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Morning all.  Saddened to read your news this morning Don.  It must be really tough for you, so as BoD says, make sure you look after yourself.


Stopped all alcohol consumption three days ago to try and lose a bit of weight and get a little fitter.  Surprised to find I still feel groggy first thing in the morning, so may have to stop drinking water as well..... ;)


Hoping to wander over to Maidenhead later this morning to kick start my modelling mojo..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


DonW - sorry you are in the middle of a mess, with Marion not at her best either. I hope she improves and can take a bit off your shoulders, while grieving for her dad. Difficult times.


Feel much better today - yesterday's digestive tract problems clearly did stem from an unwise late-night snack on Thursday. Stupid boy!


Weather seems to be stuck, with no real breeze and dreary overcast. Deb has been gone 4 months today - time that has passed quickly, really.

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Morning all

I had a neighbour who had been a woodcutter all his life. At eighty he would love to go out on a Sunday morning (having been working all week) to split logs with an axe whistling away quite happy. He said he was a lucky man during the war instead of being sent to fight he had been in charge of a group of ladies deep in woodlands.

It is nice to think of happy days because 2013 is not starting well . Little dog attacked and bitten by another dog this week. Fil  passed away yesterday peacefully. MiL not good I don't think she realises FiL has gone yet. Marion ill in bed so I am all over the place.



Tough times, Don. Hope the warmth of the reponses here will help you to find the strength to cope. Take care of yourself


Morning all.  Saddened to read your news this morning Don.  It must be really tough for you, so as BoD says, make sure you look after yourself.


Stopped all alcohol consumption three days ago to try and lose a bit of weight and get a little fitter.  Surprised to find I still feel groggy first thing in the morning, so may have to stop drinking water as well..... ;)


Hoping to wander over to Maidenhead later this morning to kick start my modelling mojo..


Gordon, I've also had two days sans alcohol and find I am sleeping better and waking up with more energy so it might be worth persevering! Our local surgery is very keen to promote sensible alcohol consumption and recommends at least two alcohol free days a week.

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I guess years of punishment will take more than a few days to sort out.  16.00 is always the danger time for me.  Mrs S is a creature of habit and always enjoys a ginger beer around that hour.  Just to be sociable, I found a glass of wine was quite enjoyable.  The second ever more so and then a third with dinner around 18.00 and I was a happy soul...


My dear lady stopped drinking five years ago when her father died, so I do get the occasional tut tut as well.... :D

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Way back in the 1960s I gave up booze for lent. I have never welcomed Easter with greater joy. Since then I have never had an alcohol free day EVER!

Giving up smoking after 50 years of 30 a day was an absolute doddle. Skipping one before supper noggin is unthinkable! I am not an alcoholic. One is enough, though two are enjoyed sometimes. When I sometimes pour a third,  after one sip it invariably stays in the glass in the fridge until next day


Thinking of you DonW. Really best wishes for a difficult time.

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My only vice is smoking, about 20 per day. Funnily enough I can take or leave drink, I used to drink rather heavily until I started to get debilitating headaches after just a couple. The local beer sucks over here but I enjoy a good glass of wine or Port.


Todays weather : Sunny, 3C for a High, Low of  -2C


Sunrise: 7:22am

Sunset: 4:45pm


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Sorry to of further bad news Don - when my MiL died we were actually grateful that the Alzheimers made "Grandad" unable to remember she'd gone, he always thought she was out shopping, a blessing in a difficult situation.


Dull and miserable here today, the boss has gone off to watch her son play football and presently I'm off to photograph a footex, although I think it's going to be a unit sadly.


Hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Very sorry to hear of your loss and other problems Don.


I must be getting lazy as after waking at 5.00am as usual I turned over and didn't surface until 8.30. Surprisingly Chris did the same but then decided it was my turn to make the tea so of course I  obeyed  with gritted teeth complied with a cheery "of course darling" & a smile.  :no:


Very dull & overcast  here 9oC and a little light rain forecast.


I tend to have a couple of pints of bitter or some red wine every day usually about 5.30 pm and have done since I retired & although I could do with losing about a stone I'll cut down on chocolate & cake (possibly)  The extra weight I'm carrying isn't due to any recent excesses but was put on after packing up smoking 35-40 a day 5 years ago. Like Don I found it easy & only wish I'd done it long before because the money is now spent on much more worthwhile things! (like model railways :locomotive:)

Must go now-the Boss is hinting that she wants to borrow the laptop.









