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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still dark here but it is supposed to be 18C sunny with some cloud here today. When I walked over to the car last night (to check I had locked it) it was quite tropical with a warm damp wind blowing. The rain had at least washed all the salt and sand off the car from our seaside trip. Seeing the marshes, oil installations and exotic birdlife made both of us think of Canvey Island.



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  • RMweb Gold

I hear you on the LM thing, Ian.............I used to stay in Angers - just to get away from the "circus".


Dave, Did you get to Spooner Row yet? Or was there nothing left?


Best, Pete.


I went on Saturday, photos sometime this week.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all - I have returned!


The trip went well notwithstanding a very cold walk to the station before even my normal time for Weetabix.  Trains ran beautifully and I even got to my destination before its doors opened, business duly transacted including chat about some future potential ideas, money (of the plastic variety) handed over, package now sitting on dining room table waiting my attention later today.  Trip home worked just as well with a stop outside Reading allowing time for some pics during a slow run in then in bright sunshine on the station then home in time for a Tesco trip before this afternoon's efforts for the auction world.


Must start a thread on the new Hornby 'Star' I think as the sample I saw today is magnificent.  A thread on signal testing (assuming my pics of it are ok) might also prove amusing - I'm not sure if I like the 'new' way of doing things :scratchhead: .


Have a nice day folks (what's left of it that is).

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VERY NICE pictures Ashcombe. I wish you would give us names!

Both very happy smiles and I do like the teeth.


Thank you, Don! They are generally happy children, so more of a pleasure to be around than some youngsters.


Their names are Alice Marie and William John. (re. post #39116)

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Afternoon all.  Having one of those days...


Meetings all morning, then a request for briefing for First Minister following articles in today's Herald.  (I know the Daily Record's known as the Daily Weegie, can't remember if the Herald has a similar nickname).  So, with the other bit of FM briefing that I've to get done by 4.30 as well, lucky me, I'm pretty busy...

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  • RMweb Premium

My sympathies - I occasionally have to do something similar for our Chief Minister regarding young offenders when we hit the news...always at zero notice of course!!


Oooops sorry, reply to Mike, not Debs!  Meant to click quote, d'oh.


edit for apology for uselessness.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

Still quite cold out, but sunny. 


Appears the trick to hearing aids is to "take them out of the box and put them in your ears." Amazing the difference to how they work is if you do.

"But everything is sooo loud whhen I put them in!"

"That's life you're hearing. And strangely we're no longer shouting at you." 


Downstairs WC cistern overflowing and not responding to the screw being turned further. So, new valve needed.

Spoke to the local plumbers merchant and asked if they had the part.

"Is it what I'd call bottom entry or side entry? And is there are ball about 4 inches diameter on the end of a plastic arm."

"Yes, yes, YES!!"

"Never heard of it."

"Very funny." 

"I'll see you later and run you through how to install it then."



Bacon returned to Sainsburys.

"Would you like another packet?"

"Errmmm, no."

"We'll give you your money back then."

"You do understand you are selling meat that is past it's use by date. You don't seem to think this is very serious. So to help you understand I'm going to shop somewhere else for 2 weeks."

"Would you like to talk to our Fresh Food Manager?" 

"??? Is that the right title for the person responsible for selling out of date produce? Wouldn't Spoilt Food Manager be a better title?"


Rather satisfying Parkside Dundas kit construction last night. A small 009 mineral wagon that was sitting idle in a draw. 


Catch up later, Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

:tender: It`s Paella mixta for supper tonight, here at Collie Towers..........time to brew-up a cauldron of broth and marinate the chicken. :ok:





You spoil your Collies!


But what are you going to eat tonight? Gruel, and a nice bit of gristle, or merely some dry bread and margarine?


Elsa is getting the remains of the cold pork loin, whilst we should be getting some tuna steaks.





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  • RMweb Gold


The upsy down (as the locals called) that I knew was at Whitley in Reading. Mind you a fair number of them probably came from that part of London. My grandparents used to go their when family vissited. Great grandfather would go for the odd pint and take his dog Jumbo with him. If he didn't go Jumbo would go on his own and get biscuits from the locals. Jumbo only had the run of the public bar another dog had the lounge bar concession if either tried the others patch a scrap would ensue.




At Bodmin they had to put the Rm into the shed to allow the other train to run round. One of the other engines had failed screwing up the timetable.



edit typo

Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Gold

We went to the Houston Natural Museum this morning. No dumbing down anywhere, best trilobite display I've ever seen and an interesting energy presentation sponsored by the oil industry. Matthew said it was quite good compared to some of the oil presentations he has seen in Alberta, though even here he thought the explanation for fracking was a little bit biased! 

