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I think what makes me a little sad about anti-vaxxers is that they will never admit they are wrong.

The BBC article above states these people are using laws that aren't actually laws.

My brother-in-law is likely to be part of that crowd.  He's just not a nice guy at all, thinks he doesn't have to pay council tax because the council isn't a business and so doesn't pay VAT or something - I can't really be bothered to understand.


More interestingly is I listened to a programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning (also available as a Podcast) - The Coming Storm - which is mainly about the American election but I can see the parallels here in the UK.  It described how a book about "How to Catch Witches" written in the 15th century by a guy as fiction (but written like fact) went viral and huge waves of women lost their lives as people decided they were a witch based on what the book was saying.  It links this to the riots at the Capitol and how certain messageboards, called "chans" - someone can write something and loads get on board thinking it is fact.


There's another Podcast somewhere about why people like conspiry theories.  Quite a reasonable, well thoughtout points raised in the programme.


People may see Christianity as a book about the life of a guy and huge amounts of people believe it but that's quite different to Covid conspiries.


What a weird morning!

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3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

@polybear is getting there with his suggestion but even thats to quick IMHO


Bear was being unusually restrained in order not to get a life ban from the site....


1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

@polybear may i suggest kneecapping with a sledgehammer perhaps elbows too as a little extra but no painkillers or any form of hospital treatment. After the bones start to heal perhaps further bone breaking with say a typewriter (as what happened to James Caan in Misery).

Yours Sincerely 

Mr V indictive



Hmm....shows a certain undeniable style :clapping: - and real promise.  Bear may have an opening on his Team for such a promising individual.  Cake provided.....


In other news......

It suddenly dawned on Bear that I had "things that needed to done" before The Plasterer starts tomorrow :scare: Such things included the covering of the lounge window with newspaper cos' tomorrow I need to remove the curtain rail - so no curtains; it'll remain like that "for some time" in fact - such as after the walls are papered and painted - but that'll need the plaster to be dry, the coving up & finished, the ceiling painted, the picture rail done, the dado rail done.....you get the picture.....


*****BEARY NEWSFLASH!!!*****

It has just been announced on BBC TV Lunchtime News that Fraggle Rock** is to return to TV!!


Rumours of a guest appearance by NHN are as yet unconfirmed.......


(**Let's hope that it's not some "new improved - but screwed up" remake......)

(edit:  Yes, it is a remake :sad_mini2: - it seems Jim Henson's daughter had a hand it, so there's still some hope.....)

(edit 2:  It seems you need to subscribe to "Apple TV+" to watch it. Triple Turdycurses)


The News presenter referred and pronounced one character "Gobo" as "Gobbo".  :laugh: 


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45 minutes ago, Sir TophamHatt said:

My brother-in-law is likely to be part of that crowd.  He's just not a nice guy at all, thinks he doesn't have to pay council tax because the council isn't a business and so doesn't pay VAT or something - I can't really be bothered to understand.


Be interesting to see how well he does with that argument when the Bailiffs are carting the TV out of the front door....

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Bear hammered the cash point this afternoon - and went for a walkies at the same time :O; something I've not done for, well, far too long I'm embarrassed to say just how long (which is a good thing, cos' I've no idea just how long....).

A clever mappy-thing on the 'net tells me I walked 2.54 miles - in around 45 minutes.  Apparently this is 3.3867mph.  Bet you're glad I told you that :laugh:

In that time I walked past four building sites - which will probably account for 100 more new houses before long :angry:.  One is in a field where horses were within the last year or so - and cows in my lifetime; another on the site of a huge commercial nursery, one on top of a garden centre and the last on top of what was a very large house surrounded by land.  All used to be green belt land....:angry::angry:  Back-handers?  Well if there weren't then Bear is a lettuce-eating Hippo.


Intended split-chassis progress?  Diddly squat...

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10 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Our initially elusive Ocado order turned up. We were amused that not only were we informed of the drivers name (like Waitrose) but we were told he would be driving the plum van and its registration number.

I find that mildly amusing too.  In a place the size of London there is a chance of two vans arriving at much the same time and place with unrelated deliveries I suppose.  But mostly it's the only van you see and occasionally - because we are in a medium-sized block - they have more than one delivery at the same address.  I would find it more helpful if they used some form if ID when the driver called you.  Instead you get a call from a mobile "Unknown Number" which diverts on my phone to voicemail immediately.  


The driver is supposed call if they are likely to arrive outside the booked delivery window; sometimes early sometimes late.  Ocado's rule is that no-one should be offered a delivery more than 30 minutes early but it's OK to call and ask if the customer would accept an early delivery within 30 minutes of the booked time.  Also worth knowing is that they use an internal app for messaging between drivers.  I know it is used to identify hard-to-locate addresses and warn of potentially aggressive dogs.  Possibly for potentially aggressive customers too ;)  You seldom see the same driver twice because they run such a large operation from various distribution hubs.  Our deliveries sometimes come from Erith, sometimes Hatfireld and sometimes from spoke sites at Wimbledon or Weybridge.

