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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Bear's Rant of the Day:

Why are the RAF wasting money giving back-seat rides in Fighter Aircraft (at loadsadosh per hour) for a Bozo that's out of the door in a few weeks?


52 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

Sadly it wasn’t to test the rear seat ejection system. 

I wonder if the pilot was tempted to test his own ejector seat?🥵

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1 hour ago, Compound2632 said:


But by that argument, I can just as well assert that that is just what you have been conditioned to think by the group and the media.


One flaw with that position is that if were all being conditioned to think that way it's not working very well is it. Perhaps it's working on the media types hence the same 'crap' being peddled by all of them 

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38 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

 I grew up in😀 a hot/humid place*. With no air conditioning. It's bloody miserable. 


* Average summer high exceeds 30°C with a ~60% humidity.


Some of the newer classrooms at school did get air conditioning but I only had those in the upper grades. Even some of my university classrooms had no air conditioning.


When I lived in Singapore in the late 60s there was no A/C in our house, nor in any of the buildings at RAF Tengah. About the only A/C I recall was in a couple of the downtown restaurants and some of the hotels. There were lots of ceiling fans and we seemed to get by OK with them on as well as taking at least a couple of showers a day.



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29 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Murphy's Law suggests you will forget to put it back before winter rolls around. Remember, the nights are drawing in. 😉

I have an extending brush/ice scraper for Vikingar the Volvo with him being an SUV . When i cleared the boot out at the weekend I made sure it went back in otherwise it would have got lost or forgotten about until I need it. 

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1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

No they didn't


Bear stunned; one of the first things a friend does every morning is to log onto internet banking to check all is well.  One one occasion all the text on the screen was jumping around, yet looked fine to her daughter.  Now my friend is less than keen on docs (even though they've got her out of very severe sh1t on several occasions) - suggesting she see a doc about anything is a great way to get your head ripped off. But on this occasion she decided that phoning the GP was a good move - who promptly arranged an Ambulance.  It turns out that she'd had a TIA ("mini stroke")  and was kept in hospital cos' an ultrasound scan on her neck revealed very poor blood flow up one of the big arteries (that's a technical medical term) in her neck until such time as they could fix it (a stent maybe).

edit:  Not that I'm suggesting for one moment that SWMBO has had a TIA.


40 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

I wonder if the pilot was tempted to test his own ejector seat?🥵


I wonder if the pilot was more tempted to sling it about and make Bozo barf - though I suspect The Boss had already instructed Biggles to be on best behaviour.


In other news.....

Bear spent an hour or so finishing off the caulking, and also applied silicone sealant around the supply pipe to the outside tap (anyone else hate using that stuff - always seems like a real p1g to use/get a neat finish with.  And as for getting it off furry paws......).

Then it was over the road to see Buddy - I had a bag of frozen chicken dippers for him (an unwanted part of a Co-op Meal Deal) so we also took the opportunity to put the world to rights for a couple of hours.

This afternoon was "slow" - I did eventually sort thru' some boxes of stuff but  whilst I have managed to cull some items it's not a huge amount.  Maybe I'll get more ruthless once some new furniture (which will need to be capable of storing the stuff) appears in the lounge.

Tomorrow sees a visit to the Timber Merchants to collect the new window sill and mantlepiece - once I get them back home they'll be adjusted to fit and screw fixings sorted, then it'll be sand them & finish with Danish Oil (lotsa lotsa coats on both sides).  I may be warm....

Edited by polybear
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1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

When I lived in Singapore in the late 60s there was no A/C in our house

I had a business trip to Penang (Malaysia). When I arrived in the late morning I desperately wanted a shower but my room was not ready. They offered that I use the showers (inside) off the pool deck. The cold shower was nice, but the changing rooms were not (or at least not adequately) air-conditioned, and despite being a nice hotel they were losing the battle with mould in the corners.  The humidity was brutal. "Toweling off" I ended up wetter than when I started. 


I had a business meeting that afternoon (coat, no tie). Fortunately the restaurant where I had lunch was air conditioned.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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37 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

They read higher than the 'official' figures sitting in the sun.


I used to put it down to inaccuracy from sitting in the hot car park and being a dark car but turns out it might actually have been accurate.   

