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  • RMweb Gold
24 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Preparations for the BBQ have gone ok until I ordered some beer.

You were in Masham yet still had to order beer in?

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1 hour ago, BoD said:

You were in Masham yet still had to order beer in?

Breweries were not... brewing....


In other news..


I went to top up Sister Dracs blood bank.  Annual review so I was weighed  (lost a small amount of weight), blood pressure...fine, feet tickling..achieved.. then mentioned that my knee is very painful.. HCA then booked me a telephone meet up with the joint GP... lummy! 





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Good moaning from a warm but cloudy Charente.  We had a good day out yesterday but it's a long way to drive for a few hours on the beach (80 miles). We had a nice meal on the way home.


Today I surprised myself by doing another pre breakfast bike ride.  11 miles this time.  It could becone a habit hopefully.  Only saw 1 car in the 50 minutes.


Breakfast has now been had and now it's time for a shower. After thst it's time  to try and solve the slowvpuncture in the hot tub.  A weeping air valve is the prime suspect.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. It appears that the rain predicted for Sunday will not happen, anyone in the wetter parts of the country want to swap? Its high noon, literally in the Agathagate case today (yawn). A spat between two silly cows that will cost them £1.5 million each. A good time to be a lawyer. Apparently its the end of Neighbours tonight, its one program I've never watched ever!

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I watched Neighbours with the kids and ended up as prime censor watching the earlier lunchtime programme before they saw it after school. A few episodes had the Mother kidnapped - I did not want our kids thinking or worrying it could/would happen to Me.  


Better things to think about today and, hopefully, you too,




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Good morning everyone 


A bright and sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner, currently 16C according to the app on my phone. I shall shortly be setting off for my weekly walk to the butchers for the weekly meat rations and pork pie for my dinner. Then I shall head off to the Trafford Centre for a few more items that can’t be procured locally, but I suppose as the Trafford Centre is only 3 miles from my house, that is sort of local too! There are no firm plans for the afternoon, so I might start writing up a description of my delay circuit modifications for MERG. 


Back later. 



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Its high noon, literally in the Agathagate case today (yawn). A spat between two silly cows that will cost them £1.5 million each. A good time to be a lawyer. Apparently its the end of Neighbours tonight, its one program I've never watched ever!


Bear predicts it'll be the two Hubby's picking up the tabs....

Neighbours?  Apparently 20M people in the UK watched a wedding between Scott & Charlene many moons ago.


Bear here....

Blood-letting done (Sister Drac must be related to Billy The Kid - she was the fastest draw in town, that's for sure); also Tesco fun, submitting meter readings (so much for "smart" meters) and a call to Eon to chase them for the in-home display cos' they STILL haven't sent me one yet - it seems they haven't got any to send out.....

Right, now to start on re-decorating the cupboard under the stairs.....

Bear gone....


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Went out to shoot stars last night - not entirely successful as I pressed a button on the camera which was the wrong one and couldn't see, in the pitch black with a red torch, how to reset it. However an amusing story will be presented on tonight's blog.

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The morning just got better.  I opened my emails to find one from the French Income tax with my annual tax bill for 2021.   I managed to access my "Espace" , not a type of car, and found the lovely words.  Rien a payer at the bottom.  I can cope with tax bills like that.   I still pay a reasonable amount in the UK though as my Police Pension will always be taxed there.   That pays for my healthcare which the French recharge to the UK.



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Good morning all,

Late on parade today due to a late night, didn't get to bed until 02.00 as I was watching stuff on TV and didn't even notice the time.

Sunny and very warm here , currently 23°C and rising however there is a bit of a breeze which may help.

I have been informed that Abbie landed OK at 01.35 but didn't get home until 04.00.  I suspect she might have a bit of a lie in this morning.

We've been for a short walk to Asda for one or two more "essentials" and although The Hip hurts a bit it's not as bad as yesterday probably because I made a pre-emptive strike with Ibuprofen earlier.  More Shark wielding is next on the agenda but I'm having a coffee first.

Have a good one,


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I was reminded before I set off for the Trafford Centre, that I need to get some strawberries, as Sheila was given some rhubarb yesterday. So that means my afternoon will be spent in the kitchen making rhubarb and strawberry jam! This goes down well with both Sheila and Ava and I’m quite fond of it, the kitchen smells like a fairground (candy floss) whilst I’m making it too! 

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Thursday's weather was not perfect, there was a light drizzle on and off - just enough to make it feel wet but not enough to do any good.  I had a quick 2 mile walk after breakfast for which I needed a waterproof jacket.  The leaves on the trees are getting very dark, more like late summer but there were still plenty of wild flowers about.  I was back at home just before 9 which was as well, the solicitor rang me at 09.10  to discuss the e mail I had sent her late on Wednesday afternoon.  She is going send me the paperwork in the post as a definitive copy.  They are informing the buyer's solicitor that things are moving.  I also passed on the news to the estate agent.


By then it was coffee time, I managed to get the Radio Times Sudoku right first time - I usually do not concentrate enough and make stupid mistakes - after which I worked on the photos I've taken this week.  I cooked a nice lunch, just chicken, stuffing, bacon, sausgae, veg and potatoes followed by plums and custard.  I wonder why I fell asleep for a short while afterwards?


I started to prune a couple of shrubs in the back garden, they look better now but still need a bit of reshaping to complete the job.  I also had a long chat on the phone with a friend who had a new heart valve quite recently, then he had a small stroke.  It was good to hear he is improving.


In the evening I couldn't find much to watch so I settled on the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games.  I think all I need to say is that during it I read a lot of my book.




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2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

… I will admit that Kylie Minogue was one of the main reasons for watching

That reminds me of a video clip I saw of Hale & Pace on tour in Oz. In their characters of “Ron and Ron (aka the “Management”)” grousing about how lucky Australians were at sport….

> Cricket?
- Lucky!
> Rugby?

- Lucky!

> Kylie Minogue?

- Lucky, lucky, lucky!


I thought that Hale and Pace were vastly underrated - of course their career did coincide with the rise of “alternative” comedy: The Young Ones, Ben Elton (“little bit of politics, little bit of politics….”) and the like. Too traditional a humour to be trendy, or with it, perhaps???


As for the “Two Rons” (aka Ron and Ron - “we are the Management”, “we manage things”), I think the humour there could have been a lot blacker…


They also “did” a good Yorkshiremen 🤣


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Bear here.....

A morning grovellin' around in the cupboard under the stairs (full respect to Harry Potter) - first job was remove the skirting; what sort of Brain Donor fixes skirting using 12 Gauge woodscrews FFS??  Were they expecting an earth quake?.  Out of the 8 screws used, 4 of them sheared off as well.  Turdycurses.  At least I managed to remove the skirting without toooo much incident - although one piece (that is well-hidden anyway) suffered a split; this should be glue-able and when painted should disappear. The plastered walls can best be described as "bumpy" in places, mainly in the top corners (no surprises there - plastering a cupboard with a sloping ceiling must be a real b1tch); I scraped the worst of the lumps off and now the next job is to bung some filler in various holes....


In other news....

Is it Bear, or has Wayne Rooney been seriously scoffin' the Pies?  By the size of him I thought he was a Bouncer when he got out of the car 🤣

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6 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

Weerz Baz?





Probably in the beer tent with Wally!

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To the Bear.. you wuz lucky, the skirting boards in this place are held on by 4 inch ring nails and lots of them.

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  • RMweb Premium
35 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Sophie from H&A ….  had an enlarged frontage

And was a “wild-child” character becoming the soap’s first teenage single parent. 

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