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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


After three days of report writing (suffering man-flu as well I'll have you know) I am going to have some me time. Yorkshire Dales or Moors today I think, with a FEB on the way and Model Rail Scotland tomorrow. I am going up by train so it should be a relaxing day all round.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm still 'pottering' on the puzzle Don.

At the moment it is the boringish bits, rail painting and ballasting. Having said that, after an intense day at work, if I stick some music on, it can be quite therapeutic. I should be able to move onto constructing some buildings soon.

For something that was supposed to be a 'quick fix' it is becoming quite time consuming - but I'm enjoying it, which is the whole point after all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Overcast at the moment with a forecast of snow through Thursday night into Friday. 

Just checked the forecast for the Highlands and didn't spot any snow. Conclusion - it follows me around. Let me know if you want some and I'll arrange to visit.


I'm in two minds about sat knave voices. Yes, they are irritating but being anonymous you can shout back at them and not cause offence. But if you upgraded to someone like Stephen Fry's voice it might somehow seem a bit of a poor show. Come to think of it my ex was the voice for a French car manufacturer's sat nav...."Turn left after 100 metres and do the dishes....after 25 metres don't even think about it I have to get up early in the morning...." 


Last night's efforts with plasticine were a lot better but I'm not convinced we'll be using my amateur efforts for mouldings to show customers. :O 


DonW - the Isle is on SWMBO's bucket and spade list.


Have a nice day everyone. Andy 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Working at home today, I needed to go to the doctors to collect my prescription, so no journey across Norfolk / Suffolk. 


Dull here at the moment, snow forecast soon. Off to test drive a new car at lunch time.


Have a good day all.


Edit - it's just started to snow ! as I pressed send

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  • RMweb Premium

Sat Navs are the scourge of the A65 - the overseas lorries are directed down the A65 instead of M6, M61, M62. And those stupid voices - especially the one which asks you to turn right off a dual carriageway.


Cloudy, cool with odd bits of blue sky...


Loco cleaning a success so far - they worked on the "test track" down the Club last night  :sungum:


More cleaning and lettering today then more weathering...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Dry & 1oC possibly sunshine later. 


I haven't said Good morning 'cos it isn't.  Currently sitting typing this at bottom of stairs in hall because my Wifi connection died yesterday& I've had to connect to router with cable. Broadband speed is only 0.24Mbps & O2 cannot yet tell me what the problem is. I spent 2 hours of my life yesterday PM talking to 5 different people & was finally told "we'll have to escalate the problem"  I said "what do you mean by that?" She said "refer it to a higher authority." I didn't think the Almighty would be interested in my internet problems but apparently she meant she would have to get somebody else to look at it (That makes 6) Apparently the only way that can be done is for my line to be monitored for 24 hrs so here I am - sitting on the bottom stair! :help:  :banghead:


Son & heir who is an IT expert is coming to "have a look" & talk to them (He understands computer speak) when they make their "promised" phone call tonight. (Holding my breath for that call I am not!!!)


My knee has now seized up so I'm going for short walk to loosen it up.





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Clear sky yet again - but the east wind today is truly grim, gusts that go right through you. The car said it was freezing, but the windchill has it much colder, I'm sure.


The paddock where the horses spend their winters is behind a house, seldom occupied these days, that has a keypad on the gate. When I arrived yesterday - the gates wouldn't open. Bum! Fortunately one can nip through a gap in the hedge - but it's over the ditch (regularly dug by the Commune) and a bit awkward when you are carrying a laundry-skip full of wet hay. Or two, plus two buckets of feed. Then one has a bit of a walk to the paddock etc, so several trips were called for, and a modicum of Anglo-Saxon was uttered/muttered about the gates. Across the road, the electricity company's tree-cutters were busy lopping branches and trunks to avoid their wires being damaged, but I didn't make the connection (sorry). Neighbour Richard appeared, carrying a baguette fresh from the baker's - and pointed out that the power was off to facilitate the works being done safely. Doh!


A day to myself today. Hope everyone stays warm and safe!

