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4 hours ago, TheQ said:

…SWMBO is getting fed up with all her soaps at the moment.. Having had over a year of BLM matters introduced, they've now added "Green" "Climate Change" to all the programmes.. She want's escape from real life, not to be lectured on what's filling the rest of the TV schedules.. 

And especially as these topics are normally inserted into a program with all the subtlety of a crazed maniac on PCP wielding a sledgehammer. Doctor Who (a.k.a. the gormless time lady who screeches) is particularly bad. This endless, unsubtle, proselytising does nothing to benefit those good causes that become flavour of the month with the TV luvvies set. In fact it probably does more to turn people off than win them round to a way of thinking/supporting a cause.


Where I would differ with your SWMBO @TheQ would be the description of British soap operas as being escapist. From what little I have watched of British soap operas, they all seem too terribly close to real life in Britain for escapism. EastEnders probably being the most notorious.

Many, many years ago when EastEnders first got going (and was touted by the BBC as being the flagship of their drama department [sic!]). Somebody rather unkindly pointed out the difference between American soap operas and British soap operas was that the American soap operas focused on the rich, the luxurious, the clever and the powerful; whereas British soap operas focus on the poor, the ignorant, the powerless and the criminal!


Quite frankly, in terms of escapism, if I had to watch that sort of thing: I would rather be enjoying (virtually) a glass of champagne at a luxurious reception whilst conniving to corner the oil market in Dallas than be glassed during a punch-up in the Queen Vic….

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6 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:



Where I would differ with your SWMBO @TheQ would be the description of British soap operas as being escapist. From what little I have watched of British soap operas, they all seem too terribly close to real life in Britain for escapism. EastEnders probably being the most notorious.


it's nothing like our life, nor that of anyone we know......

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After what has been daily rain (with some sunny spells) for days now, today was foggy early but followed by bright sunshine. Astronomical (and by the clock) noon approaches under bright blue skies. Rain is forecast overnight and for much of the forthcoming week.


It looks pleasant enough to motivate me to get out of the house, but for now, I am sitting by the 'phone waiting for a call.


One television station's online forecast shows a glyph for cloudy on Saturday and a mix of sun and showers on Sunday (incongruously along with a 60% chance of rain for Saturday but only 30% for Sunday). It matters little - I have no outdoor plans for the weekend and by then better estimates will be available.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis and Si Attica are quiet at the moment  but are hanging about nearby. I have the pills and potions ready if they do. Watching the program on Yesterday channel on a subject not to be mentioned.

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24 minutes ago, polybear said:

In other news: 

Bear has been doing leccies all day - and what a barsteward job it's been.  Shoulder is giving me grief, despite hitting the pink pills all day; more will be downed at beddy-buys time (technically I shouldn't, cos' that'll be four doses in a day) and Ibuleve gel too (yeah yeah I know - should be one or the other, not both...).  How on earth @PhilJ W manages to put up with his endless aches and pains.....respect, Sir :friends:

I'm not the only one suffering aches and pains Neil (NH) and the Q also suffer as do a few others. A lot of it is due to lockdown inactivity (and old age).

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Having just come back from the mail box, one of the UK outline model railway suppliers apparently had a spot of trouble at the printers with their quarterly magazine.


About 8 sheets (32 pages with a staple-fold) were omitted, with 8 sheets in the middle duplicated, so it had the right 'heft' and opened in the 'right place' in the middle where the staples are.


On the relevant thread, it looks like it happened to a number of people, though not everyone.


On the whole, a minor inconvenience. I trust they will 'make it right'.


Anyone want some (not quite) centrefold pics of a miniature Double-Fairlie? ;)


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