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But you will not be receiving "heavy snow". Two years ago we had had 36 inches of snow by January 1st, just from two falls; by the end of the season we had accrued snow to 88 inches in depth. 

Now, that's what you call snow. You think we don't have the same issues of work and children over here? You learn to cope.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


 blue sky and sunshine , no idea of the temp as I've not opened the door .


 About early to day as I'm soon off to W-S-M for the one day show , so I had to

get up and shave , shower ,sanitize and deoderise sufficiantly so as not not to be

sniffed at .


Have a good day all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Pleasant evening with cards and a curry at the other end of the village  - home late, though. Slept well.


Overcast but not too cold, with no real breeze. Maybe some snow this afternoon, they think, but mixed with rain, so not much of a threat yet.


Enjoy you day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning, all.

Just grey cloud for miles and miles,,,

Down to 4o yesterday and we're spared the frost this morning - bet it's different tomorrow when



Having a bit of a crisis with my N gauge layout. Not sure it's going to be practical or deliver what I was hoping for. Rather hoping that it won't just end up as a pipe dream with lots of rolling stock packed away in a box. Starting to think that "armchair modeller" is about as far as I'll get in this hobby. :(




Don't give up yet, Andy, speaking as I am as a novice, not an expert.  May I suggest 'playing' with bits of track (or paper printouts) and pieces of card the size of your rolling stock (think of them as roof tops that you're looking down on from the gull's perspective) to find out what works and what doesn't.  I love 'playing' - call it 'designing' / 'planning' if you wish.  I also break it down into a series of micro-layouts rather than one big one and work on each idea at a time while I'm looking at the bigger picture.  Just like trying to get the house back to normal after Christmas.    :mosking:    Mind you, in N gauge, you'd be looking at mini-micros...    :rofl:


Good luck with it and no need to think about armchair modelling yet - too many people on here to let you do that...


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


bright and sunny with a few streaks of high cloud but distinctly on the nippy side.  The DM seems to have stopped forecasting an Arctic armageddon for all of Britain which means the Exeter seweed readers might well be accurate in forecasting heavy snow(fall) for tonight, and heavy rain tomorrow (to wash it away or glaze it nicely if the temperature drops).


Have a nice day in Weston  Mike - at least one good layout as Roundhouse is taking his engine shed  (loco depot) - great stuff it is.


And as for layout planning Andy - yes, good idea to work out bit by bit what you want and how you'll do it then see what will fit; I'm still planning the track layout for my intended double track through station, just to make sure it can do what I want, like provide a run-round for an autotrain or railcar which arrives with tail traffic.  Time spent planning pays off and I can tell you that from the 1:1 scale world where layouts and moves I planned in the early 1990s are still taking place every working day.


Have a nice day folks.

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Cold - still frost on the car - 50% blue sky and a strange yellow light - dogs looking at me expectantly.


Today is the day for clearing up what we brought home from the caravan yesterday and removing the sofa so that the new one can be delivered tomorrow. And tomorrow working from home, so may have timed that just right, then.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


2-5cm on its way? Pah!

Barely enough to cover a Hobbit's toes.

I'd better warn Aditi. Being a rather short person Hobbit weather forecasts are appropriate for her. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, What's all this about snow? In these parts it's difficult to read the computer screen as the sun is so bright!


A swing of +14 in 24 hours, that's impressive Martin.


As the puppy dog is asleep on a cushion at my feet I might be able to sneak off to the workshop. Then again perhaps it's time for a coffee.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A dusting of snow this morning and very light flakes, stopped now but very cold, just above freezing if it is actually above.


A quiet day today, all chilling (literally if I don't light the fire)


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, minus 3 and a light dusting of snow here in Rhine-Westphalia. Another couple of days then it's back to reality, thoroughly enjoying my time here though.


I had a flight of fancy and actually looked in a couple of estate agents windows.....hmmm


Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, minus 3 and a light dusting of snow here in Rhine-Westphalia. Another couple of days then it's back to reality, thoroughly enjoying my time here though.


I had a flight of fancy and actually looked in a couple of estate agents windows.....hmmm


Have a good one.

