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  • RMweb Gold

I probably won't be wearing my woolly hat or wellies at Ally Pally so I don't know if the Compo likeness is that good. Actually my wife only uses that comparison when she thinks I need a haircut. If I persist in not going to the barbers the next comment is that I'm starting to look "deranged". This always amuses the barber who doesn't think I look deranged just untidy.



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  • RMweb Gold

Been in Durham, Peterlee and Gateshead today. Would have liked to go to Model Rail Scotland but was impossible this year. We have about an inch of snow in the Durham hills though it's very slushy...


Not slushy here but really soggy. Waterlogged clay is not that pleasant to walk through so I tried to keep to the footpaths in the park (or Pleasure Grounds as the sign seems to designate it) but it was necessary on a couple of occasions to follow the dog. My waterproof boots really do work as they are supposed to fortunately. Kitchen and utility room have now been restored to cleanliness after getting Robbie home. No-one else's dog seems to get as muddy as mine. I suppose the swimming is to be expected with a dog with webbed feet.



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  • RMweb Gold

Been in Durham, Peterlee and Gateshead today. Would have liked to go to Model Rail Scotland but was impossible this year. We have about an inch of snow in the Durham hills though it's very slushy...

Don't worry - it isn't at all slushy back home. A fair bit of snow between Edinburgh and Carstairs. Very picturesque. Not so much South and East of Edinburgh but most of the fields are submerged.

You missed a good show.

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Morning All,


It has been very wet here overnight. I don't think it stopped raining at all.


Having said that, it seems to have stopped now - so perhaps the sun will come out later!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Forecast says it's to be stormy from about noon onwards...let's see how it does turn out. I would have liked to sleep a bit longer, but I dreamed something weird and not exactly nice, which is why I did get up as I usually do these days. Oh well! ;)


Have a good day!

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Morning all. Full set of oktas in Durham but no leakage at the moment. The snow's melting quite rapidly here. Travelling back to Edinburgh via Glasgow today.


I should have said, the snow wasn't the reason for my non-attendance at Glasgow this year. Just couldn't make it for other commitments. Hopefully go again next year, as I do try to go. Trouble is that it always clashes with an appointment in Durham.

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  • RMweb Gold



It is raining quite heavily here at the moment. Matthew doesn't want a lift to the station as the journey would then consist of a rail replacement bus ride across Essex. He is going to revise for exams instead.

I don't know what else I'm supposed to do today. Lots of teamaking as Mrs S is planning to have a study day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just tramped our daft dawg around the fields in the rain. Now supping a coffee and thinking about doing some rollingstock fettling. Rain is a good excuse for me not to go out and fix the outside tap or rat-proof the greenhouse so the list is effectively on hold!




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  • RMweb Premium

Greeting all


I went to Simon's post first before posting on ER - looks like we can at least offer moral support there. Most sad, but let's just hope all is OK.


Cloudy dull today, and the prospect of physio tomorrow. Finally managed a run to the garage in the car to check the tyres, and need to drive tomorrow as Mrs 45156 needs a lift to work tomorrow. The it's off for another painful physio session, followed by the same again on Tuesday as I change from private to NHS cover. Prognosis is now back to work on limited hours next Monday.


I'll check in again next week.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well, the storm is causing severe disruptions in many parts of Germany. Rail traffic has been fully or partially suspended in the Saarland as well as Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse and at least two persons have been killed in various accidents. Earlier this afternoon a tree was partially uprooted on a neighbour's property up the street, resulting in it coming dangerously close to the power line. Eventually the power company had to disable electric power for 20 to 30 minutes in order to allow the fire brigade to cut off the top of the tree, which I figure is now finished anyway and will have to be removed.


A selection of images from citizens can be found here: Click.

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  • RMweb Gold

No storms here but quite a lot of rain plus high tide made the dog walk interesting this afternoon.



What is now a paddling pool for black-headed gulls is one of Robbie's favourite fields. I think the gulls were eating all the worms that were coming up for air!



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  • RMweb Premium

It isn't just limited to the UK. I have seen similar people at Model Railway and Amateur Radio shows here in Germany (and tried my best to stay upwind)!



Just remembered I wanted to expand on this one... Yeah, I've seen quite the same thing at several railway-related events :lol: . I always found it surprisingly embarrassing to have any kind of conversation with such people as their overall appearance (clothing, body language etc.) keeps distracting me. I mean - as long as they're fine with how they are being perceived by others I will be the last to lay any kind of blame on them, but...well, I hope you understand what I mean.


Speaking about railfans: Click - it looks as if there are such strange characters even in Japan, where I admit I would hardly have expected such behaviour :huh: .

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Flippin' 'eck - it's blowing an absolute gale here!


I climbed the Großer Feldberg this afternoon - the highest mountain in the Taunus. Admittedly it is a "walk up" rather than needing to climb, but when we got to the top we had trouble standing up! Probably not one of the absolutely best days to do this :icon_lol:


Still, we had a very nice lunch at the summit, got down safely and as I was in the car, managed to avoid the travel chaos that has happened on the railways this afternoon.


Edited to say - Cool! B) I've just realised that Umlauts and accents are working again now that we are on our new server. Thumbs up to Andy! :icon_thumbsup2:

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