Matthew didn't want museum food again so we went to a big shopping mall (The Galleria) and had something vaguely Mexican.


The drive back was interesting as I made an error and couldn't turn left and had to go straight on somewhere and went through a very pleasant residential area at school collection time. No mad parking, all the access was controlled by two very big chaps with big stop signs.


Matthew has been doing some revision this afternoon. He talks to himself so I now know about urban planning in Alberta!



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Back after last night's absence and a looooong day of an allday Health and Safety meeting followed by evening teaching, then home and send an email to all the little b***ers who didn't turn up! I wonder if they realist it's their last chance otherwise they get thrown out?


Another full dday of H&S tomorrow - I;m on a training course in the morning then a full afternoon's meeting.


Deep joy!

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  • RMweb Gold

After having last time said I would try and make frequent visits to RMweb - that obviously fell by the wayside!

Life has been more than hectic recently, the short of it is i no longer want to go to uni, work is hard but people obviously appreciate the effort I put in compared to others at work. Oh, and my music production is going much better! So many ups and downs recently hence my absence but I hope you all understand. Unfortunately  I haven't done any modelling for probably about 6 months or more, I'm going to have to get back into it. I need to rejuvenate an N scale German/Swiss layout (I'm not sure what country it represents as I'm getting mixed signals from various people (no pun intended there!).  


If any of you were interested in my music I set up a Youtube channel for all my songs including one I made today in 40 or so minutes which now I've worked out which instruments go with what after effects/filters the songs are starting to sound much better. 



In the meantime please accept my apologies for my absence and for not catching up on what I'v missed over the past god knows how long. I see the place has changed a lot from when I was last on...

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Hi Jam. Good to see you back. You no longer want to go to UNI? What will you do instead?

          Best wishes



Good morning all!

We are having cooler weather with clear skies. Very pleasant 26C today.


The Yvonne saga continues. I will elaborate when the situation clarifies but I am remaining adamantly aloof.

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Good morning one & all,   


Welcome back Jam,  Don my mind is going into overtime with the goings on  at your abode!  But I'm sure it will work out in the end? 


Had some pretty heavy rain and thunderstorms the last couple of evenings, one thing they have done is seemed to have washed all the Hamatan dust out of the air. 


Be good & try and enjoy some thing today, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Good to see you, Jam – or would that have to be "read you"? ;) I'm sure I speak for everyone on here when I say we're happy to give you advice, considering that you gave the impression of possibly needing some of that...


Will be running some errands at uni again, though with some breaks in between – so, depending on how the weather may turn out, I might put in some spotting. However, the forecast doesn't sound too encouraging...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Bit damp & drizzly this morning & 3oC. There may be sunshine later.


Great day with the grandchildren yesterday, so much so that they have decided they wish to return "to look after me" again today!! TBH it's very easy having them here because they always bring plenty of games & books etc with them & if all else fails there are some trains to play with!! 


Have a good day - I know I will!  :locomotive:  :yes:








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  • RMweb Gold

Mording all


Half term and I've caught a code. It's dot fair.

I was looking forward to Modelrail Scotland on Friday but not too sure now.


Good to see you Jam. Whatever you decide I hope it goes well. First say to yourself what you would be; and then do well what you have to do. More importantly, enjoy doing it.

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning - I had to pop down to Darmstadt to the Customs office to pick up a parcel (an pay tax on it :angry: )


It is a nice bright morning here - cold, but blue sky and sunshine.  Hopefully Spring is finally on the way.


Nice to see you here Jam.  Does your comment mean that you have given up on Uni?!? :O


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Looks a bit damp today - but not as damp as we got last night.


Popped out to get a new seal for the cistern and by the time we back home the overflow pipe was definitely doing its job. 

First problem was to turn the mains off. Stiff enough to mean we still had some flow - too much as it turned out.

Next one of the pins that actuates the seal disappeared never to be seen again. Result - Andy pressing seal into place to control the water jet with one hand and on the phone to our local plumber with the other. The pin was never found and we now have a new cistern mechanism and a large bill. Things we've learnt - there's an inline valve on the cistern. :scratchhead:


We've booked the plumber in to proactively fit a new mains valve - just in case we ever need to use it "in anger". 


So, bearing in mind the large bill I'm rather glad that today's treat requested by #2 child was: "Can we go and feed the ducks and see some trains." 


Like, Bob says, have a nice day - I will.  :sungum:

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