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  • RMweb Premium

I quite like books, films and music. However I'm more interested in the product than the people who produce them. Also I get a lot of "personalities" mixed up. I constantly get surprised when I realise someone I thought was dead isn't (and vice versa!).


I have a notoriously bad memory when it comes to musicians in particular. I frequently find myself listening to some song I do know on the radio, but unable to name the band. Of course, this makes for rather many moments of enlightenment when I look up those songs, so to speak!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a damp and chilly part of Hampshire.


Probate forms in the envelope and ready to post. I'd filled them in longhand to make sure I had all the info prior to doing them online. Then found that many of my responses came up with "invalid input" - seems it didn't like dad leaving this world without debt. The nice lady at our local registry said - "just fill it in by hand, a lot of people do." 


Off to the Southern Manufacturing show on Thursday. So getting read to be bombarded with follow up phone calls from sales people.


With paperwork up to date I'm proposing a day pottering on the layout. This is turning in to a classic case of lack of planning and I'm starting to reap the rewards.  :scratchhead: SWMBO has started to comment that these "layouts in boxfiles" look about the right size. Gulp.


Have a nice day everyone, Andy 

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  • RMweb Premium

cool and grey in Leeds


Cricket (indoors) was chuffing freezing last night but we survived!


Lots to do today and an 08 and Ivatt Chinese Cracker are waiting to be weathered .....


may be back later but ...

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Morning all nice to see you back Don (lost internet, feed the hamsters more).Back working in sunny Colwyn Bay today.Oh the joy's of life.I was up the valley yesterday it was cold and grey but the scenery was still superb and Llanrwst wasn't flooded.Plus there is a couple of superb butchers up there !!

Have a good one all

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Morning all...Wonderful to read your stories of domestic harmony.  Somewhat heartened to read others encounter similar minefields..


Carcasonne takes me back a bit Ian.  We used to take the kids camping on the Med and Argeles sur Mer was one of our favourites.  The drive down meant passing Carcasonne which has the appearance of a fairy castle from the motorway.  Despite the pleading of my daughter who was probably around 7-8 at the time, we never managed to build in a stop to our lemming like journey to the sun.  One of my regrets really and one day I'll take the current Mrs S there.  I'll add the 'little yellow train' to that list as well.  A drive up to Andorra took a similar route to the narrow gauge line which seemed to cling to the side of the mountains as it would it's way up from Villefranche.




I should be very happy right now as I've lost about a stone and a half of weight since Christmas.  Hopefully that's down to me stopping drinking and taking a bit more exercise although I should know a bit more after my internal camera study on Friday.  Fingers crossed it's just an inflammation or similar.  


Biggest problem right now is keeping my trousers up... :smile_mini2:

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Woke up thinking it is reaaly cold this morning then realised the heating hadn't been on all night. Some idiot doing some work left a switch off! Too many senior moments. I should have realised as Holly our terrier had crept on to the bed and snuggled up against me.


Nice to know the other Don is back.


Hape a good day all



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Dull, cold and overcast down here so no photos of the boys - they were in the next field eating some straw or something of that ilk and couldn't be bothered to come and say hello.


Don - I was with Pete, I was being discreet.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, glad your back Don, off to Manchester today to see number 2 son who is at uni before our trip to the states. Other half has produced enough bags of frozen food, toiletries etc to keep the whole flat going never mind him!

Good job we have an estate car.

Recall said son age 6 running around the walls of Carcasonne with a plastic sword causing mayhem!

How time flies by.

Have a good day everyone, at least it's not raining well not here.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not much happening here today.

I too am glad Don is back.

I've been to Carcassonne twice. The first time was in 1987 and we stopped overnight on our way from the Loire to Arles. The old walled town was nice, the hotel wasn't. The second time was when Matthew was 15 and Aditi thought we needed a week in France to improve Matthew's French prior to his GCSE. He was a bit grumpy about the whole trip but I don't think he was too well either. On that occasion we stayed near Montpelier and drove to Carcassone. It was really busy with lots of Spanish tourists in  the town but it was very quiet up on the walls.