I think they're reasonably accurate. My car always reads hotter than reported temperatures while driving - a result of re-radiated heat from the blacktop/asphalt (or whatever) road surface which can get much hotter than ambient air.


Phoenix is experimenting with a light coloured street coating to reduce the heat island effect of the streets. (It reduces road surface temperature by around 5-7°C.)

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We stayed in a hotel in Maspolomas Gran Canaria that had no a/c one night it was so hot I slept on a chair on the balcony.

The air was coming from the Sahara it rained one night and everything was covered in a film of sand much thicker than you get here 


The most impressive weather conditions I have seen was the edge of a tropical storm in the Dominican republic the first time we went. The lightning over nearby mountains put Hollywood special effects to shame

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55 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Watched a couple BBC and Sky UK news reports last night, they seem to be in full apocalypse mode. 

The best remote live weather stand ups are in LA when it rains.


"Let's go over to Bob in Hollywood"

Bob: "It's really coming down here. Let's check in with Sarah in Pasadena"

Sarah: "It's just starting to rain here in Pasadena. What's it like in Santa Monica Suzy?"

etc, etc.


The vacuity of the whole thing is hilarious. Mind you LA can get flash flooding and mud slides when it rains and these can be deadly, but people on street corners under umbrellas all saying "It's raining here" is funny.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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1 hour ago, monkeysarefun said:



They read higher than the 'official' figures   sitting in the sun. In summer I'll often come back to the car to have it reckon its 45 or 46 when its actually officially 'only' 42 or 43.  Highest the car reckons its been was a day when it hit 45, the car said it was 50. 


I used to put it down to inaccuracy from sitting in the hot car park and being a dark car but turns out it might actually have been accurate.   


(from Sydney Morning Herald following the bushfire summer of 2019): 


Sydney's hottest area reached temperatures above 50 degrees across several locations on three separate days last summer, according to Western Sydney University researchers urging authorities to put in place new heatwave measures for the upcoming season.

At 48.9 degrees, Penrith was officially the hottest place on Earth on January 4, in a Bureau of Meteorology air temperature reading that broke a temperature record standing since 1939

But heat loggers placed at 120 locations around the local government area for heat research commissioned by Penrith City Council found that on that day the mercury rose to 52 degrees in the suburb of Berkshire Park, 51.5 in Agnes Banks, and 50.1 in Badgerys Creek.

Temperatures also rose above 50 degrees on December 31 (50.1 at Berkshire Park) and February 1 (51.5C at Badgerys Creek and 51.3 at Berkshire Park, among other high readings).


Our trains mostly ran though and everyone still went to work, just did things more slowly! I guess we are  built for it, in contrast if we got a flurry of snow we'd all be running round like chooks with our heads cut off.




Watched a couple BBC and Sky UK news reports last night, they seem to be in full apocalypse mode. 


They need to learn from the media  hot weather instruction manual.


A proper 40 + day news report has a reporter standing out in the sun telling us its hot. Then there will be shots of the polar bears at the zoo being hosed off and probably various animals eating frozen watermelon.


Then various shots of hot wildlife around the place cooling off - a mob of kangaroos  will inevitably  be found sitting under a sprinkler on a golf course somewhere, or a koala will be  fished out of someones pool. There will be an interview with someone who has a really hot job - used to be the guys manning the toll booths on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, since they've been automated its usually now some poor bloke holding a stop-go at a roadworks somewhere. There will then be an interview with the opposite, some bloke who works inside a meat coolworks or similar. "You're the envy of Sydney today!"  the reporter will have to say. Then there will be shots of Bondi as an excuse to show tanned bikini-ed  girls, and lifesavers for the ladies.


At the end of the report things will go serious and it'll be "Of course this hot dry spell has our firies worried as the bush is drying out and is a tinderbox"


The kangaroo and koala bit might need adapting for the UK- maybe substitute badgers and moles or whatever.


In contrast, I noted the following in your news reports - 


The BBC guy asked his guest  "can you help us understand for those who don't know, watching  around the world what 40 degrees means, looks like, feels like?"  And I thought "mate, a good chunk of the rest of the world knows exactly what 40 degrees  and more is like, thinks it is  annoying but nothing out of the ordinary"


SKy News had the guy sitting in front of a live cam streaming the rooftops of I guess London with the sun rising. "We'll cross back to this camera as the morning progresses to see the effects of the heat". I am still wondering what he was thinking would happen, other than the sun would get higher as the day progressed. Was he expecting fireballs? Roads bubbling away to an ooze? Buildings bursting into flame?  Planes dropping  from the sky as they run out of fuel because the airports have closed?  People running round with their hair alight? 


