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3 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Morning, from a very damp rock, 11c isn't too bad.  The trees are turning now, our acers look nice, the sycamores just go brown and litter the garden.


Freddy the fridge/freezer signed his death warrant at 0337 hrs this morning.  Doors definitely shut, P-Bear, and seals good.  Off out soon to investigate replacement/s.  Ominous sounds of a kitchen re-organisation heard this morning from the domestic authorities.  Actually I suppose I am now the domestic authorities, but without any apparent authority.  Pah.


You are quite correct there young man. You are just the Domestic!

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Area under a "per-capita" curve is meaningless. Area under a "total emissions" curve is directly relevant to your point about historical emitters. It is the total mass in the atmosphere that is relevant.


What is interesting in the "per-capita" curve is the dramatic reduction since ~2020 for many western offenders.


The gulf oil states and a couple of island outliers* (using oil for electricity and water desalinization) are the worst per-capita offenders.


For example, New Caledonia is 1.6x the US, Curaçao is 3x, and Palau is 3.5x.



That it is aggregate emissions that count is clear in terms of climate science, however it's also true that if person A is responsible for emitting double what person B emits then person A is doing more damage and most would probably agree that person A has a greater responsibility to reduce their emissions. Per capita emissions in the gulf states are horrendous (they're very high in quite a few places), but why I choose some is that the gulf states aren't trying to emission  shame other countries (well, at least not to anything like the same extent. The same source gives the following for aggregate emissions, which shows China crossing over the US about 17 years ago, and the chart demonstrates the explosive economic growth of China. In 2020, US emissions were about 44% of Chinese emissions, but that should be seen in the context of being from a country for which population is about 24% of that of China. India's aggregate emissions were still way below the US in 2020 despite also having a population roughly four times higher. This matters, because the developing world (quite reasonably) wants a higher material standard of living, and providing that whilst reducing emissions will be rather challenging.



Screenshot 2022-10-05 164515.jpg

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, The Lurker said:

There has to be a certain amount of sympathy with those nations which have developed later because, let's face it, we destroyed our forests long ago, etc. I


But I am interested in a couple of things in that chart - China is increasing at a vastly rapid rate and has overtaken the UK which is declining rapidly on a per capita basis, and also that Brazil is declining at present.


But looking the other way around, firstly China has a population of enormous magnitude and that means its current emissions are of far more impact than much smaller countries because of this, secondly although the cumulative figures are not good reading, the earth was absorbing CO2 at a rate that at least masked if not actually prevented temperature rise until at least the 1950s (let's face it, the early worriers/warriors re a warming planet were still warning about a new ice age coming in the 1970s - sometimes the same people, which kind of diluted the impact they wanted to make), and thirdly, we know a lot more now than we did in the 1950s. The Clean Air Act which started reducing pollution here was of course nothing to do with climate change, it was all to do with getting rid of pea soupers and the attendant health problems.



Indeed. I suspect China will show a deep inverted V shape. Their economic growth over the last 30 years has been ridiculous, but now their government is throwing money at clean technology and demanding that emissions are reduced, and in China if the government makes a demand it is just that, not a request that doesn't mean much. They're basically doing what every developed country has done, develop economically then clean up the mess later. I'd much rather they took a different path but we can't really blame them for it. I remember China in the early 90's, you only had to go a very short distance from the Bund in Shanghai and it really was poor. In rural China it was backwards and development was primitive (to be polite). I think because it is now a rich, highly developed country we forget just what it was like not very long ago.

I think the date we should have realized something needed to change was sometime around the mid-80's. By the early 90's I think it's fair to say there was a firm consensus and the information was there for us to see but despite a lot of talk it's only really comparatively recently most countries have really taken it seriously. And I can't criticise as I'm certainly not virtuous on the matter and haven't exactly pressured my elected representatives to be more active on the matter.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Saudi winter games isn't quite as daft as it sounds.. Up in Tabuk we often had snow in the morning in the winter, Tabuk was only at 2500ft , up at Khamis Mushait it's nearly 7000ft. Even out at Riyadh in the desert the day time temperature in January is only 20C. (2000ft asl)


I remember Taif, up in the mountains. Spectacular drive up along a road like something out of Goldfinger and a very pleasant climate.

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49 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:


Donk Enterprises can offer an alternative treatment.


WD40. £4.95 a can.  Post free.  🤩

Yeah, Donk Enterprises Inc. do have a cheap product. So?


But can they provide @polybear and Mr Basil Bear free travel to Switzerland, accommodation in a 4-Star Hotel with all meals (inc LDC) provided 4 times/year?


CCI PharmaCo has very deep pockets.....


Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

I find this site a bit of a time waster...





The site interesting but:  

Pedantic probably but I was always of the opinion that you compared something WITH something not to something.  This is the same as different FROM rather than different to and the latest (from lazy people?) think instead of THING.


These things really grate (another word with many meanings) with me.

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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, southern42 said:

I do not think about which to use in every day conversation, right or wrong, only if I need to use it in something written, these occasions getting scarcer as the years go by!


I just ask Aditi. I suppose she was able to spend more time at school studying English. I did more woodwork. 

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  • RMweb Gold
16 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

a fronted adverbial, a

Prose created to demonstrate use of fronted adverbials is really irritating. I am sure using it would have generated “don’t do this” when I was at school. It, and all the other items in your list were included so that tests taken by children could be marked quantitively rather than qualitatively. It is easier to count use of alliteration and fronted whatsits than to assess a story written by the child. Former Education Ministers loved league tables. 

Edited by Tony_S
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21 minutes ago, southern42 said:


Kent Maths Project

it even merits its own small wikipedia page




Although that talks about it applying from age 9, I am fairly certain the principals were flowed down the school too.


I remember the school mentioned as being its originator. I would have come across them in school sports

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  • RMweb Premium
10 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I suspect Aditi would recognise the music as being Indian but would have no idea what it was. When she and her sister were little and living in Yorkshire, they were bought lots of European classical records by their Dad who thought it was important to be aware  of the culture they were living in.  Indian music was something their Mum listened too. Aditi was only really interested in the Beach Boys and Bob  Dylan. She doesn’t know anything about Bollywood stars or their songs. 


I'm guessing it's an Indian equivalent of the sort of awful festive muzak played on a continuous loop and which drives people to the threshold of homicidal rage in British shops. My dad was an opera and classical music enthusiast but he never pushed it on us, his attitude to music was like his attitude was like his attitude to religion and many other things - if we wanted to find out more we could but it wasn't for him to push his ideas and preferences on to others. I ended up becoming a keen enthusiast of opera and symphonic music at least partly as a result of him playing it a lot, passive music appreciation I suppose. However, I ended up with very different taste, my dad thought that opera ended with Verdi and very much shared Rossini's opinion of Wagner (he has lovely moments but awful quarters of an hour) whereas my own favourites include Prokofiev, Bruckner, Richard Strauss, Ligeti and John Adams.

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