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Hello again from Estuary-Land. Si Attica has been put back in his box but he's still trying to make a fuss. Arthur Itis has joined in with a few grumbles as well. Need to go out to collect some modelling tokens to take to a toy fair tomorrow and an exhibition that mustn't be mentioned here next Saturday (Epping). 

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20 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:


Manchester Tart



Victoria Sponge


The above is from the hockey puck… Ahem, excuse me. Victoria Sponge recipe recommended to my by ****** on ER

For A Limited Time Only Special Offer: Captain Cynical has turned off the lethal anti-bear, anti-hippo and anti-human defence systems at the Alpine Redoubt™ for the next 60 minutes. Provided that you can make your way through the nonlethal defence systems and get to the hidden cake repository (and out again) within the next hour, you are welcome to help yourselves.

DON’T FORGET: everything goes live and lethal in 60 minutes!


That's 40 minutes and counting ......


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23 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical is not a happy Supervillain at the moment (and when Captain Cynical is not happy, he shares it around….).


I followed the Mary Berry recipe to the letter (and when I follow a recipe to the letter, the Ts get crossed and the I’s get dotted) and the damn things didn’t rise at all! (or at least rise as they should have done). I suspect that this might be due to the fact that the recipe called for self raising flour, something you can’t buy in Switzerland. Home-made self raising flour was used instead (it’s basically plain flour with baking powder and some salt). I am in two minds what to do with the cake: go on and finish the bake by adding the jam and the buttercream filling and dusting it with icing sugar or leave it out as bait for the less discerning bear.


Suggestions on a postcard please.


p.s. does anyone have/can recommend a good, foolproof, Victoria Sponge recipe that isn’t by Mary Berry? One that they’ve actually tried and tested?

I have asked the domestic goddess on my right the question as we suffer from not being able to get decent self raising flour..  the French equivalent  is called Farine de gateau but that only produced hockey pucks.  Apparently she uses 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder to 8 oz of flour. However  I will issue a health warning, she got a grade 1 in Domestic science and says that she never really measures anything but guesses it.  Good luck.




PS  the pear upside down cake that she made on Wednesday was basdically a victoria sponge mixture poured over sliced pears and the whole thing was delicious. The sponge was excellent.  So were the taster samples of todays cheese scones.


Edited by jamie92208
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22 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

For those of the BAH HUMBUG persuasion.



Not to be abbreviated to BSE.  At least not by cattle farmers nor anyone connected with the meat industry ;) 


A Happy Post-lunch to all.  There are large Tongans in town.  There are equally large English in town but typically large about the ale-collecting regions rather than the formidably muscular parts.  Some egg-chasing event or another, I'm told.  There are extra trains passing through the Hill of Strawberries laden with both kinds of cargo.  "Town" is not a place to be today, nor the next few Saturdays, due to full-house crowds of 82,000 plus stragglers and assorted drinkers filling the place and using every available location as a public (in the literal sense of the word) urinal :(  when the ale takes its natural course towards recycling.  


In other news The Fur Lord was retrieved from The Headmistress earlier.  He had a good report card but was sulky and sat on his tail rather than alert and responsive to my arrival.  Which suggests he didn't enjoy the stay very much.  He's happier now surrounded by familiar things and people.  Laundry is done.  Shopping arrived on time.   The Little Red Driving Box is booked for MoT and service in a few weeks' time but will need a good clean first.  It's supposed to be red after all but currently sports a delicate shade of brown Cornish lane-mud and cow-flop outside with more of the former inside than I'd like.  I am also booked for my MoT as one of the letters awaiting my return was the company medical appointment; it must be passed every two years for safety-critical positions and every year after 65 if I remember correctly.  They need to be satisfied that I can hear a train, see a train and run away from a train :jester:


The care package I collected from the M*******'s Aid Centre in Camborne has been opened and requires my attention.  That'll occupy an hour or three I'm sure.  After which I'll browse through the photos from the DSLR but I doubt there's anything special on there that the phone hasn't already captured in lower-resolution format.  




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42 minutes ago, PupCam said:


That's 40 minutes and counting ......



OK Time is up!


Defences re-engaged (presumably).     I'd nip over and check but I'm washing my hair this evening .....


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10 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Not to be abbreviated to BSE.  At least not by cattle farmers nor anyone connected with the meat industry ;)


They've really not thought this one through have they? :lol:



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Afternoon Awl,

Door frame installed no problems, it was made using beams that previously held up the boat..

Two old wardrobe doors we inherited, were cleaned up, old handles trim and hinges removed. The faux mouldings betrayed their MFI style , they were held on by double sided sticky tape as built.


At this point discussions were made on door construction.. 

It appears that I'm building a swinging bookshelf, six inches wide at one side, 15inches wide at the other. It's about 28inches across.

The main weight will be taken by casters, which came off the original wardrobe, they are surprisingly heavy duty considering the carp the rest is made of..


After that Ben took me for his long walk, though it was cut very short when the pheasant massacres opened up.

The morning had be quite nice with occasional sunshine, but with increasing wind. It's blowing a hooley now, with increasing cloud cover..


A glass of Talisker is now being consumed..



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3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical is not a happy Supervillain at the moment (and when Captain Cynical is not happy, he shares it around….).


I followed the Mary Berry recipe to the lette


Who is Mary Berry??

