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"I'm Gordon, 63 and a member of RMWeb." - watching it now on iPlayer.


Have watched the opening minutes on my 'phone and will catch up with the rest of the programme later. Good to put a face to the name, Gordon.


Have a good day - very cold here and windy. Yesterday the sea was a really weird pinky brown colour which I can only assume was due to the rough weather churning up the sand.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Absolutely bitter. The weather, not me - I've just had frozen digits! I have to soak the horses' hay in nets in dustbins full of water to get rid of the dust - and of course for most of the winter, the dustbins have been in the barn, so limiting the cold. Because I had new hay (no not New Hey!) delivered last Friday, the dustbins came back out to allow us to roll the bales into place. Thinking the worst of the winter was gone - they're still out, so getting the haynets out of the water this morning involved a hammer! I will move them back, I think, as the weekend seems to be more of the same or worse.


Neighbour Sheena here for coffee shortly. I am sorting out some of Deb's outdoor clothing - and if it fits Sheena, she's welcome.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Dry but freezing point at the moment.


The promised phone call from O2 re my broadband came at 18.30 last night but didn't resolve anything. Lots of sympathy and basically to say that it's now moving from the "second line" to the "tertiary line" which apparently means that they are treating it very seriously. There has been talk of refunds etc. I just think they haven't got a clue what's wrong & are hoping that I'll go away. They obviously do not know me very well because now I am getting seriously hacked off particularly as my download speed is so slow it means that watching Gordon's appearance on Eggheads on I-player is near impossible.


More coffee needed so bye for now








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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


still cold and Henry has decided he doesn't like going out for a pee, so he uses the downstairs loo - which fortunately has a tiled floor as Henry also doesn't like using a litter tray.  So we're keeping an eye on him and getting him out of the front door when we see the signs.  And that about sums things up I think - I shall no doubt venture out for a 'paper and we need some shopping which can be obtained from Tesco, last night's fish from there seemed to be bovine free.  


Everywhere locally is out of Yorkshire Gold leaf tea although it can be ordered direct from Harrogate I have discovered after communicating with Taylors.  Just seems to be another part of the weird situation in supermarkets round here where various items vanish from the shelves completely for weeks at a time (or completely) and in some cases are even shown as out of stock in Tesco's stock control system (we have a spy in the camp who has access to the stock control system).  Waitrose is no better but we don't know about their stock system - although we do have contacts in their distribution depot.


Ah well back to real life and RMweb - have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Everywhere locally is out of Yorkshire Gold leaf tea although it can be ordered direct from Harrogate I have discovered after communicating with Taylors.  Just seems to be another part of the weird situation in supermarkets round here where various items vanish from the shelves completely for weeks at a time (or completely) and in some cases are even shown as out of stock in Tesco's stock control system (we have a spy in the camp who has access to the stock control system).  Waitrose is no better but we don't know about their stock system - although we do have contacts in their distribution depot.


Ah well back to real life and RMweb - have a good day one & all.

Implausibly, we picked up some Taylor's Yorkshire Gold tea in a remaindered goods shop here in Le Mans a few years back! In a country where Liptons appears to be the leading brand for ordinary tea, and bags are generally individually wrapped in sachets, perhaps Yorkshire was a place too far!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning RM World. 


Just back in from being therap-ed, not a good session, felt a lot of pain today, and I was really struggling on the exercise bike/torture thing. 


I then noticed my heartbeat was much higher than usual on the readout, which led me to the conclusion the anti inflammatories, painkillers and blood pressure meds were still on the worktop where I placed them whilst eating breakfast, and not being absorbed in my stomach....ah, that'll explain it then!


First time I've done that, I'm sure my brain is turning to mush while I'm not at work, or pursuing the finest hobby in the world.  Not a good thing to miss BP meds, but they weren't too late once I got home.


Mighty cold day here too, although without the awful wind-chill of yesterday.  2c at 10.25hrs, doubt it's going to go any higher.


Hope you're OK Debs.


edit for Speelink.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

late arrival today due to shopping and cleaning(!)


