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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, hideous weather here, 1c pouring with rain at our soaring 30m asl, but snowing higher up, mountain road is closed and several others.  Mrs NHN probably had a trying drive to work.


Don's description of the zimmer wars sounds a bit like a Manx roundabout - they are a relatively new phenomenon here, and folk have no idea how to deal with them.  Firstly everyone stops at a Mexican stand-off, then one recognises their Uncle Orry so waves him out, in front of the first person that got bored and pulled out anyway...result, chaos and often bent cars too.  Give way to the right? Why?  They just don't get it.  All part of island life!

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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of a fall in the refectory stakes!  It did happen a few weeks ago. A rather 'plump' ladie's  wheeled zimmer frame (walker) sort of ran away from her and her hands still holding the handles she fell heavily forwards. Result a broken arm!

Hey, Don,

That happened to me on an army treadmill once in my youth.

The boss told me to report for an VO2 max exercise test - the idea is you run progressively faster and steeper till your O2 consumption reaches a plateau.

I asked how they'd know when you'd reach your limit. Stupid question, really.

"You fall over." was the answer.


So, I reported for testing, and about 45 minutes later I was sprinting up a whopping incline and knew the plateau was well and truly reached. Not having time to call for the treadmill to be stopped I made one last leap forward to reach the handlebar at the front as my legs gave way. The technician never forgot the site of me hanging on for dear life as the treadmill thundered to a halt with my legs spilling out behind me....Happy days. I was all muscle and bone in those days so the VO2 was quite high - about 73 ml/kg/min - so, clearly on a par with my IQ.  :jester: By coincidence I got to do the same test on a well-known Arctic explorer years later, but that's another story. 


Have a nice day. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, thanks Don for the update this morning, made me laugh!


Have a good trip Tony and just bear with it going through Heathrow security, trying to snow here and it's cold.





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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Nice dry start & 0oC but the sun has made an appearance!


Took Chris to work as usual at 5.45 but when I got back lazy mode kicked in so I returned to bed. I seem to be doing that a bit more these days! It doesn't really matter as I have no pressing engagements today.


Today's excitement is mainly waiting for a new laptop power supply to be delivered.


The last time I "sprinted" anywhere was a couple of years before my knee replacement. Actually it was more of a fast hobble towards a bus & and as I got to within 50 yds the bus pulled away. As I started cursing it pulled up beside me and the driver opened the doors & said "I thought I'd better help you out mate-you look about ready to die!"




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey and cold again, but dry. Some hint of the sun poking through, but that seems to have gone now.


The telephone is truly an instrument of torture, I'm afraid. Had a call yesterday from one of Deb's former fellow-patients at the rehab hospital - Brigitte, also a wheelchair-user. I agreed to visit her next week, but have now found an answerphone message saying would I like dinner tonight - or was it last night and I missed the message? As one who cheerfully keeps his social life to a minimum, and eats single-course meals, I'm afraid French meals which go on and on are not really what I want anyway.  No doubt she thinks I'm lonely - but missing Deb and being lonely are not the same thing. This is a hard-enough concept to get across to English friends - let alone a French lady!


Andy's tale of the treadmill shows how I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in the military. On being told "you fall over" that would have been that - pointless is the word that comes to mind!


Hope Tony's trip goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hey Ash, It's Wednesday.



Morning all.


Good luck Jim - remember to cough at the right time.


Very cold overnight down here but little ice around so not too bad on the driving front, my boys were mathematically about the furthest from me they could possibly get, must be time to change the underwear again then. They were still sporting snow on their backs, very trendy.


I stopped at the lake at Harleston and grabbed a couple of quickies.




There was some ice on the surface but too far for the phone's camera to pick up.



Have a good day and safe trips all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Andy's tale of the treadmill shows how I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in the military. On being told "you fall over" that would have been that - pointless is the word that comes to mind!


Over my time in the lab at Farnborough I came to understand that my boss had a rather dry sense of humour and was more than willing to exercise it on me, a 20 y/o student.

Asking if there was anyway to go jogging of a lunchtime he told me "pretty much anyway, but try to avoid the long straight bit of concrete running through the middle of the site." 


"The runway, Andy, the runway? Best keep your glasses on." 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bon voyage Tony (better say that before I forget to) and I do wonder about this Valentine's Day business - Don being chased and now Ian getting advances as well (she might be lonely, and hence think you are?).  That apart we at least had pancakes yesterday evening although no romantic dinner to come tomorrow - in fact the menu changed so often as we went round Waitrose yesterday I've forgotten whether it's lamb, duck, or horse.


More snow promised for tonight - so as usual that will probably mean rain or no precipitation at all. And that's it for now, time for a wander round the byways of RMweb.


Have a good day one & all 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


 wet cold and horrible today .