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4 hours ago, 45156 said:

Flavio - the Womens Institute in this country would abhor the inclusion of buttercream in a Victoria Sponge - sponge and jam (raspberry or strawberry) only - this also applies to the lady bakers in the next village, who sell their wares at Gresgarth Hall gardens open days.


W.I.?  What do they know?

If it's yummy to a Bear - it's right.....


4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

A step towards conformity is being made by using raspberry jam instead of the originally conceived blackberry jam


Raspberry Jam?  Conformity?

Now Bear would've thought that CC would be a Trend-setter in the world of baking and go for the right option, namely Strawberry.  Is CC afraid of the W.I. one wonders?


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I am in two minds what to do with the cake: go on and finish the bake by adding the jam and the buttercream filling and dusting it with icing sugar or leave it out as bait for the less discerning bear.


Suggestions on a postcard please.



Option 3 - finish it, then leave it out for a not-to-be-fobbed-off-that-easily Bear


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


Manchester Tart



Victoria Sponge


The above is from the hockey puck… Ahem, excuse me. Victoria Sponge recipe recommended to my by ****** on ER



Oh good, you have :yahoo:

And if that Vikky Sponge is a failure then send 'em to me anytime.  And I do like to see a nice thick wedge of Buttercream, instead of the usual scraping.....:clapping:

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29 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

They got bored with St Edmund so decided to re-brand the town. 


Ah!   Bury St Santa


Yes, it's got a bit of a ring to it :yahoo:

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Ahhh Saturday :)


Yesterday was quiet and relaxing, even the work aspects ;) Jemma dropped off Whitney as she was headed out on another 4-day trip.

Busy at one point with Diwali lights outside, a shout-out to both Meagan and our neighbors across the street. The neighborhood always lights up for Diwali in respect for them.

SO, Halloween lights up then down, Diwali up, down in a week or so, probably (the Mrs call) some Thanksgiving lighting after that, THEN C***mas lights - good GRIEF!!


Today, walkies for Whitney, although may be a little shorten as for some unknown reason - no prevailing issues to bring it on - my sinuses are killing me! . :O


<Quick RANT>

What level of stupidity or low end IQ does it require to drive around after dark in COMPLETELY WELL/OVERLIGHT city streets on perfectly clear nights,


A short trip to the store and I was blinded by at least 7 such morons, who, apparently can't see beyond the end of there nose :( All, of course, driving late-model cars equipped with LED lights (as our is) that are designed to provide excellent lighting in the appropriate conditions, BUT, blind oncoming drivers if you're simply a STUPID ARSEWIPE! One of the few times I wish my car was equipped with photon torpedoes :jester::rtfm::butcher::triniti:

<End RANT>


Tonight, 2100z, sees the start of the annual charity flight simulation event I've participated in, and often am in the UK at one of the primary sponsors,

Simfest UK/Worldflight streaming of the event, which runs for 7 days 24hrs. a day can be quite interesting, and given all the funds donated go to various charities around the world it's a special event for those of us in my "other" hobby.
The UK team "Simfest" raise money for the Lullaby Trust - very worthy. I'll be flying along at different times throughout the week, and watching some of the live streams also. 


Unseasonably nice weather again here, 6 first thing and sunny, headed for a high of 16.


Cary on.




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13 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

image.jpg.d432a3f1289440100b0b99eb30839bd0.jpgFeeling a bit down , my team lost in a big match and never looked in the game. I think an early night is in order but first a bit of this!

Not Mr Bear’s  favourite but then again it’s not for M Bear.




It's not.........Coffee is it? :scared:


In other news....

Bear has finally finished the wall repair :yahoo:  And what a b'stard** the last three bricks were too (**technical builder's term); I had hoped to use a Mortar Gun to pump the mortar into the gaps - but in order to flow the mortar ended up so thin it didn't like staying put or supporting the weight of a brick without squidging out.  So it was do it the hard way - support the bricks hard up against the floor joist whilst keeping the brick in the right place and pushing mortar into the gaps.  Oh what fun - three bricks took ALL MORNING.  Still, it's done now - it sure as hell won't win any awards for decorative brickwork but hopefully it'll be plenty strong.

Just in case, I decided to sit the wall down and have a quiet word with it - calmly reading it's fortune, so to speak.  I did mention that if I were to see so much as a wrinkle in the wallpaper any time in the next 50 years it'll be seeing a couple of pounds of PE stuffed up it's foundations.....

The Beary paws are now suffering - the previously produced sore bits (Quantity: 3off) are now a bit sorer (is that a word?)


Yesterday evening produced a few skirmishes in the vicinity of Bear Towers - it now seems that the battle has just started.....


And finally....


Things seem to be a little "fluffy" thru' the round window.  Oops.

Not exactly sure why - the same liquid, and the same amount. Ish...



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a bit of eye lid inspection this afternoon and Si Attica, and Arthur Itis stayed away so I feel reasonably refreshed. Just had egg and chips for dinner, now for a muggatee to wash it down.

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The WI ??

Wait till you meet the Union of Catholic Mothers now they are the Stormtroopers of the Catholic Church. My Dad used to do charity auctions for them they used to supply tea and cakes mighty fine they were too. To be fair their Anglican equivalent Mothers Union were a set of formidable women too.

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Evening, SWMBO has been jabbed in both arms, flu and booster, had to wait 50 minutes due to staff shortage, luckily she was not in the queue outside in the wind and rain. Fish supper was had sat in the car over looking Arbroath harbour, a big tide, I bet there are a few nervous folk living near the sea tonight.

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