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I keep going on a diet of beta-blockers, anti-coagulants and soluble aspirins. I would recommend Ashcombe's friend has a chat with her GP if this relationship is to progress further, don't want to strain the ticker too much!



A toy-boy then :)



Unlike my mother who at the age of 80 is finding it increasingly hard to stick with her policy of dating older men


Thanks for your kind interest, but, as far as I know, neither party involved takes any prescribed medicines, which is no mean feat at their age! He still works part time, has an absorbing, transport related hobby and is generally fit (in the old fashioned sense!) and active. She does her own gardening (inc an allotment), goes for long walks and regularly takes on major roles in plays, besides attending writing classes, etc. Actually, it's a wonder they find time to be together but love/lust will always find a way! And I think we all know that certain exercise is good for the heart! She certainly looks well on it - glowing!

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Thanks, Martin and Pete - enjoying this now.

Sherry, WBGO 88.3 Newark is the real deal.


Way back in the '70's i was friends with Ian Middleton (a noted jazz critic). On the weekends he frequently would  go to a pub near me to stay with family friends (The Red Lion, Margaretting) and work behind the bar as an escape.

One Sunday a coach pulled up outside and in strolled the entire Count Basie Band (sans Count) including noted soloists like Ben Webster. Almost filling the Pub they split into small groups and took it in turn to jam. Quite a night - I missed it being in germany at the time, boo hoo.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

With respect, I think Keilder forest is possibly a LOT better!

But the Isle of Wight is pretty good and we have no greys. Picture posted before Christmas on here. I usually see two or three in the mornings when walking the dogs except when the leaves are fully out.


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Never ever seen a red squirrel.

Lots of greys here in Pinelands. It's fun watching them chase each other, up a tree, leap across to another, vertically down the trunk, across open grass and then up another tree (is it part of a mating ritual?)

Unfortunately they have zero road sense and many end up as road kill.


A lovely cool day (21C forecast). Lots of white cloud on the mountain but otherwise clear

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Morning all,  


The squirrels around here are black (or very dark grey) .  Not often seen though! Nothing else to report as yet. Apart from it will be chuffing hot!  - But not as hot as it is reported from "Down Under".


Whatever you're up to day trie and smile at something.



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Morning All,


It appears to be a little colder this morning.  It is still much too mild for the time of year though.


Squirrels around here are of the red variety.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,.


Damp start today & 9oC with the possibility of more rain later.


:whistle: "When you're smiling, when you're smiling," :whistle:

"The whole world smiles with you" some people smile back but lots seem to look at you as though you are an escaped lunatic but I will keep trying  :yes:. My problem is that I have a natural permanent miserable old so & so look about me. People are always saying "Cheer up Bob-it'll never happen" - how do they know this? It might & then where would I be? I'd be accused of not taking life seriously enough! I can't win! :no:


'Bye for now.


Pessimistic of Sutton

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  • RMweb Premium



Sunrise at 8:20 am, sunset 4:45 pm, 4.2°C and rain predicted beginning this afternoon. Nothing much to report aside from that, so I just brewed me a cup of coffee...



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. It is light enough to confirm that it is cloudy. Very damp but not raining now (I have just returned from putting out recycling bags and boxes). It didn't seem cold.

Nothing special planned for today. 


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Still and overcast here in Torbay.


On the subject of squirrels, the grey ones are quite greedy on the bird feeders but then I guess they deserve to survive the Winter too! No red ones seen locally but a few spotted in Lower Normandy on the site where we have a mobile home.


Have a good day, everyone!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Bit gloomy today feel rather like that myself. Hopefully the new window (for a cloakroom) and side door for a Garage will be ready for collection today.


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Morning all

Bit gloomy today feel rather like that myself. Hopefully the new window (for a cloakroom) and side door for a Garage will be ready for collection today.


Time of year that gives many folk the blues so it's understandable that you feel down with all you're going through. Do hope that you start to feel better as time goes on. Lots of support for you here.

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After the events of the past week Don, you have every right to feel gloomy.  Losing family members is always tough and makes you reflect on all aspects of your life.  Feelings of sadness completely take over and anything positive goes on the back burner for a while.  You will come through it and gradually the balance of happiness and sadness will be restored.  Just roll with it and accept the love, warmth and kindness of those around you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A very poor night preceded a necessarily-early start. Skoda needed a bit replaced in the cluch linkage. It had been jury-rigged last July, when the clutch was replaced - being RHD the garage couldn't get the part. Deb had brought the part back from Blighty in August, and I've just been motivated to get it fixed, so they have the car today. It's about 2.5km back to our house, so I was happy to walk. In the village I saw Corinne, one of the District Nurses, waiting on a doorstep for her patient to open the door. Lo and behold, I'd hardly got more than halfway home when a car stopped - Corinne offering a lift! She and her working partner - a lady twice her age, almost as old as me - are simply delightful women in every respect.


Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Bit gloomy today feel rather like that myself. Hopefully the new window (for a cloakroom) and side door for a Garage will be ready for collection today.

I think Sherry is right on the money about time-of-year. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is now a recognised conditon for some people, probably affects many more of us to a lesser extent. So coping with family grief and the difficulties that generates takes twice as much resolve and energy. I hope you can pull through, and that Mrs Donw bounces back, too. Let's see more of you on ERs and, as I did, you may draw some comfort hereabouts.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Premium

A frosty good morning from Fraggle Rock, about 0c, clear skies and I wish I could get out there to enjoy it.  Mornings like this are a joy to us live steam types, still and crispy makes for great steam effects.


Physio yesterday is taking its toll this morning - 10 minutes with no resistance on the exercise bike has left me feeling like it was 100 miles.  'It's doing you good'.....harumph.  To be expected I know, but still..... a good moan about it makes me feel better! :yes:


Many roads in the border counties have 'squirrel bridges' to try to reduce the roadkill of the reds, sort of rope suspension bridges!

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Hard frost here.

Yesterday the sky had eight oktas of a strange cloud formation.

SWMBO accurately described it as looking like a rumpled duvet.



Last evening there was a TV programme about star gazing I wanted to see.

Unfortunately I can't understand what D. O'Briain(?) is saying (probably just me).

Sounds like he has a mouthful of ball bearings.

Prof. Cox was his usual interesting self.

As it was cloudy (surprise), no star gazing took place.

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  • RMweb Gold

I missed the Stargazing programme last night. I shall try and remember to watch tonight. I was very pleased recently to be told that I was just like that Prof Brian Cox. Except it was meant as an insult as I had made a comment about an "ology" that didn't go down well with some people on that occasion.

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