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A'noon, or perhaps evening.


Mrs NHN under post hospickle visit care for a few days, so little chance of posting of a morning.  


I have not as yet been approached for a leading part in Fraggle Rock, as one of my besties is a TV producer guy I still have hopes, but he's tied up with work for a well known producer of electronic equipment and games at the moment.  Pays the bills apparently. With knobs on.   Some folk have all the luck, but he is a clever lad, works very hard indeed and deserves it all.


The island was named FR in a presentation my boss of the time (DI G Hardman - 'hard by name, hard by nature') and myself delivered to the Judiciary here some years ago.  It was getting a bit stodgy so he decided to liven it up a bit....his usual style.  We were also comparing our Youth Justice Team to the UK Young Offenders Teams in an attempt to get more funding, he said we were 'not so much a YOT as a leaky rowing boat'.  Well it broke the ice for sure, and we did eventually get more money!  he was a great boss.

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1 hour ago, Gwiwer said:

Speaking of the place of employment I have been assigned two trainees to coach.  Interesting if only for the fact that we are in the throes of negotiating severance to reduce our establishment somewhat yet are also recruiting new staff.  Hmmmm.  


Get rid of the experience and replace with newbies.  Bear predicts trouble ahead.....

Do newbies get a lesser deal on the Company Pension by any chance, such as no longer being able to join (if one exists) a Final Salary Scheme?  That'd be a very good reason to explain why the Company is acting as it is.

Bear's Place of Fun Pain did that very thing some years ago.  And what was the outcome?  Probably THE biggest carrot for retaining staff was lost, meaning that the young 'uns bale out after a couple of years for pastures new, at a point where some of them start to become useful.  Others may never become useful...

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went for a bit of eyelid inspection this afternoon but when I woke up both Arthur Itis and Si Attica were in full voice. Arthur is now quiet but Si is still grumbling on. Before the eyelid inspection I had lunch. An inspection of the cupboard and fridge revealed some (thickly sliced) black pudding and some burger buns so lunch was black pudding burgers. Tea has brewed so its be back later. 

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14 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

All hyperbole aside, there comes a time when we in the Western World will need to decide do we continue to fetishise the rights of the few over the rights of the many or do we consider the welfare of the many more important than the welfare of the few?

The logical extrapolation of utilitarianism is the playground of dystopian novelists.


We can happily discuss the implications of a notional society that elects to terminate the lives of the 'defective' for the greater good if you like.

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12 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

We got another call from Rachel last night, young Emily is doing OK but Rona, as Rachel calls it has cone to visit her as well. It probably won't be long before Laura gets it as well. 

I'm sorry to hear that Jamie. Makes me think of the old rhyme (there are many variants) dating back a century.


I had a little bird, and its name was Enza,

I opened up the window, and in flew Enza.


(Sung to a jump/skipping rope cadence)



There was a little girl, and she had a little bird,
And she called it by the pretty name of Enza;
But one day it flew away, but it didn't go to stay,
For when she raised the window, in-flu-Enza.


I would have thought there would be some 'popular' "rona" doggerel by now, rather than just stupid portmanteau words like "flurona". "The rona" is a colloquial expression for CoViD-19.


I had a email from my mum last week. From zero cases over two years, in the space of about a week, in my extended Australian family, four were sick, (two of them positive and one expecting a positive test result). Somewhere between five to nine additional people were likely exposed.

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13 hours ago, Barry O said:

We, or at least a fair few people in the world, seem to have decided that any consequences caused by decisions we make should be bourne by others. Question is..why???

The butterfly effect?


No man is an island?


Am I my brother's keeper?


The sins of the fathers?


Deeply philosophical, your question is. It all depends on the social compact of a given society.


I find the "sins of the fathers" entertaining (there are plenty of references with multiple opposing outcomes):


Deuteronomy 24:16 - The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Deuteronomy 5:9 - Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

An inspection of the cupboard and fridge revealed some (thickly sliced) black pudding and some burger buns so lunch was black pudding burgers. 


Bear has never tried Black Pudding - and every time I see it I never feel the urge to try it.  Certainly those examples served for brekkies in some Hotels always remind me of an ice hockey puck....


5 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

@New Haven Neil

Children's show Fraggle Rock returns after 33 years



But only for those with an Apple TV+ subscription :cry:  It does seem that a 7-day free trial may be available, so if The Fire Stick can cope with that channel then I might give it a look out of interest, if only to see how they've managed to screw it up (it's a re-make).  If Sprocket the Dog doesn't feature then there really is no hope.

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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

We can happily discuss the implications of a notional society that elects to terminate the lives of the 'defective' for the greater good if you like.

And how many posts on the subject do you think it would take to get the topic locked and/or bans (temporary or permanent) issued? 

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