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57 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

There was a case I read about on line where a similar thing had happened re house sales and it was only stopped when Solicitors became suspicious. I believe the house was somewhere like Luton and the Solicitors were in Manchester.


Here's a link to the case I mentioned; ISTR that "someone" had a word with the Police Force in question about it being a "civil" case and nothing to do with them - it's Fraud/Theft, pure and simple.


I'm guessing House Insurance won't cover "theft" of an entire house & land; as to whether or not the Solicitors handling the case could be at fault would no doubt be an expensive proposition to prove, involving yet more solicitors.  

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3 hours ago, polybear said:

Well you can now get informed by HM Registry if any searches take place on your property - or indeed others that you may not own (so you could monitor a vulnerable relative's house, or perhaps if a house is part-owned by you and an "ex" who needs your permission to sell); here's the link:


Bear Towers is now being monitored - and not only by MI5, MI6 and Interpol.... 



Did that as soon as the news in Luton broke.    Which reminds me, I have to investigate doing it on relatives behalf.    When I tried before there was a wrinkle in the system (which I won't go into here) that prevented me from doing it for them.


1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

It was a typically Manx conversation, one item left to an individual is an original oil painting of a TT winning sidecar in action, by a famous autosports artist, that has considerable value.  Elderly Advocate (solicitor) even knew what year TT is was...(1966).  Impressed.  Doubt we get discount though!


I hope you spelt "Puppers" correctly .... :lol:


In other news:


Tin box passed with flying colours


Foot not hurting anywhere near as much now and I can walk on it albeit a little awkwardly at the moment.    Hmm, elbow main area of concern at the moment.   Most of the time its OK if a little tender but get occasional sharp pin pricks of pain if I catch it wrong.    Hopefully it's just badly bruised.


As it was such a lovely day I did manage to whip out the telescope which bearing in mind it's size and weight was no mean feat for a man with one and a half arms and one and a half legs!      Unfortunately as night fell it became extremely damp - that'll be tomorrows fog then.   I did manage to find the moon and the young lad (~7 years old) from next door who expressed an interest came round with his mum and sister to have a look.   He was very impressed.   Hopefully a seed of a future interest sown and watered.   I think it's so important for people to have interests, trouble is I personally seem to have far too many for the good health of my wallet.


Anyway, the main point  of today's astronomical exertions was to try out the new camera mount with my son's Canon camera body.    After some consultation and with some help from the internet we found out how to tell it to take a photograph even if it couldn't find a lens to focus.   Too clever by half these things nowadays!     Mind you, what is clear from the reject photos is that Puppers needs some focusing aids or maybe just some new glasses.   Anyway, a couple weren't too bad and show some promise.









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I see the Royal Mail are issuing a set of stamps to commemorate 60 years since the founding of the Rolling Stones. Eight stamps feature the groups in performance, from 1969 to 2019, two feature old posters and two show the band members—“Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ron Wood and the late Charlie Watts”.


Where are Mick Taylor and two members of the first settled lineup; Bill Wyman and Brian Jones? How can you commemorate 60 years of a group and not mention the guy who put the whole thing together in the first place?

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7 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Anyway, the main point  of today's astronomical exertions was to try out the new camera mount with my son's Canon camera body.    After some consultation and with some help from the internet we found out how to tell it to take a photograph even if it couldn't find a lens to focus.

Years ago, before all the all-singing, all-dancing auto-everything cameras, I remember seeing telescope adapter lenses for SLR cameras.


If you have to focus on the telescope mirror (just a few cm away from the CCD in the camera) it will be difficult. I would have thought an infinity setting would work, but perhaps not.


When I tried to attach my telephone camera to a telescope, a manual infinity focus distance worked best. Unfortunately with a clunky telephone mount and inexpensive telescopes it was very hard to get everything still enough - the slightest bumps would move the telescope.


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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Years ago, before all the all-singing, all-dancing auto-everything cameras, I remember seeing telescope adapter lenses for SLR cameras.


If you have to focus on the telescope mirror (just a few cm away from the CCD in the camera) it will be difficult. I would have thought an infinity setting would work, but perhaps not.


With my little camera module and the home made adapter I took the first images with I can just about get away with it.   Focusing is aided by the fact that the image is monitored on a reasonably sized Laptop screen.


