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My deepest sympathies to you all as well.


Take solace from knowing that she passed, painlessly in her sleep.


If it's any consolation, losing both my parents within 10 months focused me back on this hobby of ours as a release!



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Morning All,


It looks like quite a good day weather wise. It is just starting to get light here. It's quite chilly - but the skies are clear.


I'm quite surprised to be the first this morning - where's Don?


Tony, very sorry to hear your news. You and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers. The death of a loved one is always a difficult time, but take comfort in the thought that it was peaceful.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


chilly outside, but the sky is clear and I can see the moon - very nice :) . Several things on the agenda today, rounded off by dinner with some friends in the evening.


Have a good day all!

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Guest Max Stafford

Sorry to hear your news Tony, seems not such a very long time since I was in your shoes, but life will go on and at least you can take a little comfort in knowing that when the time came, it was peaceful. My thoughts are with you and your family mate.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you all for your condolences. I am glad that my mother's passing away seems to have been peaceful. It would appear that she had got up to make toast and and an egg and a cup of tea, and then gone back to bed and fell asleep. My brother is making all the arrangements. There are not many relatives left on that side of the family. My father was an only child. My mother was one of eight (including a step brother and sister) but only one of my uncles is still alive. My parents never seemed to have friends but my mother kept in touch ,even after moving away from Solihull, with a lady (who also owned a Schnauzer) who she knew from walking the dogs, so there are not that many people to inform. My wife got up at 4 this morning to let her mother know (she is in India at the moment but was doing her packing as she is coming back this weekend).



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  • RMweb Gold

Everything else here seems so normal, my wife has gone to work. Matthew is getting ready to go to college, he isn't late, his first lesson is at 10.40 on Friday. Next week is likely to be busy apart from the funeral possibly late in the week I'm going with Matthew to Swansea University for the day to see the Geography department there and the following weekend we'll be taking him to Leicester to revisit the Geography department there. He is off to London on Monday but that is with college to attend a politics conference.


And in best ER tradition, a weather report, it is sunny, blue sky but cold.



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  • RMweb Gold

My thoughts are with you Tony. I suppose it's all part of the natural progression of things but, of course, knowing that won't soften the blow. Such a lovely day to be dealing with sad things.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Hrmph - somehow my purse got either lost or stolen at the restaurant last night :( . Thankfully I only had a small amount of money in it (as I generally only carry little cash for safety reasons) and blocked my debit card right after I got home and made sure I had not, in fact, forgot the purse here in the first place. I'll now need to obtain new personal documents, of course, and as the city hall is open on Saturday mornings I shall take a trip there later on.


Another snow front rolled in over night, so the world outside is under a white blanket once again. Were we not supposed to be on the road to spring? :lol:


Still and all - have a good day all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Another sunny morning here and not quite as cold as the last few days. All the cold weather must have done something good to the garden as although it is really untidy there are lots of snowdrops flowering this year. I think squirrels have eaten all the other bulbs though.


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Morning All,


It is alternating between grey with snow showers and blue sky here this morning. I can't call myself an Early Riser though - I went to a very good production of Falstaff, last night followed by dinner. Then fell into bed at around 1am and went out like a light. The next thing I knew it was 10:15am. I can't remember the last time I woke up after 10am :icon_eek:


Sorry to hear about your wallet Dominik. I suspect it got stolen - because to be honest, they just don't get "lost" do they? They are too valuable. If you were in a restaurant then the chances are you lost it directly from your pocket. It happened to me in the 90s, and to my father about five years ago. In my case, I made the mistake of leaving my wallet in my coat which was on the back of the chair. In my Dad's case, they were much more cunning.


Make sure you report it to the police - they might just get something back. In my case, it was my blood-donor card around three years later, but at least it was something :icon_lol:


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Gray and damp here.

I have just finished marking a set of exam papers - only another five to go. Then six sets of reports, all to be done over the next week or so.


Has any one got any midnight oil to spare?

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Morning all


Gray and damp here.

I have just finished marking a set of exam papers - only another five to go. Then six sets of reports, all to be done over the next week or so.


Has any one got any midnight oil to spare?


......and I thought a teachers life was all about long holidays......icon_wink.gif

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