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Another great and glorious morning, so the walk for the paper will be a leisurely stroll.


Not a lot happened yesterday, it really was to hot, and it would have been fool hardy to sit in the Sun for any great length of time but I did have a hour whilst having morning coffee and reading a mag.


I enjoyed the new F1 format, which is discussed in more detail and with varied opinions on the Formular1 2021 thread.


Off now to wet the body and get out for some much needed exercise.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well.:dancer:



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Yesterday was hot.. umpiring was... hot.. I didn't melt but it got close..


Cracking game though. Could of gone any way but a couple of quick wickets meant the home team staggered to a win.


We had a curry for a very late meal last night. The Sheesh Mahal food was excellent,  the company good and the air con blissful!


Off to the T20 today.. lots of sun cream will be plastered on .. lots of water bottles will be taken...


We have a greyish bin for general waste, a green bin for recycling ((no glass) and a brown bin for garden waste.


We have 3 "Daleks" for compost making.


Glass goes to the bottle banks which means a trip in the car.


I would stop the clock changes. Farmers work all hours today .. they couldn't in the past. Earlier dusks would kybosh evening cricket but when we were allowed to travel the world dusk could be very early with little or no affect on people.


Time to .. cook breakfast for our guest.



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10 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:


Tyneside then, IoM now - so not much difference - my opinion differs, sorry!


Don't apologise. We are allowed to have different opinions - that is the way the world works; although these days one might believe that a difference of opinion is something to be ashamed of because it doesn't get one a billion 'likes' on Instagram or Twitter. 


There is nothing really to stop people from working to their preferred daily time span if they wish, irrespective of the official time. If anyone wants to get up at 5am and enjoy the early morning sunshine at this time of year, then - why not? Watch the glowball set soon after 9pm and then off to bed. 


Of course, mowing the lawn at 5:45 am may not be a clever idea, but activities can be organised to cause least disruption to those on BST/GMT.  

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13 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Sadly no. All of them try to reduce cost. Even if they didn't, there being far more cost sensitive customers than those who will happily pay more for better service, more business goes to the cost cutters.


Even businesses that cater to a wealthier cross-section of people (like certain credit card providers) employ cost cutting (and worthless) telephone handling automation.


Doubtless they do market research on this and draw their own conclusions. And then the accountants get involved...


I do accept that many people will just go for the cheapest.


But there is a significant (and growing) minority who would pay for proper service. We know the cost/value of OUR time and the benefits in terms of less stressful life that come from proper customer service.

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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Good Morning Zarniwhoop (and all),


ER is much, much more than people just relating what they did that day. Posting is incredibly varied, the first time or the casual observer may think that posting on ER is at the level of  “what I did in my holidays” or “today I’m happy/angry”, but there is a lot of shared informed erudition, black humour and - for want of a better term - running jokes on this thread. Discussions can take place over several days, starting (to refer to a recent topic) with one subject matter (types of wheelie bins) and then gloriously morphing to cover another interesting and related topic (in this case, frequency and types of rubbish collection around Britain).

In addition, and one of the great things about ER, is that you will get a lot of support from ER posters if you have problems or concerns that you might want to just “bounce off“ somebody else to see if your thinking is going in the right direction or if you are genuinely at a loss at what to do next. Such support may take the form of a posting with a response to your issue or, often, a PM from someone with insider knowledge providing some useful hints, tips and observations.


Overall, ER posters are a tolerant (and tolerable) lot, although sometimes someone does (very, very rarely) get “bent out of shape“ about something or other and we do have one or two “drive-by“ posters, but compared to other social media platforms, ER on RMWeb is a very civilised corner of the Internet indeed. But be warned, given that the average age of ER posters is trending upwards, you may find that observations on, and comments about, certain social, political and economic Issues tend to be a lot more “robust” than is normally the case nowadays. Probably this reflects the huge amount of accumulated life experience on ER and a view of the world that is based on lived-in reality rather than wishful thinking.


The rating of posts is a relatively new development for ER (I believe it was put in place with the last major platform software update. Possibly to attract the younger, social media savvy, railway modeller). It is certainly optional and, to be honest, I still haven’t figured it out how it is used as sometimes there seems to be - to my eyes - a disconnect between the content of the post and the responses that that post garners. 

