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  • RMweb Premium

OK Andy, Solicitors make money from executing wills and gaining grants of probate. Banks who are specified executors to an estate make money for doing nothing, they charge higher fees and simply pass the work to their tame law firms. In both cases, the expenses are allowed against the estate so the net value on which tax has to be paid - if IHT is due - is less. Cutting out the middle men (solicitors and banks) saves the estate quite a bit and yes, it may mean more money to HMRC but the estate benefits because the tax levied isn't at 100% rate. On one of the estates I did, I expected there would be inheritance tax due but looking at the situation when the other partner died, the "available" allowances that were not claimed previously meant the estate just avoided IHT at the time. It wouldn't be something that everyone would like (or perhaps feel confident enough) to do but I managed it on my own whilst running a small business. Without the internet, I would probably have not taken on the second one!


I had a feeling that would be the case, but that has confirmed it.  oh how things have changed!  Cheaper too, I suspect, than my day.....

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  • RMweb Premium

:yes: "The Gamesters of Triskelion" :declare:




You're on the ball tonight!  I had forgotten that episode, I suppose it has been on the 're-mastered over bright coloured re-runs' recently?  We prefer TNG and Voyager.....and Hairy Dieting Bikers.

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  • RMweb Gold

FiL brother lived on the IOM and his estate was been handled by a solicitor who was wasting time and creating work by  things like writing to addresses in the will rather than asking his friends their who were in contact with the family. So I contacted IOM probate office and obtained a copy of the will then wrote to him naming the family members, the bequests they were due to recieve and their addresses. He behaved better after that.

My Dad advised that if you put things intending to use loopholes in your will they could well be plugged before you die and money could be tied up and hard for the family to use.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Need to go and clear the snow off the car but it's still snowing. May as well wait until I'm ready to go.


It has just been on the local news that one College of F.E is offering a course aimed at preparing people for entry into TV talent shows.

[victor meldrew mode] I just don't believe it. [/victor meldrew mode]

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It has just been on the local news that one College of F.E is offering a course aimed at preparing people for entry into TV talent shows.

[victor meldrew mode] I just don't believe it. [/victor meldrew mode]

Talking of which did I miss Gordon's TV entry during the Hurricane Sandy fiasco? What happened?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

so its still dark in Leeds and a bit chilly.


Garage reconnected all the canbus on my car and it seems to have fixed the "problem"  (good job I know more about it than they seem to(!))


Getting ready for my first indoor 6 a side cricket umpiring session tonight but first ..... some wagon weathering!


Have a great day everyone

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Good morning all!


Watched the latest play from TOADS at The Little Theatre last night. Rather weird with time going back and forth. ("Time Was"). It's billed as a comedy but elements of it were quite tragic, especially when one actor, who is hard of hearing, was heard to say "Pardon?" to the Prompt!


Not our finest hour but an enjoyable evening out rounded off with a convivial session in the theatre bar.


Hope all stay well, safe and warm.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A couple of inches of snow over night which started to thaw and then refroze around 05:00 (according to the radio, I was still in nod) has made driving lethal on the untreated roads, so I'm working at home again today.


Hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lots of comments about the proposed pensions. The real truth is they are spreading the money around more to give those who haven't paid in enough more that way they will no longer be able to claim pension credit. Of course everyone else either pays in more or gets less (both?).


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold here, but no snow. There was some sunshine earlier, but that's now gone. I may be getting a cold - haven't had one in ages, so fair enough.


CNN reporting that Lance Armstrong has recorded an interview with Oprah Winfrey which may cast new light on the drug allegations. Some US media suggesting it may do more than that.


Once again - stay warm and safe!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Just above freezing here and a bit breezy. It looks as if there was a light dusting of snow at some time during the night. There were no delays on Aditi's train to York, After breakfast (full Yorkshire) she has to go to the Science Park near the university and I'm sure she will arrive in time for coffee and biscuits.


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  • RMweb Gold

Heavy snow on the way to work this morning. 

Nice thick stuff rather than the wet stuff we had yesterday.

I think our freeze is due later.

I should be out with my camera rather than at work :(

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Morning all.

Lots of comments about the proposed pensions. The real truth is they are spreading the money around more to give those who haven't paid in enough more that way they will no longer be able to claim pension credit. Of course everyone else either pays in more or gets less (both?).


A friend commented that HMG has made us pay in towards our pensions for years but has always squandered that money without any approval from us. The new scheme is just going to do more of the same with smoke and mirrors but one thing is sure, there will be more losers (me for one) than winners (no one I know).

Hazy sun here this morning, about to face the joys of shopping in Milton Keynes! At least the roads don't look too bad at the moment and it will be fine as soon as we get on the M1.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, late on parade, physio appointment.  I survived.  Just.


Unfortunately our pensions have to mirror the UK.  We do have a Manx pension supplement, but that will be vapourised by the time I get to pension age I'm sure.


I don't understand pensions, but Mrs NHN who used to work for DWP in the UK certainly does, and she says we're stuffed.....great.  Those who put in less from their own choice get more, and we who were encouraged to opt out or something to 'plan ahead for retirement', get some of ours taken off us.  Will say no more as it transcends into politics.


I need a train fix, but at the moment that will just have to de a DVD.  Oh, and a transfusion of coffee.

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