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Sorry to hear about your FIL, Don. We, fortunately, as yet haven't had to deal with Altzimers or dementia in our family. It must be doubly distressing that you can't communicate effectively.


Today it's cloudy/bright. Off to the caravan to clean it out prior to partexing it later in the month. Then tomorrow it's the tree and rejog the lounge as the new sofa's arriving soon.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

DonW - really sorry to hear of your difficulties and really hope things get onto an even keel asap


Coombe Barton, Debs and Statonmaster


Thanks for the advice from your combined expertise. I think I shall try the grenade as I have a good sledgy I can use to hit it with as well as a hefty mallet to start it into position. Interestingly in reading the advice on the web, two things completely at odds with what the tree surgeons told me. Firstly people seem to think the timber is best left to season beofre choppping (TS told me to do it straight away) and also people saying on bigger logs to hit near the edge rather than centrally. So I shall order a grenade, wait for some better weather (yeah Debs, I know   :rolleyes: )  and have another go. I did rather enjoy the session chopping the smaller logs and got quite a satisfying pileof firewood before I ran out of ones I could tackle


Don't think I am in tip-top shape for haiving a go today - conjunctivitis in both eyes :blackeye:, a throat infection and a cold as well as the ongoing hiatus hernia. Reckon if I could lift an implement of destruction I would end up hitting my foot with it instead of the log!!!


So a bored day sitting on the sofa being blokey and feeling sorry for myself. If things don't improve I forsee the doctors on Monday rather than back to work.


Quick musical quiz, anybody get the musical reference in "implements of destruction" ???? Clue - 1960s protest song.


Keep it up folks!


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  • RMweb Premium

I never started or even just tried smoking and am a very restrained consumer of alcohol, too. I do sometimes treat myself to a sip of whiskey, brandy or the like on weekend nights. However, after having suffered a hangover from hell following a New Year party a few years ago, I never tried getting drunk again!

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there are some smashing lines in it - a real serious message delivered with much humour

Indeed! And I was pleased to find a song that uses the name, Alice as we have a nine week old granddaughter of that name.

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My only vice is smoking, about 20 per day. Funnily enough I can take or leave drink, I used to drink rather heavily until I started to get debilitating headaches after just a couple. The local beer sucks over here but I enjoy a good glass of wine or Port.

Reminds me of the Monty Python sketch at the Hollywood Bowl, the intro to the Philosophers' Drinking Song.  Eric Idle (dressed in cork hat and khaki shorts) throws some tins of Australian beer into the audience. "We brought along some of our beer because your American stuff is a bit like making love in a canoe." Palin: "Making love in a canoe?" Idle: "Yep. It's f***ing close to water!"


Afternoon all. Sorry to hear of Don's woes.  Hope things improve soon.


Back in Edinburgh now, so posts will be more regular.  I've just been out to run a 5K race at Holyrood Park, managed it in 30:39, which was a bit slow for me, but given I've not run since October's 10K and I've put on about half a stone, I'm not terribly surprised.  The elite athletes' cross country race from the same venue is on at 1pm on BBC1 (half an hour's time).


The diet starts imminently!  I'm not a big drinker.  I have a few bottles of whisky in the house, but empty them extremely slowly!  My main vices are sweets and crisps.  Will need to ration them...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


and what a mixture of stuff we're getting through today but firstly condolences to Don, I think - as Beast says - that MIL's condition might indeed be a blessing in disguise sad 'though it is,  My dad entered a terrible period of depression when mum died and I think he only really escaped from it when he died some 18 months later.


Colin - best to split when newly cut if my experience is any guide but it does vary with the type of timber.


Gordon looked pretty fit when I met him a few hours ago at the Maidenhead beanfight exhibition so his cure is obviously working!  I try to stick to a glass of wine per day and usually do although we went out for a meal last night and I had a little more and while it doesn't help the weight war I'm afraid that in my case the first big gain followed stopping smoking although finishing full-time work also made a difference due to loss of exercise (and loss of access to cheap cigs).  In fact I found that when I did 6 weeks full time in late 2004 I lost over a stone in weight with no trouble because I used to walk down to the ferry every morning (I was in Sydney so commuted by ferry): maybe I should get a full-time job?


Anyway not a bad day so far and a couple of good books brought home from the show, now to see what goes one round here as I here whispers of 'trouble at t'mill elsewhere in the forum.


Have a good day one & all.

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