With the  "proper" equivalent of a DSLR (it's actually just a digital camera body with no reflex bit) I have to use a 2x Barlow lens otherwise you can't get the cameras focal plane close enough to the eye piece mount.   But in this case, as I haven't got the camera working with the Laptop software yet, the image is monitored on the small screen on the rear of the camera body.  That's OK for young eyes .....


The things I'm learning - every day's a school day!



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On 10/01/2022 at 16:54, polybear said:

  On 10/01/2022 at 15:04, Pacific231G said:

I was fortunate that my secondary school didn't have a school canteen, which were dire in the 1960s, so instead we got half price (1s 3d for 2s 6) vouchers for the local one near Magdalen Bridge which would be enough for a main course, pud and I think a drink. 

Sounds pretty good for the princely sum of 8p....



8p was worth a lot more in those days  days than it is now.: in 1964 a Tri-ang turnout was 7/6d and a Graham Farish 2ft radius turnout was 8/6d

I think 1/3d was the standard price of school dinners in Oxford at that time. We actually had the option of getting half a crown's worth in the "Muni" or 2/1d worth in the school tuck shop which did things like beans on toast and hot dogs as well as confectionary. It was a quicker (though not exactly healthy)  option if you wanted to do more with the lunch break. 


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8 hours ago, Two_sugars said:

. .Now then . . .I'm owa the Myun . 'cos iv'e just bowt a pair of 34" Wranglers . . . and they fit . . .

Diabetical nurse measured my waist as . . . . . . 40 inches . . . .Wha! ! ! ! !


Any explanations gratefully received . . . 

Peri-menstrual oedema?

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15 hours ago, polybear said:


It's Poly with a "Y", not with an "AR" :laugh:.

7 hours ago, PupCam said:

… I hope you spelt "Puppers" correctly .... :lol:

8 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Wills getting drafted - couldn't spell 'Polar' properly.  Came out as 'Donk'.  

It’s all academic, really. Thanks to an obscure medieval treaty* between the IoM and Baselstadt (plus the aid of a few bent solicitors and dodgy magistrates) it all belongs to Captain Cynical anyway.


* best deal CCI GmbH ever made: buying an entire library of antique legal documents, treaties and pacts….

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7 hours ago, polybear said:


Here's a link to the case I mentioned; ISTR that "someone" had a word with the Police Force in question about it being a "civil" case and nothing to do with them - it's Fraud/Theft, pure and simple.


I'm guessing House Insurance won't cover "theft" of an entire house & land; as to whether or not the Solicitors handling the case could be at fault would no doubt be an expensive proposition to prove, involving yet more solicitors.  

Of course it’s theft and fraud.

Obviously real crimes - like burglary, theft and fraud - have seemingly become just an irritating distraction to the “modern” Police “service”
Yet if the Vicar was to make an intemperate remark about the ***** /****/**** of the new owners, he’d have his collar felt by the plod faster than you could say “diversity”.

Has Britain gone barking mad?

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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, Two_sugars said:

Yesterday . . . . . . .about arfa pint of blud drained from me left arm . . . . AND . . .a you're in? sample . . .

Now then . . .I'm owa the Myun . 'cos iv'e just bowt a pair of 34" Wranglers . . . and they fit . . .

Diabetical nurse measured my waist as . . . . . . 40 inches . . . .Wha! ! ! ! !


Any explanations gratefully received . . . 


Weather  . . .Warrmish, sunny . . 


Mood . . . why  . . . the knaas . . . . 


Outlook . . . Keep smiling , all . . . . .





Waist line is through the belly button, which sadly for many  of us is much wider than the hips, which is where Jeans sit..


Note, if you want a Kilt, the kilt is worn at belly button level so that the measurement that should be taken, also the length of a kilt is from the belly button to the middle or top of the knees.

So if you buy or hire a kilt, remember if you don't want to look like an idiot, make sure your knees are showing..

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Good morning all,

Frosty here and currently -1°C.  Quite chilly for these 'ere Southern parts however a dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Today is Thursreebinlorriesday and I can hear the first one at the end of the road.  Sainsbury's are late advising what we can expect (or not) on this morning's delivery which is due about 8.00.

Aching in the usual places at the moment but that will probably ease once I get off my backside and move around a bit.

@iL DottoreHas Britain gone barking mad?  I think we went that way many years ago.  Must be why I love the place and feel so comfortable and at home here!  :crazy:

I too will be zooming with friends later and am looking forward to it.

Have a good one,





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