One final thought: I recommend occasionally using emojis to help convey nuance in your posts. Without the inflections, tones and emphasis of the spoken word a statement such as “ my hamster got CoVID-19 and now I have to self-isolate“ could be construed as anything from a whinge to a sarcastic or cynical comment. Emojis help return some of the nuances of the English language when used in social media :o but, like adding salt to your meal, emojis are best use sparingly and in carefully selected places. :rtfm:

Welcome aboard. 



I had not even noticed that there was a rating system. And I tend not to use emojis although I do understand that they help to clarify some comments for those who have no sense of irony.


For what it's worth, your posts are probably the ones that I enjoy the most on ER and I commend you for the time and effort that you put into them. They help me to get the day off to a good start. 

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Good morning all,

Sunny and hot!  Already 27°C and climbing.  I realise this is nothing compared to what some of our overseas colleagues experience but it's too much for me.

Late on parade today as although I awoke at 5.00ish as usual I turned over and didn't get up until 8.40.  Absolutely disgusting behaviour!  It just won't do and I have severely reprimanded myself.  :nono:

Slightly better news is that although I exceeded my Kcal intake a couple of times in the week I have actually lost the pound that I put on the previous week and in fact lost one and a half pounds!   I've celebrated by having my usual Sunday smallish cooked breakfast.  :yes:

Also on the good news front is that I've won on the lottery to the tune of 2 lucky dips and £10.  Not exactly life changing though but I shouldn't complain as I was lucky enough to have quite a big win 3 or 4 years ago.

Rugby watched and enjoyed as usual but the serious stuff starts next Saturday for the first Test.  I think the Lions have quite a job on their hands but it wouldn't be South Africa if they didn't.

I too will watch the last half hour or so of the T de F and hope that Cav can get that final sprint win.  It will take some doing but would be one hell of an achievement.  Will also have to fit in the F1 but probably just the highlights.

Not sure about visiting The Shed today, I suspect it'll be too hot.  

That's enough drivel for now so I bid you farewell,

Have a good one and keep out of the sun,



Edited by grandadbob
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1 hour ago, New Haven Neil said:

No politics, religion or s ex is about the only rule.  We are scattered far and wide throughout the world although this is  a UK based forum, and are grown up about differences of opinion, as can be seen!  

I am not sure I completely agree with you, Neil. If you define “politics” as decisions and actions that have an impact on the way a society functions, then yes we do talk about “politics” (and I would say we talk about it a lot). What we don’t do, and I am in total agreement with this, is we don’t talk about the political -  which, I would argue, is politics as seen through the prism of political allegiance to one particular political party or philosophy.

As for “sex” (e.g. male and female, XY and XX chromosome carriers) yes, we know there’s a difference  but that ain’t half so important as the differences between EM and OO modelling!


As for religions, well we tolerate all sorts here: from the run-of-the-mill, mainstream 00 to the more esoteric theisms of P4, S4 or 7mil… :jester:

36 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

I do accept that many people will just go for the cheapest.


But there is a significant (and growing) minority who would pay for proper service. We know the cost/value of OUR time and the benefits in terms of less stressful life that come from proper customer service.

A good point, JP. Just two observations from my side: firstly, “cheap“ doesn’t necessarily mean inexpensive. I’ve seen many an expensive, branded, consumer item that was actually quite cheaply made (with a short usable life) Secondly, buying things because they are cheap can be, in the long run, incredibly expensive. Many years ago, at the beginning of my career, I read an interview with an individual who had gone from bankrupt to wealthy a couple of times, before – finally - ending up wealthy again. He said something that resounded with me (and has been borne out by the observations of others, such as Terry Pratchett) which was “when you don’t have much money you can only afford the very best“.

At first this seems like a paradoxical statement, but when you look at it more closely it starts to make sense. To borrow (very heavily) from Terry Pratchett let me give you an example: you can spend £20 on a pair of boots or £100 on a pair of boots; the £20 pair of boots will last you about a year, the £100 pair of boots will last you 10 years. If you buy the £20 pair of boots, after 10 years you will have spent £200 on boots, compared to only £100 on the better quality boot.