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Biggest problem right now is keeping my trousers up... :smile_mini2:

 I know of several politicians with that problem....! :)


Morning all!  I have about 4 days of posts to catch up on, and probably little chance of catching up!


Dull and grey in Edinburgh but not toe-curlingly cold.  Busy weekend and busy yesterday with the Scottish response to the UK Government's proposals on social care reform.  Without getting too political (either for the forum or for my civil service neutrality), I'll just say that they're not as good a deal as they might first appear.

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  • RMweb Premium

Biggest problem right now is keeping my trousers up... :smile_mini2:


Now, if you work from home the temptation is great not to actually get attired that formally. Trousers indeed!  


"I am sitting here writing this brief in my briefs. In brief, it is a might bit chilly, so I shall be brief. Briefing ends."   


Off to Homebase. Anyone want anything? 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Tried RMweb about an hour ago, but it wasn't playing, took ages - this is better. 4 degrees and gloomy but dry here. Great to see our man in Seth Efrica back online.


Note Gordon has lost weight - if I lost more than few pounds you'd mark me absent! Hope checks find nothing important  - or at worst something simple and easily treated.


I will need to reacquaint myself with the Dyson and so on later today, and the garden is looking very weedy. The days of a cleaner and a gardener went when Deb did, sadly!

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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday evening was spent wiring in the fiddle yard roads at the 'west end' of our club layout.


The person who started the job, didn't leave a diagram or colour code of what was what!


We think we've managed to work out what he had done, and now have the colour coding done for the rest of the layout.


All that is left is to wire the rest in, although I still feel we ought to have un-soldered his work and started again.


Still the wiring gurus having applied various test meters to the rails assure me it will work.


Today we have no breeze but the sun is hiding somewhere over the 10/10 cloud cover.


The swimming pool in the corner of the garden is finally beginning to drain away, and I can see the Obergrumpenfuhrer (who has a cold) directing me outside for a bit of general garden titivation. Any serious work is only permitted under direct supervision, as i have a habit of doing either the wrong thing or going OTT with the task in hand ie: 'I told you to prune that bush, not cut the damned thing down!"


I've come to the conclusion that I'm not very bright, but I can lift heavy things and am good at digging holes.





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Tip for Bob - over the last couple of years I have taken herself to the RMweb Member's Day at Stafford (she does help with the catering and mans my 'advice centre' while I go for a quick wander) but in return she gets 2 or 3 nights in a nice country hotel, trips to various interesting places, and the chance to meet a few RMweb folk of course.  The only problem is getting a suitable mortgage to cover the cost of doing it this way.


Good to hear from Don once more (I never say 'glad to see you're back' in case it's misinterpreted).  Weather here is now back to usual high level cloud and cool temperature - taking herself off to her Tilehurst dentist later today so if it's a long appointment I will have time to go railway photting and grab another spot of GWML before too many masts go up plus a few signal numberplates before they change yet again.  


And finally trust all goes well on Friday Gordon - probably best not to think of Corporal Jones in such circumstances!

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"Biggest problem right now is keeping my trousers up..."

SWMBO cured me of that problem.


Interesting events here following our power outage.

Two scruffy individuals came to the front door and said we're going to test your appliances.

I told them they weren't and shut the door.

In fact they are sub-contractors of sub-contractors of Scottish Power.

BUT ... without proof of identity and an appointment they won't get in.

Their boss came around and said that they can't be held responsible if I get electrocuted.

I promised that, if I am killed, I won't hold them responsible.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


 I've had a few days away from the keyboerd , not away away but just reading .


 It's good to see that nothing changes in this enclave , the usual range of banter

and insults continues .


 I'm off to Taunton this afternoon to see the consultant for a chat .


