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Early Risers.


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I know the feeling, I do miss the chance to discuss what I was really like as a child with family.



Know that feeling. However I find myself answering those type of questions from my sister who is four years younger :yes:


My mother had made a list of the dates of family deaths from the 1920's onwards - when clearing the house after her death I never found it - b*gg*r! So that's a bit of family history lost.






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Fortunately Wokingham is a tad to the east of south of us and the sky in that direction from here doesn't look too bad - yet.  


And I wouldn't wish a pulmonary embolism on anybody's relatives.  When I went back to work (some time) after my second one one of my team who was a First-Aider, and a master of dry cynicism, did point out that it was known 'in the trade' as a 'quality death' as the sufferer doesn't know a thing about it - those who suffer the shock and are hit by the suddenness of it are those who are left behind.

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late today due to helping with the Club move into new premises - and no snow ( thank goodness) we just need to move a lot of gear into our new room on Wednesday.


Cold but dry 

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 A great shame she won't be there on a Sunday then - the bells are something amazing even when they're rung without any changes, as we found out when stopping in a hotel in Low Petergate one Easter

Well, yes - but you can go off bells at close quarters. Our first house when we were married was a rented cottage on the edge of a village, right beside the 12th century church. Idyllic, till bell practice started, every Wednesday evening. That quickly became our night for the pub!

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Well, yes - but you can go off bells at close quarters. Our first house when we were married was a rented cottage on the edge of a village, right beside the 12th century church. Idyllic, till bell practice started, every Wednesday evening. That quickly became our night for the pub!

Oh, that's another excuse I can add to the list of reasons to visit my local hostelry!
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  • RMweb Premium

It's only the teachers that that happens to these days.



To quote the Chief OFSTED inspector 'Teachers morale is an all time low just shows I am doing my job right'   With a positive leader like that retirement and claiming dole looks attractive. The newly qualified young teachers I teach about behaviour have energy, determination and care for the children in their classes but by the time 5 years has passed one in five out of them will have packed the job in.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you for the snow warnings. The wind is blowing from the east here and it feels a lot colder than 3C. No snow forecast until Monday evening though but the main roads are being gritted tonight.



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Evening all, we've got a thin covering of snow on my car here in Durham (yes, I'm back here again, I'm nomadic at the moment!).


Been out today to get Dad his birthday present. A chainsaw. (I did wonder whether sales of these have increased, given the latest box office hit...?) He's also getting a bottle of cask strength Caol Isla single cask single malt and a Hornby horse box.

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Been out today to get Dad his birthday present. A chainsaw. (I did wonder whether sales of these have increased, given the latest box office hit...?) He's also getting a bottle of cask strength Caol Isla single cask single malt and a Hornby horse box.

1. Did you get him a human Skin Mask to go with Chain Saw?

2. Caol Isla. I like Isla whiskys; are not most of them meant to mixed with water or not? I usually don't...


Best, Pete.

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No, but we did get him a helmet with visor!


With these cask strength whiskies from SMWS (Scotch Malt Whisky Society) they're usually in the region of 60% ABV so while you might take a tiny sip, adding a little water is definitely recommended! The prices for these single cask ones tend to range from about £40 upwards.  This is one of the more expensive ones I've seen...


I tend to prefer Islay and Jura whiskies to those from Speyside, they're usually a bit mellower.

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  • RMweb Premium

 Evening all, we've got a thin covering of snow on my car here in Durham (yes, I'm back here again, I'm nomadic at the moment!).


Been out today to get Dad his birthday present. A chainsaw. (I did wonder whether sales of these have increased, given the latest box office hit...?) He's also getting a bottle of cask strength Caol Isla single cask single malt and a Hornby horse box.


"...A chainsaw...given the latest coverage on ER" is what I thought you were going to say... having been the topic of the day, here  recently  :laugh:  


I eventually get back to these pages and it's way, way past bedtime. 

Ah well.  Have a good night, if you're still up and Hello, and have a good day to those who come this way later.




Edit typo.

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Good morning. This is my before church "Early Rising"

The sun has been up for 20 minutes already.

The sky is clear blue. There has not been a radio weather forecast yet but previous forecasts predicted clear, warmer weather.

I hope it's favourable for your plans for the day.


Edit: 30C forecast!

Now back from Church. It's vstill 0nly 8:45 but already HOT

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


We're down to -4°C – which of course still is a far cry from the -50 they're currently having in Verkhoyansk, according to the weather app. I but am curious how life in eastern Siberia must be, considering this kind of extreme climate!


Off to the bakery in a few...

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It isn't forecast to snow here today but the sky has that "it could snow" look.

I'm not sure what I'm doing today. I suspect I'll be cooking lunch / dinner and  walking the dog while Aditi prepares her stuff for York.


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Good morning, all!


No sign of snow in our part of South Devon but it feels a little chillier.


We spent yesterday evening at the cinema in Torquay. It's one of those where a large, old picture house has been converted into four small cinemas. This does make the screen seem large and the volume was loud; a headache at bedtime followed.


Anyway, the film we saw was "Quartet" which has been discussed on here previously. I quite enjoyed it and there were some lovely extracts of classical music, including opera. Many well known actors and talented musicians in the cast.


Enjoy your "day of rest"!

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:O Jeepers!........your kitchen must be huge! :mosking:

There are times when I hope that Robbie would be happy with a run round the kitchen for his exercise but he thinks anything that doesn't involve a ride in the car and a field with water doesn't count.

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Maybe some will be spending their day of rest digging out from under a colossal fall of  5 CMs of snow (about 2 inches).......for the men digging - 8 inches....


Weather: Cloudy, Showers later. High 12C, Low 9C


Sunrise: 7:20am. Sunset: 4:53pm



It's Winter it gets cold, sometimes it snows, enjoy the diversity....


Have a good day!


Best, Pete.

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I just wonder about the combination of strong drink and a chainsaw.........

Yes, especially on a Hornby horsebox!


Well we have high cloud, a smattering of frost and the beginning of what is called sunshine.


My task today is to cut and fit new skirting boards for our bedroom.


Yesterday the Obergrumpenfuhrer painted the walls. I offered, but we did want the floor left as it was!





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Morning all.

Heavy Snow on a Sunday night is not fair no one really gets to enjoy it, it is a real hassle getting to work, there's the worry of kids if the schools close etc. etc.

Heavy Snow Friday or Saturday night lots of people have fun with the kids less traffic so less hassle.

Obvious solution declare any day following heavy snow as a bank holiday we would all look forward to it then!


However last night it was raining really hard. I have been coughing and spluttering so much I could face getting wet. First night the dogs have missed their walk. I must be getting old.


On a different subject. My sister pusuaded our Mum and Dad to write down some of their childhood memories very useful. Her grandchildren were born after their deaths. One rather shocking thing my Mum did say was about the blitz. Before they were bombed out they spent a lot of nights in shelters. Coming out one morning she saw a head by the side of the road. Never spoke about it for 65years. She said there was so much death around people didn't talk about it just tried to carry on with life. Very difficult for a 12 year old.



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No sign of snow here in Hampshire. And for once it's not raining. Planning on going for a walk later.


Got some good news from a couple of friends in Devon yesterday. They'd both lost their jobs just before Christmas and things were looking a bit bleak.

But an email last night from them had the news that they both picked up good jobs. 


Having a bit of a crisis with my N gauge layout. Not sure it's going to be practical or deliver what I was hoping for. Rather hoping that it won't just end up as a pipe dream with lots of rolling stock packed away in a box. Starting to think that "armchair modeller" is about as far as I'll get in this hobby. :(



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