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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I'm currently keeping tabs on several options - both concerning employment and a possible doctorate in the future. I just finished an application for a museum near here, for example, and am in contact with the company where I've been working part time along with my studies to see whether there may be an opening for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, I'm currently keeping tabs on several options - both concerning employment and a possible doctorate in the future. I just finished an application for a museum near here, for example, and am in contact with the company where I've been working part time along with my studies to see whether there may be an opening for me.


I was starting to think that my wife wouldn't finish her doctoral studies until she retires but her supervisor is "encouraging" her to complete by this August. Even when she allocates time to work on her studies things happen to get in the way. She did intend to spend the Christmas / New Year holidays studying and writing but spent most of the time processing students university applications . She had been asked to cover as the person who normally did it was ill. I think she is back on track now though. Though I do worry about someone who is reading a Norwegian crime novel in French for relaxation!



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks


Just sat here in the living room - these laptop thingies are great (so far).


Prognosis is now for a phased return to work with restricted hours initially, then phasing in a full working day - well I'll be glad to get back I can say.


Many leaky oktas here today, and I got most of them on myself when I went to town on the bus - it was late and there's no shelter. Got to say I've never been so grateful for Stagecoach as I have this last two months - but with luck I'll be driving next week.


Physio again on Moday - there is one small plus - I've got over an hour to kill for the bus back from Morecambe, which does give me time to pop into The Train Shop for my periodic drool.


Also a possibly expensive venture - I have started to order from Amazon now - have resisted up til the present as I like to support local traders, but Lancaster only has two bookshops, Waterstones and Smiffs, and they just can't compete for price - and so far, their delivery is quite good too.


I'll happily abandon these two operators in favour of net based sellers, but I am MOST doubtful that I will do the same for my modelling - The Train Shop seems just too friendly and keenly priced to tempt me away.


Regards to all


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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know if they still have them but when Southend had its own bus company there were open top buses. Sometimes they would appear on the less scenic routes and even more strangely "out of season".


Update on my wife's novel. The Norwegian crime novel that she is reading in the French edition is set in Australia.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


I'm just seeing it is cold outside at just about 2° . Supposed to be rainy and windy over the rest of the weekend, too...bah.


One piece of news this morning says that a 69 years old woman who was having her car cleaned at a car wash lost control of her vehicle and crashed through another washing tunnel, then ending up in a lamp post. She suffered only minor injuries, but caused about 85,000 € of damage.


Have a good day :) .

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  • RMweb Gold

You could say she cleaned them out


Morning all


Isn't technology wonderful. I'm sitting here travelling up the East Coast Main Line to Glasgow and talking to you lot. My laptop has the OS maps on it so the GPS is telling me exactly where I am.


There are a lot of University rowing clubs on the train. No boats or oars but they all seem to be carrying their own rollocks.



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Morning All,


or Tunnel of Love?


Well, Dire Straits have done both "Tunnel of Love" and "Water of Love" - I was referring to the latter which was on their first album.


Morning - went for a nice meal last night with a lovely young lady. Went to Charlie Browns in Eastbourne (an American Diner-style resturant) - and then for a couple of drinks. Seemed to go well, would like to see her again. Fingers crossed!


I'll keep my fingers crossed too Ds. Glad the date went well.


The weather is a bit on the gloomy side here this morning. We had some sun a little while ago, but now it seems to have clouded over a bit.


Gloomy day, gloomy mood.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

BoD You could write a little program that could tell you how fast you are going if you get bored looking at rollocks.

I hope you have a nice day, at I assume the ModelRail Scotland exhibition?


The weather here is dull and it looks as if it has rained recently.



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  • RMweb Gold

Yes. Model Rail Scotland indeed. 1st class too - Advanced tickets work out cheaper than petrol and cheaper than an ordinary standard return. Wouldn't want to be travelling wtih a different sort of person, would I? biggrin.gif


As much coffee as I can drink too - that clinches it for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


long day ahead as my house mate is having a leaving party as she is going back to Aus next week so that wont be an early finish and i have work tomorrow blink.gif unsure.gif rolleyes.gif



Yes. Model Rail Scotland indeed. 1st class too - Advanced tickets work out cheaper than petrol and cheaper than an ordinary standard return. Wouldn't want to be travelling wtih a different sort of person, would I? biggrin.gif


As much coffee as I can drink too - that clinches it for me.


BoD - you dont want to get use to the great unwashed and rucksac bregade before going into the show????? laugh.gif laugh.gif




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  • RMweb Gold

I have my rucksack with me - and I deliberately haven't showered all week. I wouldn't want to stand out in the crowd.


For some reason I have the whole carriage to myself too.

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I have my rucksack with me - and I deliberately haven't showered all week. I wouldn't want to stand out in the crowd.


For some reason I have the whole carriage to myself too.


Oh good heavens... That conjures up all sorts of images from shows I have been to in the past. It is strange really - it doesn't matter which hobby it is, it always seems to attract a minority like that. I used to go to the Amateur radio exhibition at Picketts Lock every year and it was exactly the same there. I guess that every hobby has people who are obsessive to the point of exclusion of everything else.


It isn't just limited to the UK. I have seen similar people at Model Railway and Amateur Radio shows here in Germany (and tried my best to stay upwind)!

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Well, Dire Straits have done both "Tunnel of Love" and "Water of Love" - I was referring to the latter which was on their first album.


You're right! I'd forgotten that one, second track, side one of their first album! Not sure my cassette would still play these days; it is copyright 1978!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have my rucksack with me - and I deliberately haven't showered all week. I wouldn't want to stand out in the crowd.


For some reason I have the whole carriage to myself too.



Will this be how we recognise you when you appear "down souf" later this year? Perhaps just in case you had better let us know which celebrity you most resemble? My wife thinks I could be mistaken for Compo in "Last of the Summer Wine".



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  • RMweb Gold

I was once mistaken for the liberal MP Alan Beith but these days am more likely to be mistaken for the Hindenberg (before the fire).


Very enjoyable exhibition today. Didn't spend too much either.

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