 Hope you have a good trip Tony , and lets hope the airport sequrity checks are not as

bad as these ,



and thats a railway station ,


this is an airport ,



Looks to me like they have gone way OTT in the States these days ,



 - in fact the menu changed so often as we went round Waitrose yesterday I've forgotten whether it's lamb, duck, or horse.


 Dont panic Mike , there is worse out there .




Have a good one all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Well it is snowing quite hard here at the moment.


I decided to take the dog for a walk this morning rather thanlater on today because of the snow, but although it falls from the sky in great qualntities, it's adhesion to the ground is minimal.


I have managed to find the workbench in my workshop. It was hidden under a pile of Alan Gibson bits and pieces.


However, as Debs has pointed out it is now Lent, and I have to give up a pleasure, the tidying will now have to wait until after Easter.


Reading about the treadmill for military fitness tests was a bit of a shock. all these new fangled contraptions cant beat a full Bergen, webbing, rifle, and a gentle stroll across the sunny Brecon Beacons.






PS I lied about the Brecon Beacons ever being sunny

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  • RMweb Premium




Reading about the treadmill for military fitness tests was a bit of a shock. all these new fangled contraptions cant beat a full Bergen, webbing, rifle, and a gentle stroll across the sunny Brecon Beacons.






PS I lied about the Brecon Beacons ever being sunny


Just part of the run of the treadmill experiments we did, Richard. The second half was to see how fast body temperature dropped in 5oC water. Muggins got asked to volunteer as I was the smallest bloke in the lab and likely to yield an interesting result!

After a while they asked why I wasn't shivering. "You didn't ask me to."

Revenge is a dish best served chuffin' cold! :)

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Morning all ,


 wet cold and horrible today .


 Hope you have a good trip Tony , and lets hope the airport sequrity checks are not as

bad as these ,



and thats a railway station ,


this is an airport ,



Looks to me like they have gone way OTT in the States these days.


Why on earth have we 'civilised peoples' so willingly allowed ourselves to be viewed and treated with such blatantly degrading attitudes by our own governments...........it defies comprehension! :O

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  • RMweb Premium

The States seem to have descended into a totally paranoid mindset about peoples

movements , even citizens get treated with suspicion , at least we can still move freely

around our country .


Maybe Pete could give us his views as he is living there , I certainly have no desire

to ever go back to the US again with there attitude as it is now , I thought it was bad

12 years ago , not the most welcoming country to visit even then .

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  • RMweb Gold

9/11 came as a huge culture-shock, quite apart from the human tragedy. The loonies were positively welcomed into the asylum management!


That said, these clips are significantly worse than I recall from going to Florida in 2007.

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew said landing at Calgary was different to New York. There were dancing cowboys at Calgary Airport.

One of the students on the New York fieldtrip from Leicester Uni last year had some problem with his clearance to enter the US as one of his "friends" as a "prank" had signed him up to various middle eastern organisations.

Matthew's only incident with US security was going on one of the boats (ferry) in New York. Apparently he was suspicious as he was carrying a netbook. Security removed the battery pack, without taking it out of standby and Matthew couldn't get it going again until he plugged it in to a mains supply back at the hotel. I said the security man was probably an Apple fan!


Matthew is flying from Calgary to Houston with a change at Chicago. I can't work out if his baggage goes all the way through or if he has to collect it at Chicago and go through US immigration at Chicago. I shall remind him to ask when he checks it in.

I can reserve my seat and print my boarding card in an hour! (24 hours before departure). I don't think I would have coped well with a job that required me to travel a lot, though I suppose it can become routine.


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Au contrare, the USA is a very friendly country unless you mean them harm. Every where I go here I'm positively welcomed as are all English people - if they read something anti-USA from England (or the UK) they genuinely don't understand why.

I can go anywhere I want over here, any suggestion otherwise is ludicrous.

I've been all over the World and nowhere is personal freedom more protected. I'd only live here or in the UK, thanks very much.

The US justice system is a virtual copy of the UK's btw.

Best, Pete.


PS The only bad thing recently is that "Downton Abbey" is the most watched programme on Sunday nights.......

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

I have been to the states numerous times on business and holiday, I've flown into most of the major airports and in the main had no problem at all. Only " unfriendly one" was Atlanta otherwise fine. I fly to Miami on Tuesday next week and then travel to the West coast and don't expect any problems I've always found the people to be friendly, I often got/get asked what part of England am I from and when I say near Manchester/Liverpool it's always the same Man Utd or hey that's where the Beatles came from!



Tony, traveling on business was exciting for the first few trips then it was just a routine you got into,something now retired I don't miss at all, an avg of 115 nights a year in a strange bed for 8 years is not something I would recommend. After all it plays havoc with modelling! Air miles come in handy though!


Looking forward to hearing about the model railway exhibition.

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