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  • RMweb Premium

Sun is shining on and off indeed, but it's quite nippy, too. Got an appointment at the eye specialist's in the afternoon for a routine check. I'm still undecided about whether I should have them write a prescription for a new set of glasses. I mainly use contact lenses, so haven't had my glasses updated in a while. But, first of all I'm going to fix a snack...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Not gone shopping yet and the dreaded word has just been mentioned - hovering (requested only on one room but I know what will happen if I only do that one room and it won't be any good arguing that the specification was whatever it was.  That apart the weather is also cloudy.


On a brighter note for DD the catalogue will be back from the printer tomorrow but here it is online now.  Note the date of sale for the items listed below is Thursday 14 March -



The items concerned are lots 95, 96, 97, and 98 on this page (although I don't think I'll get confirmation of entry/lot numbers until next week some time - probably Thursday) as they will be sent with the printed catalogue and my copy should be hand delivered hence the delay -



Buying details are shown here - the auctioneer's standard buying terms are a Buyer's Premium of 15% plus the VAT thereon, this gives a total of 18% of the hammer price, i.e if you have a successful bid at £50 what you will actually pay in total will be £59 -



I trust other ERs will excuse me giving all these details here but as these 4 lots are being sold for a good cause the wider the interest and knowledge of the sale the better the better.  There are some quite rare S&DJtR views among the various lots including stations on 'the branch' at/about the time of closure to passenger services.

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Morning all.


Not gone shopping yet and the dreaded word has just been mentioned - hovering (requested only on one room but I know what will happen if I only do that one room and it won't be any good arguing that the specification was whatever it was.  That apart the weather is also cloudy.


I hope you manage to summon up the energy to "hover" - can we expect a bird's eye view of the room in question?!!


I wonder if the word "dysoning" will ever supplant hoovering?


Have a good day, everyone and I hope you are keeping warm - it's bitterly cold without here. (yes, I know, shouldn't go without, etc!!)

Edited by Ashcombe
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"we'll have to escalate the problem"


Mine was escalated to Bombay or somewhere.

A kind lady telephoned with the information that it would be fixed in Eleven Days.

Not Ten or Twelve.

Today is the Thirteenth Day.

It's no better.

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  • RMweb Gold

"we'll have to escalate the problem"


Mine was escalated to Bombay or somewhere.


Funny you should say that because about an hour  ago I had a phone call possibly from Bombay and a nice lady offered to give me very important information about my Vindows operating system. 


By the time I had stopped laughing hysterically she'd hung up. Must have thought me very rude (or mad) or both.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks everyone for the support, it has been a tough few months. Uni just wasn't right for me in the end, I tried to stick at it as long as I could but it clearly wasn't for me. The only trouble with not going is the amount you limit yourself by not going to uni and opening up those doors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


But yes, back to ERs, I tell you - some of the phone calls you get are nothing but laughworthy!

It feels so rude when I just burst into hysterics on the phone but at the same time, who can blame me...

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope you manage to summon up the energy to "hover" - can we expect a bird's eye view of the room in question?!!


I wonder if the word "dysoning" will ever supplant hoovering?

Do I not recall that someone made a vacuum cleaner that did indeed hover on an air-cushion, thus making life easier for the user dragging it around? These days, of course, you can buy automatic ones that simply go round the room by themselves. Quite appealing, really!

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  • RMweb Premium

I hope you manage to summon up the energy to "hover" - can we expect a bird's eye view of the room in question?!!


I wonder if the word "dysoning" will ever supplant hoovering?


Have a good day, everyone and I hope you are keeping warm - it's bitterly cold without here. (yes, I know, shouldn't go without, etc!!)


You have highlighted my most hated part of the language, Ashers - we vacuum in this house, with a Miele!  I'm by a long way no expert of the English language, but 'hoovering' gets me in a frenzy!  Do we 'Ford'? 'Sony'? Aaaaggghhhhh...........!!   :no:  :mail:


OK, I'm off to JVC my lunch in the microwave....... :nono:

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  • RMweb Gold


Overcast here. 24 C  and thunderstorms forecast today.

In answer to a query earlier, yes you do sometimes exit from the "fast" lane here. There are some quite complex road interchanges. Add in HOV only lanes, EZTag only lanes, each road has three numbers and the sat nav chooses the one that isn't the one painted on the road or the sign then I think I'm doing quite well getting about. Actually once you have been here a few days it gets easier. 


I don't know what we are doing today. Have breakfast and then decide!



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