 Note for Gordon , the first 6'' are fine , it's the next 2' 6'' that make your eyes water .   :jester:


 Cheers for now folks .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Tip for Bob - over the last couple of years I have taken herself to the RMweb Member's Day at Stafford (she does help with the catering and mans my 'advice centre' while I go for a quick wander) but in return she gets 2 or 3 nights in a nice country hotel, trips to various interesting places, and the chance to meet a few RMweb folk of course.  The only problem is getting a suitable mortgage to cover the cost of doing it this way.



Istr that the 'advice centre' mentioned above is also a great place to sit down and ponder over some rather awkward crossword clues with Mrs Stationmaster.





Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Posted the probate form earlier and was walking back towards my home. A car draws slowly past me and, as I'm walking up my drive positions itself (well, the driver did) straddling my drive and those of 2 other neighbours'. There are 3 parking places designated for visitors about 10' away and 2 further places on the road within 8'. To be honest it took talent to block two cars in with a small hatchback. 


Having already got my coat on I thought I might as well go straight out in the car to run an errand. 


I kid you not, the middle-aged woman driving said car sees me open up my own car ready to go out, sticks her head out from the driver's window and says: "Am I alright here for 15 minutes?" 


I think my face must have run through a variety of expressions, including "confusion", "bemusement" and then moving on to more complex ones such as "you're a bit mad / blonde, aren't you" and "do you really need an answer?",


I settled on "No you're not. Shove it in the layby!"  


Over the weekend I happened to start talking to a lady at a children's birthday party. Opening the conversation with "Hope it doesn't snow." Weather always seems quite a safe topic to break the ice.

"Too right," she says. "I couldn't go out for two weeks when it snowed last." 

"Rear wheel drive car?", I ask? 

"Low profile tyres. Hopeless in snow. Of course we have a Range Rover too and a Land Rover, but I haven't driven a manual in years. Wouldn't know how!"   


Live and let live, but I really wonder about some folk.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Don - I was with Pete, I was being discreet.


I wasn't.

I just thought that the daft so and so has gone and got tangled in the zimmer frames in the dining room doorway again. ;)

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"Free, and without obligation"..........usually that`s about as oxymoronic as any statement could be!


I did read the small-print fully, and booked online to avail myself of a well known tyre and exhaust national retailer`s 'comprehensive brake check' offer (circa 45 minutes).......fair play to them, they did do a thorough check (and measure) and identified a small fault which needs attention: 'slight wetness' from the rear wheel cylinder seals.

The repair costs were duly quoted-for: two wheel-cylinders (£75 ea.=£150), 'new' brake fluid (£39) and a set of brake shoes (£79) all plus fitment and VAT.......`nigh on £350. :O


Now. our pup-mobile is only a little 2003 Peugeot Partner Combi..........and parts are usually easy and cheap to be had, so a quick check online revealed that both cylinders, set of shoes and a litre of brake fluid, could be obtained locally from a well known brand-name supplier, total price (speedily delivered by a nice lady in their van) for £46.........a local garage `round the corner did the fitment for £25........`so all safely sorted for £71. :locomotive:


I can recommend the "free brake-check offer"; they were polite, did a thorough job and showed me the condition of all the brake rotors/pads/shoes etc. and explained the good (and no so good)......


...........but do shop-around if repairs are suggested! :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

"Low profile tyres. Hopeless in snow. Of course we have a Range Rover too and a Land Rover, but I haven't driven a manual in years. Wouldn't know how!"   


Live and let live, but I really wonder about some folk.  

I've got an automatic Land Rover but it does have sensible tyres. I've seen Range Rovers and BMW X5 s all over the place in our road when it is icy. They seem to be ones fitted with big alloys with very low profile wheels. We live in a road that is the nearest legal street parking near a primary school (the one Matthew  attended). I'm quite intrigued at how early some parents come to be sure of getting a place to park. There are a few who create chaos for residents and also for other parents parking by either stupidity or complete lack of thought / consideration. In the past it was parking that made exiting drives difficult but there have been incidents recently of parking across drives. 

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