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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, that's the problem, mine only have two.....and they're both left. :D


Slightly different here - ours (except the cat of course) also have two and the problem is that they haven't left (home) yet, both went away to uni and then joined the boomerang generation.


Anyway morning all - slightly on the wet side here but no doubt it will pass by in due time and head for Wimbledon, where it seems the organisers have a slight timing problem. Further exploration of dark cupboards and boxes today - isn't it amazing how you can't find something when you're looking for it?

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Morning all. Going to be a tough one for Andy today, a five-setter against Federer and the mixed doubles final too. Bad news, looks like it's raining in London too so that might mean the games being played under the roof in Centre Court, which probably gives Federer an advantage.


Definitely holding thumbs that Don's going to make it back, as he would say.


Was torrential rain when I opened the curtains this morning, but it's been downgraded to drizzle and low cloud now. Yesterday evening had a nice thunderstorm while I was in Glasgow.


Couch potato day for me too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, bit late today. Out till silly o'clock on the MHR dining train last night so missed the action in the Olympic stadium. Had a few problems with the engine not least was getting into a humungous slip, carrying some water over and not being able to shut the regulator - shades of 'Blue Peter' , scary stuff. It was an enjoyable evening nonetheless, if it ran smoothly every time it would be boring.


A couple of images starting with a stitch of the view from Ropley shed, I always enjoy this no matter how many times I'm up there:




Up the line:





Edited by PhilH
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


it's chucking it down at the moment and showing no signs of stopping .


I actually broke my rule not to watch any olympics and sat through last nights stadium

events , great results for Team GB , I think I will watch the remaining cycling events

later today .


Time to get some 'elevenses ' , have a good one all .

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  • RMweb Premium

It continues to look like rain will be due any moment. I wonder if that may be why I'm feeling sort of in the ropes right now. Then again, last night had been much too warm in here to sleep comfortably, so this may well be a factor as well.

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Morning all,


Not quite so late as usual but had a lie in as I'm back onto nights as of, well, tonight. The sky above our neck of the wood is a brooding mixture of black and blue at the moment, with more to come by the looks of it.


Had a spot of good luck today - prompted by my other half purchasing a new compact digital camera, four SD cards which we previously thought were lost have turned up after a serious bout of rummaging round the house. Not only that but the three thousand or so photos which I thought I'd deleted are still on them, so a good old session with the 'Kodak Patented Nostalgia Filter Software' will ensue later on! An added bonus is that I know have a decent camera all to myself again, which although now a few years old is perfectly good for taking to work etc.


Let's hope Don finds his way back into the fold before too long ;)

Edited by Rugd1022
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Lovely day here if you like thunderstorms and rain. Went off to a car boot this morning, as last time I saw a guy selling some model railway gear, and I had no cash - this week I had some money with me, and of course, the seller wasn't there - even though he had said he would be - DOH.


Got home, and as soon as I did, the rain started, so now puppykins won't go out to do her business.


Hope to have a sort out of some of my more collectible railway books this afternoon, and to get some of them placed on higher shelves where marauding little teeth can't get them.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Just stretched a point and took Lily out for her first walk on the lead and outside in the street. A short amble round the block, and she was surprisingly good with the passers by and the traffic, but I think that walking to heel will be some way away.

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Good morning all,


Store run does not included collecting bush meat! ..............there is a story to that, but in these politicly correct times I cant tell it on here! Couple of the super markets we go to are very international , you could be in almost any UK/Euro/US town.


Oh well yet another Monday, try and enjoy yours



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Morning All,


Back in the office today, after a fairly busy weekend. It was rather hot and humid over the past couple of days - but a large electrical storm last night has cooled things down rather nicely.


Having said that, it is grey and damp this morning!


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, morning all...


Don't know how long exactly the thunder lasted last night as I did eventually dozed off. However, I'm not sure I slept sufficiently long or deep <_< . Thankfully, I did make quite a bit of progress with my paper yesterday.


Enjoy your day, everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Torrential rain yesterday with thunder thrown in.

We often, jokingly, say street outside was a river.

Yesterday it was. Water was running off local field (formerly a mine) and was kerb deep. Thankfully we are on a slope so it bypassesd us without any damage.


I think I'll move to mars.

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Morning all....Bit of a day yesterday. Found a dead snake in my pond filter area, which was bad enough. It was the live one neatly coiled on top of the air pump that really gave me the creeps. Quite clearly the heat and shelter from the air pump made a very comfy home. Mrs S thought it was a hoot and there were loads of aahs and of course it has to stay there as she is potty about wildlife. Unable to tell at this stage if it's harmless or an adder as it's slightly hidden from view. Either way, it made my blood run cold.


I know, I'm a wus.......

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Morning all. Tried to get on here earlier but here wasn't here.


Grey and dismal here today and very humid too. Off to see a show tonight as the Fringe opened for business yesterday. Going to be a busy week, actually. Going to see the Blues Brothers live show tonight, and Kate Rusby on Friday night in North Berwick.

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