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1 hour ago, polybear said:

But the Railway Children has Jenny Agutter......

Game, set, match to UK.


10 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

Ah yes young Bear but the Aussies can counter JA with Tina Turner in chain mail as well.

But when Jenny Agutter appeared in a film set in Australia she wasn't wearing chain mail or anything else for that matter.🤪

Edited by PhilJ W
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Good morning everyone 


A bright and sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner. I will shortly go for a walk to the butchers for the weekly meat rations and a pork pie for my dinner. Then WE are going to the Trafford Centre, so that will be the whole morning gone before we get back home. 


There are are no plans for the afternoon, but that could always change. 


Our 1890’s house originally only had a gas supply, the meter was in small cupboard in the hall, close to the front door, it was moved outside (FOC) when the supply pipework was upgraded in 1992. An electrical supply was put in in 1935, the meter for this was in a separate cupboard next to the gas meter. When the gas meter cupboard became vacant, I removed the old cupboard, made a new larger cupboard and moved the electric meter into it, which gave us a few extra feet of room in the hall, which made it look a lot bigger. 


Back later. 



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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:



Dom, I wouldn't bother with sound for that loco, just get a fly in the room....this, however...  FF to 2.40.




Oh. I don't know...a couple of roasting tins bashed together....

Edited by southern42
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2 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Had I know, I would have closed our road as well. Hahahahahahhaaaheheeeehehe. 🤣


Yes, I would have too - I know what I'm like🤣


2 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Unless of course you were on the AJ, then all would have been forgiven for wearing out our Tarmac. 🤓 👍


I'd still be heading for Guildford on the outbound trip if I had have been 🤣


2 hours ago, polybear said:


It's almost more dangerous than living in Midsomer!  


Still, if they get short of storylines that's a whole new, rich seam ...


2 hours ago, polybear said:

Puppers wouldn't be visiting Al's Hobbies by any chance?  Can we expect a resurrection of "The Great Project" by any chance, can we?


Unfortunately not.    But now you come to mention it!



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Just to prove I can read a meter I had to send off our electricity export reading today. Apparently this is needed as a confirmation of the smart meter reading. Only every six months so not a major chore but one day we may get some money for the surplus electricity we generate. Just to show how weird it all is they will send us a cheque even though they take payment from us for electricity we consume by direct debit. 

Edited by Tony_S
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5 hours ago, Barry O said:

Sister drac wants a results sheet test morning and pre evening meal. This will be expensive!

Lancets and test strips are available on prescription here. Not so in some other areas though. Prescribing Committees and their decisions are a regional thing. The practice diabetic nurse even gave Aditi the test device as she said the one Aditi had bought was no longer supported. 

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4 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning, from a damp dull rock that is 11c.


NHN also a bit dull, 4th Covid jab to blame I suspect, just a generally achey shakey feeling a little this morning.  Nothing to shout about, it's better than the last one that had me under the weather for a couple of days.  The jabbery was very quiet, these are timed appointments (10 to a slot judging by the number of cubicles) to a mass jab centre in the Big City, I went early as I had completed other duties in town, expecting to be sent away.  Nope, just two other people in front of me.  Could be the reason for an upturn in CV - folk getting blase?


Dom, I wouldn't bother with sound for that loco, just get a fly in the room....this, however...  FF to 2.40.




4 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:


Ah yes young Bear but the Aussies can counter JA with Tina Turner in chain mail as well.


Let's see now........T.T:




Or J.A:




Now then, unless you're into some sort of chain mail bondage fetish......

Bear rests his case.


1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

 Just to show how weird it all is they will send us a cheque even though they take payment from us for electricity we consume by direct debit. 


Cynical Bear suspects that it's cos' electronic payments are instantaneous, whereas cheque payments take time in the post plus the time taken for the recipient to get off their ar5e and pay the cheque into their bank accounts - which could be weeks in some cases.  The result?  The leccy company get to hold onto the money - and get the interest - for longer.  Dastardly, or what?


Bear here.....

