (women having the vote? what an offensive idea - it goes against all common decency, don’t you know…. etc., etc., etc.)


To be blunt as long as it doesn’t call for violence (including death threats), speech of all kinds must be protected. Saying “venusians are three-tentacled greeny pond scum who fnurtle their own pfarrs and wouldn’t give you a garrt if there wasn’t anything in it for them” may be offensive - but it isn’t hate speech; Saying “we need to protect humans by killing off all the tentacled greeny pond scum” is


A certain Bear considers that describing his beloved Baked Beans as the "Spawn of the Devil" most offensive.......🤣


Bear here.......

I've decided that I'll go in search of a suitably large timber batten this morning - there's a reasonable chance that I'll have a piece of 4x2 (or is that 2x4?) either in the shed or loft - in order to improve the loft ladder situation somewhat.  Hopefully.

Searching for a suitable replacement soldering iron continues....hopefully something that meets a Bear's exacting technical specification will be ordered today.

Oh yes, and the final coat of varnish is to be applied to the MDF base.  Hopefully.

After that it's a MIUABGAD.

Bear gone.

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37 minutes ago, polybear said:


A certain Bear considers that describing his beloved Baked Beans as the "Spawn of the Devil" most offensive.......🤣


Bear here.......

I've decided that I'll go in search of a suitably large timber batten this morning - there's a reasonable chance that I'll have a piece of 4x2 (or is that 2x4?) either in the shed or loft - in order to improve the loft ladder situation somewhat.  Hopefully.

Searching for a suitable replacement soldering iron continues....hopefully something that meets a Bear's exacting technical specification will be ordered today.

Oh yes, and the final coat of varnish is to be applied to the MDF base.  Hopefully.

After that it's a MIUABGAD.

Bear gone.


Maybe the answer is to put all the tins of baked beans behind a shutter. Then that way you'd have to queue up for them and we could all stare at you and think thankngod we don't like baked beans.

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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

You used to be able to find your bank manager in your wardrobe according to one TV advert.



I seem to recall a spoof on that ad where the husband came home early, found the wife's lover in the wardrobe saying "I'm a bank manager." I can't find it now.

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38 minutes ago, polybear said:


A certain Bear considers that describing his beloved Baked Beans as the "Spawn of the Devil" most offensive.......🤣


Now I’m offended Bear!

Offended by your wilful misrepresentation of my words!

I have never used the term “spawn of the devil” to refer to baked beans, “frog spawn of the devil” - yes (once, back in December 4, 2021) and “the Devil’s Vomitus” (frequently), but “spawn of the devil”? NEVER!

Quite frankly, I’m offended that you’re offended! 🤣

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was doing his thing last night so only about four hours sleep plus a couple of hours drowsing. As usual he disappeared as soon as I started moving about. Now to check out what else is on RMweb, be back later.

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37 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Now I’m offended

Were I to take offence at the amount of offence being taken my response may cause offence. 

Successive posts of this nature combined with other suitable material may also cause a fence. 

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Now I’m offended Bear!

Offended by your wilful misrepresentation of my words!

I have never used the term “spawn of the devil” to refer to baked beans, “frog spawn of the devil” - yes (once, back in December 4, 2021) and “the Devil’s Vomitus” (frequently), but “spawn of the devil”? NEVER!

Quite frankly, I’m offended that you’re offended! 🤣

I feel that with the way things are going ID and PB need to engage in group therapy.  Can I volunteer to be a fly on the wall.



Edited by jamie92208
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7 hours ago, jjb1970 said:

For info, these are a few pictures I took of the the cruel and lawless, desolate jungle of Singapore, it's a poverty stricken, barren place....apparently.




Looks terrible, just look at the squalor, rubbish strewn everywhere!  Oh no, sorry, that's the  A505 to Hitchin.  No, Singapore looks extremely fresh, clean and advanced.      It's a shame Pupper's wanderlust has completely deserted him (The journey to Milton Keynes yesterday was more than enough!)


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Now I’m offended Bear!

Offended by your wilful misrepresentation of my words!

I have never used the term “spawn of the devil” to refer to baked beans, “frog spawn of the devil” - yes (once, back in December 4, 2021) and “the Devil’s Vomitus” (frequently), but “spawn of the devil”? NEVER!

Quite frankly, I’m offended that you’re offended! 🤣


1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

Were I to take offence at the amount of offence being taken my response may cause offence. 

Successive posts of this nature combined with other suitable material may also cause a fence. 



Well, now I REALLY am offended!  (I don't know why but I must be ...) 🤣


But on a more serious note; some extremely good, rational, logical and sensible thoughts & views  expressed on ERs this morning.



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1 hour ago, jamie92208 said:

I feel that with thecway things are goi g ID andPB need to engage in group therapy.  Can I volu teer to be a fly on the wal



For one horrible moment, having misread the post, I thought you were suggesting grope therapy! 😱


Now I’m all in favour of getting in touch with one’s inner bear/supervillain, but there ARE limits.


Sometimes I wonder about you, James. I really do….

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Talking of Italian military vehicles many British armoured vehicles could go as fast backwards as forwards. We were talking of the Daimler armoured car and the Dingo scout car. Both could be driven backwards in all five gears. There was also a Canadian version of the Dingo called the Lynx some of which were captured by the Italians and copied.

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This morning I mentioned the guttering being fixed on the flat which was Mum's.  One of her neighbour's has just rung me to check I know it has been done, presumably she wasn't looking out of her window when I was there yesterday.  Apparently it took them just under 20 minutes to do the job.


I wonder what the bill will be?


Yes, I am watching the rugby while I'm doing this.



Edited by DaveF
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We are in Enfield. We nearly had to come the “old” way round the North Circular and up the A10 as there were severe delays on the M25. However due our tardiness in departing and I presume efforts by recovery teams the delay was down to a predicted 10 minutes. This all turned out to be about right. We came in the Fiesta today and it doesn’t have SatNav or traffic announcements. We could have used Google en-route but there was no need. We know the way, in fact, lots of ways to Enfield from home. The Fiesta hadn’t had much use recently so we thought a nice trip round the M25 would be a good idea. The car had just had its service and MoT so went well. I don’t wish to upset any residents of North London but the standard of driving in Enfield is terrible. I gave way to allow a car to come from the opposite direction and a following driver overtook me just missing the approaching vehicle. Smart car, not smart driver. 

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