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  • RMweb Gold


Unfortunately our pensions have to mirror the UK.  We do have a Manx pension supplement, but that will be vapourised by the time I get to pension age I'm sure.



Would this supplement be because you've (Manxpersons) all got three legs?





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


High thin cloud but very bright with occasional appearances of our local star, shining brightly.  Some oddments of snow still about - especially in our back garden (good, hides the mess) and snow promised for the weekend - so it will probably rain.


Alas this pensions announcement is probably the biggest con yet from politicians, no doubt prompted by The Treasury as usual.  Loads of lies such as saying women who look after their children will get credit (they already do - so what's new?) plus robbing the savers and pension funds (again) to give to those who can't be bothered to save.  The local workhouse building is still in place and I can see a future for it.


That apart have a good day; I'll be trying to get some more scanning done as folk seem to like me turning the clock back 50 years ;)

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Heavy snow on the way to work this morning. 

Nice thick stuff rather than the wet stuff we had yesterday.

I think our freeze is due later.

I should be out with my camera rather than at work :(


Organise a field trip?


For the extra shoe?


I don't think they'd have a leg to stand on.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


 blue sky and sun with small scattered clouds , no sign of snow .


 No major to do jobs today ( again ) so I think I'll go make another coffee

and catch up on some of the other areas .


 Take care to those with bad weather and a good day to all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Today's Telegraph letters to the editor includes one from a railway modeller wading in to the metric / imperial measurements debate pointing out that modellers use mm/ft scales.


Apparently children are going to be required to know about Imperial weights and measures to stop them being confused by those still in use.

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Evening all...


I was here earlier but here wasn't here.  I gather Andy caused the outage by "cutting off the branch he was sitting on". :)


Busy day yesterday and I walked 9 miles over the course of the day (7 miles after work to and from the sorting office where I was picking up a parcel).


2 hour plus meeting this afternoon that I didn't know about until 50 minutes ago. Joy...

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  • RMweb Gold

I kept on getting a screen saying 'Driver Error' - really clever how it worked out that was exactly what had happened.

I can remember a few of those "I can't believe you just did that" IT errors.

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After I was robbed of my BR pension, Babcock pension and Metal Box pension, I contributed no more.  When the mortgage is cleared I will retire from the paye 8-4 job and we'll carry on fostering till we drop dead. Simples.

Edited by 28XX
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  • RMweb Premium

edit - in reply to 28XX - Debs post wasnt there before!


I'm with you there.  I transferred my NHS pension into the Manx civil service one as it offered a lot more at the time - not any more it doesn't.  Robbed.  Lump sum disappeared into the ether basically.  No, I tell a lie - into govt. coffers!  In any other place these acts would be offering something under false pretences, or frustration of contract I'm sure.  Ooops there goes my blood pressure again!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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In our multi-cultural society, be very careful what you wish for Debs!

As my foot pounds along the pavement and I use my pole to clear the blocked drains, it is a shame one worthy has used a chain to secure his pushbike blocking the route of my rod. Still, fish this evening, I fancy some Perch and have sent Madame Gruffalo out with her bushel to harness some.

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  • RMweb Premium

Apparently children are going to be required to know about Imperial weights and measures to stop them being confused by those still in use.


So they aren't being taught about them now? Despite roads measured in miles, cricket pitches in yards, milk sold in pints -- and a sheet of 8 x 4 for their model railway?

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I've never been taught imperial measurements.  I was taught in metric at school, and as a result, haven't a blinking clue about weights, never have.  All I know is that a kilo is a bag of sugar, but I've never managed to learn what a kilo is in imperial measurements.


I do know that a cricket wicket is an eightieth of a mile...

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It's a "Chain" (the distance between wickets)....then a Furlong is 10 Chains in length.


Feel sorry for me, I learned to calculate in Pounds, Shillings and Pence (not the easiest thing to do then when I left school they changed to the decimal system..........).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I've never been taught imperial measurements.  I was taught in metric at school, and as a result, haven't a blinking clue about weights, never have.  All I know is that a kilo is a bag of sugar, but I've never managed to learn what a kilo is in imperial measurements.


I do know that a cricket wicket is an eightieth of a mile...

Our test bowlers would struggle to deliver a ball 1/8th of a mile (220 yds = 1 furlong). The cricket pitch is 22yds long - also called a chain. A Kilo is approximately 2.2Lbs. Edited by Gruffalo
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