A morning spent working on the chassis jig mods., followed by caulking the corners of the newly painted loft hatch surround then installing the shorter loft ladder - which is a vast improvement....but......

The ladder is steeper than I would ideally like (84 degrees) - not a huge problem, though not ideal; the ladder length is adjustable but if I go to the next adjustment it'll mean the bottom of the ladder will be up against a door frame again.  Turdycurses.  One way around it would be to secure the fixings in the loft to a timber batten - this will allow the ladder to go to the next adjustment but move the ladder feet away from the doorframe a little.  Ponder mode engaged.....

On the subjuect of AF costings, I went to read the leccy meter just prior to cooking today's din dins, only to discover that the meter is calibrated to the nearest KWh - which makes it pretty  hopeless for measuring leccy use accurately over a short time period (such as 15 minutes). That'll be T.C.'s again then.

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7 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:

 ...snip... Note the company graphics and lettering have been modified since that video. ...snip...

Reminds me of the Norfolk Southern "R" line behind my house; diesel-electric and at least twice as many cars and a mid-train helper usually about 2/3 the way back.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:



Let's see now........T.T:




Or J.A:




Now then, unless you're into some sort of chain mail bondage fetish......

Bear rests his case.


I suspect that Bear is showing his age.


Tina Turner couldn't 'alf belt them out as well.

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5 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Has some good looking models in it (no not THAT sort of publication)

Try including "Modelling" in your list of hobbies / interests on any antisocial media platform and see what sort of response you get!


In the few moments between creating an account - quite some time ago now - with my personal profile details added and adjusting the settings to "Friends Only" meaning the Greater Cyberverse cannot (or cannot legitimately) see anything about me I found something like twenty hitherto unknown people suddenly wanted to be friends.  


If their own details were to be believed - which I suspect would not have been the case for at least most of them - they too were into "modelling" and very clearly displayed sufficient information that I might take notice.  Quite apart from the not altogether unattractive but probably stolen images of unclad young females one or two made it very apparent that they understood terms such as "back-to-back dimensions", "feeler gauges" and "flange depth".  🤯


All were swiftly blocked.  I wonder where they are now.  Not.  

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just went to get out of the chair and Arthur Itis caught me unawares so a couple of Nurofen have been deployed. I have had a bunion for several years now. Though it looks as if it should be painful as it turns my big toe inwards it does not usually worry me. However I've purchased a device called a bunion sleeve which I'm going to try out. 

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

p.s. the 1/48 scale JU 87-B kit arrived today. And, as partly expected, the transfer sheet is missing a very notable part of the Stuka’s insignia 😡

You can get after market transfers with the required insignia, check out decals on e-bay. Though the more conscientious traders will not deliver to countries where the insignia is banned. 

2 hours ago, polybear said:



Let's see now........T.T:




Or J.A:




Now then, unless you're into some sort of chain mail bondage fetish......

Bear rests his case.


Indeed TT can sure belt them out. As could Meatloaf, in the news today his 'Bat out of hell' album was the best selling debut album in the UK charts.

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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I think that @polybear definitely needs to take a very cold shower and go lie down in a dark room.



With JA? 🤣


1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

She still has a strong feeling that this will end up being the case; nothing I have managed to say or do has yet reassured her adequately that we are not all about to be terminally infected and pop our clogs in an uncontrollable wave.  



Surely a very good reason to go out in a blaze of Glory in this Bear's book.  Quite how that fits in with the finer technicalities of loft ladders hasn't quite been figured out just yet.....


Bear here......

Much more work on the chassis construction jig this afternoon - including converting some parts of the jig from something called "Peefour" to "DubbleOw" 😉

Also the first coat of varnish on the MDF base was applied - so Bear can be wafted to sleep tonight whilst riding on a wave of fumes....


In other news.....

It seems that a certain someone has been evicted from their prime address in The Big City mere days after moving in - hopefully they've still got the carboard boxes to repack their stuff in.  I've a sneaky suspicion that his SWMBO is gonna be a bit p1ssed.



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5 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:



Bear was listening to him just this very afternoon whilst working in the muddling room.  72 is no age at all.

RIP Hagrid.

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