It is 'cheap news'. They have to find something to fill the air time. So rather than go and find something going on elsewhere we get the oh look it's hot and because that's not dramatic enough it's oh look that road has melted because it's hot. 

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I didn’t do much today. It was quite bearable in the lounge so I watched the England v South Africa ODI cricket which was coming from Leicester. 
We had Indian food this evening, potato with cauliflower, and cheesy peas curry. Naan and pickles too. The only yoghurt we had was a kefir yoghurt Aditi has been trying. It is ok but a bit runny. 
Our house was built with insulation in the cavity walls. It has some benefit in summer too as the south facing bricks get really hot but the inner walls are cool. Also upstairs this year is noticeably cooler. I added a lot of insulation to the loft earlier this year. The loft gets really hot. So the insulation isn’t allowing the hot loft to warm up the bedroom ceilings. The insulation was really put in to reduce heat loss from rooms in winter, I didn’t think it would be useful in summer. 

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22 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

They have to find something to fill the air time.

Like this? (Melting hard lollies* in a car in the sun.) People do this sort of thing in Phoenix all the time. 191°F is 88°C.


* Is hard candy still called lollies?


Better than the old fried egg routine.

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Good evening everyone 


Phew, it’s been hot here in this little corner of the northwest of England, it got up to 35C this afternoon, I’ve stayed inside for most of the day, its been far too hot to work outside, it’s been nice and cool in the cellar. I did venture out to the shed, just after dinner, to get the stuff we need for our day out to the RHS flower show at Tatton Park on Wednesday. It’s all had a quick wipe down and is currently sat in the cellar and will go in the car sometime tomorrow, ready for Wednesday. 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The reason for the disparity between the temperatures given by the weather reports and what a car thermometer reads is that the weather report figure is the shade temperature which is less than the out in the open temperature by several degrees. I opened the bottle of Chimay that I was cooling in the fridge, and it was flat, it also tasted sour so I threw it away. I've got another two bottles chilling in the fridge, if they're the same I might have to order some fresh bottles. I'm running out of cold drinks so I might venture out early tomorrow to replenish supplies.

50 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I didn’t do much today. It was quite bearable in the lounge so I watched the England v South Africa ODI cricket which was coming from Leicester. 
We had Indian food this evening, potato with cauliflower, and cheesy peas curry. Naan and pickles too. The only yoghurt we had was a kefir yoghurt Aditi has been trying. It is ok but a bit runny. 
Our house was built with insulation in the cavity walls. It has some benefit in summer too as the south facing bricks get really hot but the inner walls are cool. Also upstairs this year is noticeably cooler. I added a lot of insulation to the loft earlier this year. The loft gets really hot. So the insulation isn’t allowing the hot loft to warm up the bedroom ceilings. The insulation was really put in to reduce heat loss from rooms in winter, I didn’t think it would be useful in summer. 

I also have cavity wall insulation and the loft insulation is quite thick and it does seem to keep it a tad cooler upstairs.

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Evening all. Today has been quite a busy one. I was out early this morning to beat the heat and take some shop orders to the Post Office. This was followed by an emergency trip to the supermarket for cat food before a drive over to the bank to pay some takings in. On the way home the car gauge display was showing 27 degrees and this was only 10am.


The rest of the day was spent indoors on college stuff. There are quite a few jobs to tie up before the weekend so I was chained to the laptop for much of the remainder of the day.


Amber’s school was open as normal but she opted out of her after school sports activity. Very wise. The short walk over to meet her was more than enough for me.  The school have opted to close at lunch time tomorrow. 

Tomorrow it is back to the shop for me. I am not expecting many customers. In fact I will surprised if the footfall hits double figures. However, I have a delivery of a new card machine which I will need before the weekend. That makes the trip a necessity and the shop will be nice and cool so I can crack on with some more college jobs in comfort. I may break up the day running some more train on the shop layout. I would post pics but these things are frowned upon here. If interested check out my Skaleby West thread.


Stay safe, stay cool as you can and drink plenty. We will soon be out the other side for now at least.



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