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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Too dark to tell what the weather is. But assuming it will be raining!


Had a knock at the door last night. 

My ever so slightly pretentious next door neighbour. You know the type - it can't be a "bottle of wine" it has to cost at least £20 before he'll touch it. 

Anyway, long story short. He' had knee surgery and has been advised to give up running. So, bicycling is the new keep fit mania. (shades of  "Beep Beep", Toad?)


"Are you in tomorrow morning" he asks. I'm getting a new bike delivered. Bought it on ebay - was going to be £2500 but I got it for £500". Forgot to mention apart from pretentious, tight is also a good word for him. 

"All my friends cycle 150 miles each Saturday and I need an ultra lightweight bike to keep up with them. A normal bike wouldn't do." 

"Erm, what happened to gentle exercise?"

"Are you in to take delivery?"


Now working from home there is some perception that I'm home all the time doing nothing at everyone's beck and call to take delivery of this, let a workman in for that...."

So my natural instinct was to say "NO!" 


But then a mischievous thought drifted in to my mind. And I found myself saying "Yes, I'll take delivery for you."

Anyway, I'm sitting here in the lounge with a bag full of lead shot (normally used for weighting wagons down) and a set of Allen keys waiting for DHL.  



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


5 trees still up in our house, 2 mini ones on window sills, 2 fake ones and one natural one - SWMBO won't take them down until the 12th night


You lot will have to wait for the sunrise shot as I'm wandering over to the field to photograph the nuke heading for Sizewell, first time it's run for a few months, 2 x 37s on it as well.


Have a good day all, I'll report back presently.

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  • RMweb Premium

Pete, I'd also much prefer some decent snow and frost to the dreichness we're having today! Quite depressing to be looking out the window and see the wet countryside with dense mist overhead...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast with the threat of rain, so gloomy sums it up. I have a coffee date at 11, so must feed horses soonest.


Having spent some time in Ashcombe's company at a skool reunion in June, dumpling is not the adjective that comes to mind. Most ladies her age (I know it, you have to guess) have a rather more rounded shape, that's certain.


Anent Andy B and his neighbour's taste in wine - Deb and I were in a supermarche in Le Mans choosing wine some years ago, and a French lady came and asked for our advice, citing the fact that "You Anglais really know about wine"! We were amazed to be told that - plonk is how so many of us talk about the precious liquid, after all - by a native Frenchwoman!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning Saxmundhammmmmm....


Back from my walk,  I should have left my jacket in the car and just worn a tee-shirt as it's very mild out there.

The sun rose early today, or rather the skies became boring earlier today, there was a 10 minute spell when the sky was interesting but that was about it so here's the "Sunrise near Stradbroke" shot, I was hoping to get a shot at Laxfield with the old platform in but the sun had turned boring by the time I got there, so you'll have to make do with this, and pretend the "Middy" is there (in reality, it did pass through Stradbroke, a couple of hundred yards to my right but this area has largely been reclaimed)




37425 and 37607 captured on pixels for later perusal, nice to see the "coal" running again.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Update! Eye test cancelled as the optician is unwell. Rescheduled for Monday..

The rest of the day can be spent packing, we are off to my brother's wedding this weekend in Worcestershire.


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  • RMweb Premium

Believe me, DD, he is a character, albeit a quite annoying / endearing one. 

  • Everything from needing a watch where the second hand sweeps smoothly, rather than "juddering". Cost a fortune but no doubt make him feel better about himself.
  • Drinks spritzers but insists that the wine has to be a particular grape and quality or it tastes horrible.
  • Sports car generally in pieces on the drive as he is trying to either soup it up or fix a strange quirk that no-one else noticed.

 'fraid a lot (actually all) of the coverted brand names wash straight over my head. 


Drove through Worcestershire last week, Tony. The Avon looked to be quite "full" - more like an inland sea. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, as someone who has just had hip surgery, and with a dear wife who has had three rounds of knee surgery, I think your charming neigbour will pay dearly for doing too much, too soon on his knee.  His choice not to listen to the surgeon and physio.  Neil, ex-NHS service manager!

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  • RMweb Premium

Tend to agree, Neil. 

He broke his leg by jogging whilst too heavy. 

Knee surgery followed. 

Now he is trying to get fit again. By cycling 160 miles each Saturday. Because his friends do this. On very expensive and high performance bikes. 

Sadly whilst trying to fix his knee they missed the chance to fix his brain. 

Off to town now to get some more lead shot. I'm thinking a lead filled prophylactic tie-wrapped under the saddle.  


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  • RMweb Gold

Last year I dislocated a finger playing 5 a side football. Whilst at casualty I received official NHS advice that exercise is bad for you. I shall follow that to the letter at all times when it suits me.


Having waited 24 hours to attend A&E thinking that it was "just a bad sprain it will get better on its own" I also got told off for being a complete bloke - putting it back is going to hurt twice as much now and that will teach you for not coming straight away.


Bless the NHS and all the poor who work in it. I love the humour which is reminiscent of that found in the old bill, and in the public transport industry (where I have worked) I think it's a coping mechnism for dealing with trying circumstances and the "general public" (insert your own translation)


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


 weather is ' reasonable ' , that is it's not raining , but could .


An interesting article on exercise and it's benifits or not .





 Now time to go for a walk and get the papers , then back to rest and relax .   :jester:


 Have a good day all .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, dry but no sun today, the dry might not last either. Dave jogging is bad for you the guy that made it popular died by the side of the road from a heart attack IIRC. Looking at the fridge the children ate less this year= more waste to be thrown but hopefully lighter children and adults. The table is still covered in choclate biscuits and other goodies but I have had enough to be honest. This morning I had a beef drpping cob with salt nowhere near healthy eating it was great tasting and enjoyable but I wouldn't want two a day everyday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


How nice to have red squirrels, and I wonder if one of our woodpeckers has headed east?  Grey skies but dry and temperature on the lowish side but not uncomfortable.


My next door neighbour - who is  very nice bloke - is one of these cycling sorts and he and his lady friend have 4 or 5 bikes between them.  His top notch lightweight bike is an incredible thing and I can lift it with one finger - the frame is carbon fibre and all the metal parts are something lightweight and very strong, I think he said it cost about £5,000- £6,000 or thereabouts when I asked him (he doesn't boast about things like that - and he's got a Porsche with a bike rack, doesn't boast about that either).


Anyway I'm tole we're off to Waitrose for some shopping.  Have a good day one & all.

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