Cold in Leeds, see Birds Eye are paying the price for moving out of Grimsby UK frozen food town as was - perhaps they and Findus may now realise what happens when they move onto mainland Europe - higher wages and less Quality Control... (Sorry her indoors dad was the Cold Store Manager for Birds Eye in Grimsby and she knows what can happen in a frozen food plant)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is just starting to get light here in Houston. Forecast is cloud and 24C.

This is Matthew's last whole day here as he leaves for Canada early tomorrow. I am not sure what he wants to do today.


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


The 10 hours of snow forecast turned into a 10 minute flurry. But mighty cold out today.

Did venture out to the garage and found some old GF GWR engines and wagons that belonged to my brother, along with a couple from my next door neighbour.


Starting to recognise that until I've got a decent place to store the 6' x 3' putative layout without it getting damaged there's little prospect of anything constructive happening. If anyone has a neat idea for creating a lid for their layouts to keep the dust off and small scenic items getting bashed then do let me know. 


Meantime I'd still like to be modelling something. So, I've ordered a couple of APA boxes from Ikea with the idea of having a small railway scene that can be put on the dining room table, but, importantly, put out of sight and not get damaged. Delivery date for the boxes is early March. If it doesn't work out then they will, apparently be "Good for storing Lego in". 


Yet more phone calls and emails from potential suppliers - wish they'd spell check before pressing sending. It'd give the impression their products lived up to the quality they claim!


Just seen a photo of a billboard taken outside a Butchers near Southampton: "Save the New Forest pony. By your beef here!"  :)  


Hope you're all having a pleasant day. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning/Afternoon etc dependent on where you are! Sunny and pleasant at 25c today.


Just back from long beach walk and now plan on shower and easy chair in the sun reading.


Watched the Midwest snow scene on tv this morning amazing pictures.


All is well here in the sunshine state, take care whatever you are doing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Sorry, not caught up at all, due to the usual excuses.  It was 30747s birthday yesterday, and we went out all day, and when I got back, I was too cream crackered to do any computering - settled down to Eggheads, and there in all his glory was our own Gordon S giving Chris Hughes a drubbing - not something that happens all that often.  Bad luck, Gordon - that was a valiant effort that you and your clan put up - though I was surprised that you didn't own up to your slightly less macho hobby when discussing your pastimes with the quizmaster - you know, the one which involves the creation of large quantities of scrap wood!


Anyhow, I need the computer for various other non RMWeb related tasks, so.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

I won't need encouraging on that front, Don!


William (now 2.75yrs) has for some time been able to recognise W for William and can count, recognise colours, etc. I was delighted to hear from his mother that, when they reached their home in Crewe yesterday, he immediately said, "Can we go back to Grandma's house now?" He is fond of Grandpa too but has been known to refer to him as "the other one"!


Alice (3.5mths) is very alert and readily smiles and giggles when we play with her. She is going to be baptised on Mothering Sunday so we shall see them again soon. Photos will follow, no doubt!

Had a good laugh over your post with the lovely wife. She is very much "my grandma" to our two grandkids, whereas I'm the old misery they have to contend with in order to see her.


Havig just posted about Sir Herbert Ashcombe Walker as my favorite railway figure I was suddenly taken with curiousity - is your nom-de-plume connected in any way??

Edited by colin penfold
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Having just posted about Sir Herbert Ashcombe Walker as my favorite railway figure I was suddenly taken with curiousity - is your nom-de-plume connected in any way??

Not that I'm aware - it was my house name at school in Dorking, which was situated on Ashcombe Rd. I guess Ashcombe was a local figure of renown.

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Very slightly cloudy but very high. Plenty of blue around it. Max a very moderate 26C forecast.


 The home is having an 'Open Day' today.

Never having experienced one before I don't know what to expect, but it does NOT include visitors coming to private rooms.

I gather it's a sort of morning tea in the gardens. We residents are expected to shop around buying cakes (I'm diabetic) knitted goods etc.


There was a function for the Board of Trustees last night so we were evicted from the lounge and dining room and served soup and sandwiches for supper in the TV lounge..


will report back later.

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Good morning all,   


Bit of a lay in for me this morning as it's the last Saturday of the month.  


Some weeks ago someone asked if I could put some photos up of what I was doing here... best I can do at the moment top half of a portable 3.5mw Natural Gas Powered Generation  station. 



Don't anyone think of christening it Casey Jones!  



Have a good week end all.






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