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I've always liked the word: svelte.

Seems to apply to you, Sherry.



Best, Pete.


Thanks, Pete! Your kind comment has made me smile all morning!


Talking of smiles, I hope all my friends on ER will take a moment to  visit the thread re Things That Make You :) where you'll find pictures of William and Alice taken here during their recent visit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks, Pete! Your kind comment has made me smile all morning!


Talking of smiles, I hope all my friends on ER will take a moment to  visit the thread re Things That Make You :) where you'll find pictures of William and Alice taken here during their recent visit.


Direct connection for Ashers request (and a cute pair they are too - I remember when mine was like that ..)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good (late) morning all,


Dull & overcast today and a mild 10oC.


I was up at 5.20 am as usual to take Chris to work but when I returned I felt absolutely lousy and went back to bed which is very unusual for me. Got up again about 9.30 and after tea & toast & now coffee feel as right as rain.


As someone else who has had a knee replacement (after years of playing rugby to keep fit, wrecking cartilage & anterior cruciate ligament & subsequent reconstruction & then the ensuing arthritis) I can vouch for the fact that doing too much can have a detrimental effect. I badly wrenched mine whilst overdoing the gardening & although X-rays showed I hadn't damaged the new joint there was much finger wagging by the medics about taking care of it because it's not very easy to replace a second time. (and also very expensive)




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  • RMweb Premium

Better in the frame, Andy (maybe access by taking off the handlebars?).



I remember a practical joke explained by Willie Rushton some decades ago now. 


If a person has a particular way they like their boiled egg done then they are a natural victim for this one.

For example, if they are a 4 minute runny-egg person, you simply par-boil their egg for 3 minutes. When they come to boil it they obviously "add" another 4 minutes to it and it has become a hard-boiled 7 minute egg. 

They obviously respond by reducing their cooking time each time until they are convinced they only way to get the egg the way they want it is to boil it for a maximum of 30 seconds. 

At the point you simply stop pre-boiling their eggs. The next time they sit down to a boiled egg it has had only had 30 seconds cooking and they are now totally confuzzed. 


I'm thinking that little by little I can get my neighbour's bike up to about 40lbs. He's bound to offer me a go on it - once round the village including a pit stop is my plan. Ideally I'd find a way to get lead shot into the tyres as the piece de resistance. Ok the brakes might melt trying to stop him if I do this, but I seriously doubt he'd be able to turn the wheels in the first place. 



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  • RMweb Gold

I suspect that if he is expecting to just jump on it and do 160 miles with his friends he is in for a shock anyway.


Now, if you could arrange to take delivery of his Lycra shorts too, a strategically placed piece of wet and dry would be erm .. interesting.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Funny you say that, BoD. He did mention "coming out in Lycra". 


A bit of wet and dry on the saddle and it'd be a contest to see whether the brakes caught fire first, or his shorts. 

Plenty of opportunity to refine his bike when he's in the back of the ambulance being transported home after doing the first 20 miles.


I'll tell you all about my other neighbour who wore flip flops and shorts to take down a tree with a chainsaw sometime. Suffice to say the Air Ambulance did a wonderful job and he didn't really want children anyway. 


I'd move house but it's too much fun watching Darwinism unfolding in front of you.  



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All this talk of heavy bicycles reminds me of the (probably) apocryphal story about the guy who was stealing Mercury from the factory where he worked by pouring it into the frame of his bike. All went well until he overdid it one day and fell off by the gatehouse. The security guy helped him by picking the bike up and.....



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  • RMweb Premium

 I did hear a story about a bloke who worked in an engineering factory , used to ride in every day

on his motorbike passed the security gate .


 Then one day he rode out on a mororcycle and sidecar and no one noticed ,

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In a similar vein, there was a guy who made such a song and dance about taking scrap timber home from his place of work for the fire. Made sure he had a ticket signed by the boss and made sure the gate house keeper inspected it every time.


It took several weeks for people to twig that he used a brand new wheelbarrow from the stores each time and none ever came back.

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I had a workmate who used to work at a local factory where they allowed him to drive his Dormobile into the site because he did odd jobs for them and used the van for popping out to builders merchants for supplies and the like, though the security lads always had a quick look inside to make sure he wasn't carrying out anything he hadn't arrived with. One day he nicked a new shovel and tied it under the van, as he approached the gatehouse on his way home there came a loud clattering noise. All eyes were on him as he pulled up fearing the worst. Then gales of laughter when the assembled crowd saw that his exhaust had fallen off!

