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Give her jobs to do, Don.

Send her to look for spectacles, cups of tea, laundry, non existent books etc.,.


"Perhaps toys aren't us on ERs?"

Oh yes they are (as Ashers might say).

It's that varied content on ERs which allows us to share the darkest moments juxtaposed against trivia and humour.

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Morning all...Just managing to catch up with the numerous posts and saddened to read of your news regrading good friends, DD.  It's always tough when it hits those around you and there's not a lot you can do other than offer friendship and support.


Don, just lie back and think of England... :D


Survived my internal yesterday.  They took various biopsies and to aid them they linked the sample to the distance inside the bowel.  A little horrified to hear the dimension of 67cms called out. That's more than 2'....No wonder my eyes watered.


Nothing confirmed yet but first opinions are it's unlikely to be cancer and probably severe infection/inflammation to the bowel lining, so that's a huge relief.  Still a way to go to resolve it but at least I can see a few more years ahead.  Hopefully once cleared I can get my motivation back again..

Edited by gordon s
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My little old lady has put pursuit into a higher gear!




Run!, Don, run!........................ :mosking:


..........although perhaps by the end of the corridor; she`ll have forgotten why she`s chasing you! :jester:

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Nothing confirmed yet but first opinions are it's unlikely to be cancer and probably severe infection/inflammation to the bowel lining, so that's a huge relief.  Still a way to go to resolve it but at least I can see a few more years ahead.  Hopefully once cleared I can get my motivation back again..


That sounds like good news........now we may also breathe a collective 'sigh of relief', Gordon. :yes:

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Daughter went to register with a GP close to her new abode.

She had to take a full medical before they would accept her.

Wonder what would have happened if she had failed.

This seems to be the routine now as I went through this on registering with a GP when we moved down here in 2011. We also had to complete a survey re alcohol consumption which resulted in a stern letter from the GP expressing concern!


DD: so sorry to hear about your friend's plight. Thinking of you.


Misty morn with promise of sun later. Family all still slumbering but it won't last long!


Enjoy w/e, especially those on their hols!

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  • RMweb Gold

I must have quickly read over Gordon's post and failed to spot the import - it was early after all.

Still, better late than never, what great news.


I bet Sam's pleased too.

Edited by BoD
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Oh lovely! I've had lots of chuckles and laughs just reading this morning's posts so far.

The suggestion that I run is I fear a non starter. Our pace is about equal.

I likes BoD's advice best. Very subtle.


Gordon I was very happy to read your post! I must have missed the import of an earlier post telling us why the investigation was necessary.


DD I';m very sad to read of your friend's travail. I hope the outcome proves optomistic.

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... She seems to be the clingy type. I was/am a bachelor completely accostomed to being on my own. HELP!


You could start talking about model railways.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds like good news, Gordon! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that whatever else it may be, it can be treated well.



"Police are combing the area!" :jester:


"Are we being too literal?" – "No, you fool, we're following orders. We were told to comb the desert, so we're combing it!" :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All


Dry start, 4oC and possibility of some sunshine later. 


There have been no reports of meteors or asteroids in the immediate vicinity.


Don, not sure of the answer to your problem particularly as you don't want to upset the lady but sometimes you have to put your foot down.


Gordon, glad to hear things are looking up for you.


Tonight we've been invited to dinner with friends so I suspect know that I will probably have a glass or two several of liquid refreshment as well.


That reminds me - is'n't it a tradition for anyone called Boris to buy all ER's a pint when visiting or have I got that wrong?


Cheers, :drink_mini:



Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

By the way do you know anything about William & Mary in Williamsburg? I've heard good things about the university, they seem to be after my daughter already and she seems keen.......


Best, Pete.


PS Sorry that's in VA.



An acquaintance of mine studied at William & Mary - International Relations. He now works at State. Let me know if you want putting in touch. 

Best , Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all by the time you read through all the posts you are late posting yourself.


Don, I suspect the problem is your are such a nice chap and your litle mouse is frightened and you seem safe. I somehow feel that gentle hints will not be regognised. Perhaps some erratic behaviour might work. However the staff may then medicate you to avoid disturbances.Are you sure the staff are not looking to you to look after her and actively encouraging her.


Its sunny and a weekend so have a nice day all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Good news Gordon.


Hope all is well with everyone out there, as well as can be hoped for anyway.


I've already been given the opportunity to make the boss a cup of tea in bed - lucky old me.


A day to start trying to find a car now we know my partners car is to be written off, interspersed with a pair of DRS 37s of course.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, nice morning here two days in a row!


Good to read your news Gordon and I'm sure your glad that investigation is over,


Don what a dark horse you are, maybe you should change your name to Don "Juan" Bradley!!





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Morning all!


Gordon, glad to hear everything's looking in reasonable order so fingers crossed for confirmation soon and that you get your modelling mojo back with it!


Off out for birthday lunch this afternoon with SWMBO and Jamie.


Just getting ready to head west now, so have a good day all!


Don - how about putting a wheel clamp on her walking frame? ;)

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