We often look in estate agents windows on holiday. Definitely flights of fancy, as everything Aditi likes the look of seems to be in the million Euro price range.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, dull 2c and damp here, looked on the webcamabob and it's snowing up the mountain.




A centimetre of snow here certainly does cause chaos.


I'm not mentioning chainsaws today.  oops.


Looking in estate agents windows is a harbinger of change - we've been here nearly 11 years now!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, there is some snow but it is very thin at present there could be more to come looking at the sky. Matt liked Reaseheath college yesterday and the drive was easy so we hope he gets in.



Yes, I remember the days of college choices, the 'where can we overnight?' on the interview run and then on the uni runs beginning and end of term for quite a few years.  Fortunately, our runs mostly took us through Lake District and Peak District country and to a B&B in Kirby Stephen with, shall we say, lots of character including an 'armoured knight' standing in the hallway.


We returned to KS last summer on our way back from Hartlepool 2012 but this time parked at the station, had a nose around, imagined ourselves booked into the accommodation (!), and took some photos.  A few days earlier we had thundered through on The Fellsman.   :sungum:    That was one hell of a ride (Oops! Sorry, getting too excited...) fantastic journey.  Part of the fun was spotting the spotters along the line.

wave_smiley64.gif    wave_smiley18.gif   smilie_out_015.gif   wave_smiley80.gif   wave_smiley71.gif  bth_camera_smiley.gif

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With one or two small exceptions, property has not been the road to a fortune for me.

In one memorable incident I was contemplating buying off plan a holiday place when it was wiped off the map by a tsunami.

I've more or less taken the hint now.


No snow business here - yet.

(A reminder that we had the record snow fall of 8 feet some years ago).

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  • RMweb Gold


No snow business here - yet.

(A reminder that we had the record snow fall of 8 feet some years ago).

i am amused by Matthew's attitude to snow while in Calgary. I'm sure he would tell me that someone would have tidied away even 8 feet*of snow by the time he got up! He did think that more snow seemed to be left on the ground following snowfall in Montreal though. He is thinking about visiting Houston in February so probably no snow there then!


Though I think they probably have metric snow in Canada.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I remember the days of college choices, the 'where can we overnight?' on the interview run and then on the uni runs beginning and end of term for quite a few years.  Fortunately, our runs mostly took us through Lake District and Peak District country and to a B&B in Kirby Stephen with, shall we say, lots of character including an 'armoured knight' standing in the hallway.

How things have changed - when I went up to Newcastle with my son a few years ago we went on the train, no problem with a day trip from Reading apart from some young lady choosing our train as her way of ending it all resulting in our somewhat delayed arrival.  Anyway we got talking to other aspirants and parents during a tea break as another had also been delayed by the same incident, at which point a third parent joined in to explain that she & her daughter had been delayed getting to Heathrow but had caught their flight without any problems.  


Going to a Newcastle uni 'intro day' by air - from Surrey :O   Definitely doesn't help the B&B business! (although still not in the same league as a Railtrack manager who flew from Gatwick to Manchester for a timetable planning meeting).

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sunny day in Leeds - if anyone wants to buy a property I have a "spare" two bed terrace in Barrow in Furness for sale currently!


As for snow - well its not here yet and if it arrives tomorrow it may mean her indoors can stay here rather than driving round Leeds delivering a variety of  music classes to a variety of pupils at a variety of schools.


Have a good day and hopefully some time for modelling....

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Another railway incident, Mike.

I don't seem to escape the Southall one.  Everytime I Google something to help with my Shed - there it is.  Guess I'll have to look into it sooner or later.  Can't keep burying my head in the ballast.


Love  Keep your head up

Ostrich Feathers

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Morning afternoon all, been up a while and out with the dogs.  Have given Dad his birthday presents now, 3 days early, as I'll be back at work in Edinburgh on Wednesday.  He's promised not to use the chainsaw after drinking the other present.


There was a dusting of hail last night, so my car's thoroughly frozen over.  The ground is still soggy in places, though some of the smaller puddles are frozen over, as was the birdbath. 


Sunday lunch will be ready shortly, then I'll need to defrost the car and brave the journey back to Edinburgh.  Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.


(Missed it as I was out with the dogs, but Martin Carthy was the Desert Island Discs castaway this week, so I'll catch that on iPlayer during the week).

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