However, and I can see this as a significant problem in much of today’s society, this does presuppose that one is prepared to save up to buy the better quality item. Of course, there are such things as credit cards and loans but these serve to provide instant gratification whilst making a lot of money for the banks.  I think that it would be interesting to find out what proportion of credit card use is devoted to buying high quality, long lasting, items.


Of course, to be fair, there are two downsides to buying high-quality items that will last a long while. The first is that what you buy may go out of fashion (does anyone remember polyester three-piece suits with flared trousers? They were quite expensive at the time). The second is that high quality, long lasting, technology items run the risk of becoming obsolete. The first caveat can be overcome by acquiring timeless and classically designed items (such as a Chesterfield sofa or a dinner jacket with a shawl collar) but the second, no matter how carefully you research things, it’s still a gamble. (I still have a very high quality Nakamichi cassette deck and a “state of the art“ Panasonic VHS videotape recorder - now gathering dust and with spares long being unavailable).



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The rating system has been a feature of RMweb from the beginning. It has been altered and amended from time to time and everyone has a running tally of their ratings (just above the total of posts made under your avatar on each post). If you click on your avatar you might see 'days won', the member who has the most likes (and other ratings) in a day has 'won the day'. I assume there is a league table somewhere of those who have successfully won the day but I haven't found it. Each day a leader board is shown of the top four recipients of ratings. We would probably find that many ER's are on that leader board, indeed one or two ER's will possibly top the league. I checked and I find I have 'won the day' 87 times but even then I've a long way to go to catch up with some other ER's.

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7 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I'm off for a cooling muggertea.  Oxymoronic?  Not.  Apparently drinking hot beverages causes the pores to open releasing body heat and cooling one down.  The alternative might be to stand naked outside and have Dr. SWMBO make use of the watering can and cold tap!!!  :stop:


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Good afternoon everyone 


Very late on parade today due to having a bit of a lie in. We didn't wake up until almost 9:30!


So after a late breakfast I went straight outside to do some work in the garden. Mainly weeding, dead heading and pruning, but I do have a couple of plants to put in the ground. 


Zarniwhoop, welcome to the madhouse, we're a friendly bunch so do join in. 


In the meantime, stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later 



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Good Afternoon, for it is again thus!


Returned from the local metropolis to find it is cooler in the house than outside!


When I was updating said house before moving in, I renewed all the double glazing, conservatory and porch (AKA utility room) (latter two stripped to foundation and rebuilt) and every glazing unit has Venetian blinds between the panes! It's almost like having Mediterranean style shutters!


(I often wonder how effective those shields to go inside windscreens to keep the car cool; to my mind, they are on the wrong side of the glass!)




1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

At first this seems like a paradoxical statement, but when you look at it more closely it starts to make sense. To borrow (very heavily) from Terry Pratchett let me give you an example: you can spend £20 on a pair of boots or £100 on a pair of boots; the £20 pair of boots will last you about a year, the £100 pair of boots will last you 10 years. If you buy the £20 pair of boots, after 10 years you will have spent £200 on boots, compared to only £100 on the better quality boot.


Talking with a friend the other day, I enquired as to whether the brake light on her car had been sorted. "can't afford a bulb" was the response, so, presumably, saving up for the fine!


1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

(I still have a very high quality Nakamichi cassette deck .snip.


I will be most upset and extremely jealous if it be the Dragon model you have!


33 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I'm off for a cooling muggertea.  Oxymoronic?  Not.  Apparently drinking hot beverages causes the pores to open releasing body heat and cooling one down.


An interesting paradox but advised to me by many an elder relative!


33 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

The alternative might be to stand naked outside and have Dr. SWMBO make use of the watering can and cold tap!!!  :stop:


Image Alert!!

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59 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:

Talking with a friend the other day, I enquired as to whether the brake light on her car had been sorted. "can't afford a bulb" was the response, so, presumably, saving up for the fine!



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1 hour ago, Erichill16 said:

Feeling a bit queezy!

I can only only offer my apologies for any part I might have played in that.  I prescribe a few cooled ales or a bottle of falling-down water either of which are wont to erase the memory.


Whether you awake still queazy afterwards is entirely another matter :drinks::sarcastichand:

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