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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

I guess there is a time when you are torn between wishing the sufferer to be freed of it all, and wishing they could hang on to life because you care.


That's putting it very well indeed, Ian...

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to harp on but it does help. She's always thought the world of me & it's sad to see what's happening to her.



Glad we can help, even at a distance. We seemed to go through a couple of years that seemed to contain rather a lot of funerals and very ill relatives. Now we seem to be getting new babies to visit and some weddings!

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Morning all, well just...


Bob - sorry to hear of your families troubles, here's hoping things get better.


Grey and grimsal here at the moment, although we had a very nice burst of 'blue sky sunshine' whilst out and about earlier - all gone now, typical!


Very foggy last night while I was at work, a real pea souper all the way from Stud Farm Quarry high up in Leicestershire to the lowlands of Oxfordshire, particularly so around Aynho and Heyford where the canal meanders alongside the railway. With full marker and headlight combo up front on 66 607, the light was reflected back off the 'wall of fog' for most of the journey - with other trains coming towards me out of the mist, almost ghost like.... quite eary at times but all part of the fun! Took my first photos at work for ages too, I thought I'd better get motivated again as I've been a bit lazy of late...











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  • RMweb Premium

 Back again , you lucky ? people .


 Dentists visit resulted in no drilling or rasping required , just a booking

with  the hygenist for a good poish .


 I really feel for those with elderly parent problems having been through it

myself , it is not easy or nice to deal with but sadly it happens .


 Mike ( the SM ) Stu has been back at home for a week , improving slowly

but still being a bit careful naturaly , he was under orders from me to PM

you about your message to him .


 Thats about all the latest news so I'll let you all enjoy the rest of the day .

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Mornings for me frequently start with selective news reports from Auntie Beeb that are frequently likely to raise my pulse rate and blood pressure. It seems that the Beeb is contracted to assist the NHS by creating rage in older people leading to us ultimately falling of the cliff of life. When I get a chance to read Early Risers, it restores my faith in my fellow beings so thank to all for just being who you are - from someone who isn't having to go through the trials and tribulations that clearly and sadly are affecting some.

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Sorry just to go back to the problem of aging/ill family members. It is an eternal problem; that being so we have all been through it in one way or another and that is where ER can be helpful.


To know that you are not alone in experiencing this can of itself be a great help - I wouldn't rely on officialdom. As I said before it is more useful to assume that they will be of no help at all, which allows one to focus on what can/needs to  be done.


My Dad dropped dead on the high street of the small town where they lived. He died in front of my friend, a cop, who was literally footsteps away from him. He told me he was dead before he hit the ground - which was a comfort in that he couldn't have suffered for more than a millisecond. It was my poor old Mum that had to suffer the Policeman and Policewoman at the door which we all dread...


When she went it was longer by several weeks. I happened to be over and had to call  an Ambulance to take her to the local hospital. This hospital (that shall remain nameless) was a former Victorian Workhouse. She was stuck on a trolly in ER for 19 hours. I knew she had AML and refused treatment so spent my time trying to get her into a hospice which I failed to do before she died.


As the Sister said to me "You can't just throw money at it, everyone wants their folks to die in peace at a nice hospice, with a pleasant view - there are just not the rooms or enough facilities".


I got her into the local Wellington on the Monday but she she died on the Saturday before.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all from a very cold Harsewinkel - minus 4 and snow in the air. I' m enjoying my stay in Germany, good food and especially good and ridiculously cheap beer. Been around Lynx helos today, that was fun, still some trainspotting to do.


bTW I found this funny - for those who have ever suffered from iPhone autocorrect


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Ha! That link appeared by mistake.....................Oops. I'm sure it is OK - my daughter said that yesterday when she tried to watch it it would only plat 30 seconds or so and then announce that it was unavailable for "her" country.

DB was 66 on Wednesday, this his 1st release since , I think, 2006


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just spotted that BBC2 tonight at 21:00 has a prog called "Italy Unpacked", with the first episode from the culinary heart of the country - Emilia Romagna.


Hoping it might show a bit of my alma mater, Modena, where I had the privilege of living for a few months back in '94. 4 months and many kilos is a testament to the region's cooks!



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You're right. About 2 years ago before she fell ill she was about size 20 - she's now about size 0 & bears no resemblance to her former self. Some of the grandchildren have been to see her recently but we've decided it would be too upsetting for the great-grandchildren to visit.


Sorry to harp on but it does help. She's always thought the world of me & it's sad to see what's happening to her.



Its what we are here for.I have a friend whose mother has severe Parkinsons and isnt going to be around a lot longer, at times like this all we can do is be a sounding

board. On a lighter note having been off air for nearly a week it has just taken nearly two days to catch up on ER!

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Sorry to hear of the end of life stories that you're having to tell. It's hard, and never will get easier. Been there.


But for Debs - Candidates? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151338667641880&set=a.10150706674541880.428176.6366026879&type=1&theater


:angel: Oh my!................`where to begin! :tender:


I`m dreading these next couple of years, for being realistic; my parents are in their late 80`s....my three dogs are all elderly (14/12/11 yrs.).....I could (conceivably) lose them all, in very short order! :O ..........a life-alone would surely be utterly unbearable....many nights of sleep are presently being  lost on this thought.......... :cry:

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I'm sorry if my post upset you, Debs. I was trying to promote the idea that all of us  go through this - every single person. Just some earlier than others.


Sometimes sharing these things makes it easier to cope both for the writer and the reader.....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Sorry, but due to enforced (work related) interruptions to my leisure time, I am now about ten pages behind - and trying to catch up with this thread, the others that I'm following on real modelling, and other sites relating to my other interests, I've not had a chance to get up to speed at all - but judging from some of the recent posts, I gather that we've been discussing various stories relating to bereavement - which is of course, something that we all come up against every so often, and I have found that our friends on here are extremely supportive at such times - I was saddened by Debs' post about the possibilities for her parents and canine friends, and at such times, a good slug of e-support, and a large dollop of faith can help to ease things. 


Anybody who has posted bad news recently, please just take my commiserations, and also anybody posting good news, my congratulations - and I'll try as the evening progresses, to read the pages, and if there is anything that doesn't fall into this blanket cover, I'll get back with a thought or comment.


Latest news on the 45156 health front is that I visited a physiotherapist yesterday, as my hip is getting quite painful again, and he has concluded that I have a tight joint capsule (the equlivalent of a frozen shoulder) which will need manipulation, heat, and exercise to get itself resolved - and he started yesterday, and oooohhhh it was painful.


Dog needs walking, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

My apologies Bob if my comment about getting the family in was out of place. It was coloured by the fact that Fil and Mil have never seen their great grandsons something I find incredibly sad.

When Mum started to have real problems with her memory we convinced them to create LPA's ( basically told Dad without one the Social Services could take control of his money!) we didn't need them until 6 months ago but it has made a lot of difference. After they came to live with us the Doctors realised we couldn't cope with 24hr care so we were very lucky to find them a twin room at the Nursing home. It costs but it was money well spent the staff there couldn't be more caring.


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  • RMweb Gold

Not at all Don - no apologies needed whatsoever. It was something we'd already considered but decided against. Any comments or suggestions by people who've gone through these problems are a help even if we don't follow them.


I said on here a few weeks ago that this forum has some fantastic members & even though most of us have never met the words of support mean one hell of a lot. 


Thank you all - sincerely.



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