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  • RMweb Gold

Once we had to make a home based sales force of 34 redundant, all laptops came back as requested, a few weeks later someone asked where the 34 printers they possessed had been stored. Blank faces! On investigation  they had been told they were not wanted and to keep/sell or skip them.

The directive came from an IT chappy who had also been made redundant! 11 of the 34 replied to a letter re the printers to say they had been skipped as per instructions!

The funny thing is these printers were all brand new and had been sent out to the sales team 4 months before the redundancy!

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  • RMweb Premium

A guy once asked the security guards at a very special engineering company in the USA to help him to his car with a parcel - which they did - it was only as he was about to leave the site was he stopped and the missile removed from his car!  


Mind you someone at my first place of work came in every Saturday to buld a full size airplane - indeed he built two - he wasn't on paid overtime but he did use all of the machines

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It's a bit cloudy (partly) but no rain forecast. It did rain early yesterday morning but had cleared and dried out by start of play at 10:30.

On day 1 we managed 347 for 8 declared and yesterday NZ got to 169 for 4, so today sees me once again glued to the TV.


It's Friday again for you working types. I hope you manage to have a modelling (or playing/testing weekend planned.

Edited by DonBradley
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Good Morning all,


A real Dark start this morning...While a came though Schiphol the other morning there was a deal at one of the electrical stores on mobile phones.. so I bought a Samsung dual SIM card ones. (At least there it was probably genuine Samsung....here??). Trouble is when I turn it on all the on screen instructions are in Dutch.....oh well, yet another challenge!


Enjoy your day!




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry & mild 9oC here and cloudy day forecast but with some sunshine.


I must be in the good books because management has decreed that nothing domestic needs to be done "so why don't you play with your trains" although we do have to go to hospital to visit MiL this afternoon.


Today's task will be trying to find out why a previously perfectly running loco will now only travel forwards after derailing on a point that was not set properly & causing a short.


Have a good day





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Morning All,


It is another rather damp morning here - there was also a rather nasty accident on the way to work which involved what looked suspiciously like one of our company cars, so hoping that the driver is Ok.


A colleague at a company I used to work at once got onto the site using a piece of Toast as ID.  He lived around the corner and due to being late, rushed out of his house grabbing his security pass and a piece of toast from the table.  He ran over to work and through the gate flashing the toast rather than the security pass.  The guard didn't notice!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning all,A real Dark start this morning...While a came though Schiphol the other morning there was a deal at one of the electrical stores on mobile phones.. so I bought a Samsung dual SIM card ones. (At least there it was probably genuine Samsung....here??). Trouble is when I turn it on all the on screen instructions are in Dutch.....oh well, yet another challenge!Enjoy your day!Trev

This or may not work as not all Samsung phones have the same layout if it is an Android smartphone:


Turn the device on

Press the home button which is below the screen


Then press the area to the left of this home button ( settings)


A pop up menu will appear. Select the bottom option. It may have a little cog wheel to the left of the description


Another pop up menu will appear. Scroll down a fair way and hopefully there will by a little symbol to the left of whatever 'language and input'is in Dutch.

On the pop. Up window that appears the op one should be the language selection option


Can't guarantee this will work as I said above but its worth giving it a go.



Edited by roundhouse
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Morning, everyone!


Slept very well - eight hours. This is probably a case of catching up after late nights and early breakfast duty stints during the family visit. Pleased to report that they're safely home in Crewe so things are back to a calmer pace chez nous.


Hope whatever you're doing turns out well and to the workers: TGIF!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking wet and gloomy outside, but thankfully, I seem to be getting rid of that cold. I don't have any hair-raising stories about folks lifting equipment from company premises or getting onto same with unusual means, sadly – or thankfully, depending on how you look at it! :mosking:


TGIF indeed, though I'll yet have to put some finishing touches on this last paper I'm working on. The way things look, I shall finish it by formulating a question which I believe may merit further discussion, but which I cannot completely answer at this time as there would be arguments both in favour and against it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.
I don't think you need to bother with the lead shot Andy, it sounds like the idiot is going to do himself some mischief whatever happens. A friend here is a keen cyclist was telling me that exercise had to be strenuous enough to make you out of breath. I pointed out that if you are fit and regularly do a set amount of exercise you won't be out of breath because you are used to it. If you keep doing more and more you will end up doing too much. The odd thing is, he is the one with lots of health problems.


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