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Early Risers.


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If you run Window$, click on start, (all) programs, accessories calculator. It can be configured as basic or scientific and can even be used to prove that 6 x 9 = 36! (Scientific, hexadecimal mode!)


BTW, it will not prove that 6 x 9 = 42 since it can not handle base 13 (Sorry, Douglas!)


But why's your sound travelling 252 metres further than it needs to?

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  • RMweb Gold

It used to be great fun getting students (or pupils or children as they were called when I started teaching) to calculate the speed of sound. The safe methods involved repetitively clapping at the same time as an echo from an original clap was heard. As this involved coordination and counting it was better if I didn't demonstrate it.



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Thought I'd check in.


So, what's been happening? - Hope all is well.


For me;


Football going OK - Hailsham have won 5 of the last 7, although Saturday's performance at Hassocks was disapointing.

Work going well - went for a promotion, which I didn't get, but enjoying it anyway.

Payday tomorrow - priorities are batteries for my DAB radio (In Car one which I use at work as well), a new wallet, and a pair of Top Gun Sunglasses, in the off-chance we do have a summer worthy of the name.


Other than that? - spending my evening listening to music on Planet Rock and Youtube - and deciding what to wear for a date on Thursday night!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi DS,


We still mention the weather, the puns are just as punny as usual. Some railway modelling has taken place. I learned how to Twitter while RMweb was away. I'm probably not the best person to give advice on what to wear on a date. I'm not known for my clothes sense. I'm always amused when my wife asks if I'm going to get changed before I go out. Have you decided where you are going for the date? Does that affect the clothes choice?



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Morning All,


Oooh! I'm first this morning. I wonder where Don is?


Quite a mild morning here - I am starting to wonder if we have seen the last of the frosts and Spring might be on the way.


It is still pretty dark outside though!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Good morning all.

I have been reprimanded for my post yesterday in "Forum help" and have been to apologise.

The ironic thing is that I got the same error message on posting my apology! ;)

Funny weather here for the past couple of days.Cloudy but hot and humid.

Enjoy hump day everybody.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


So good to have my morning routine restored, now that RMweb is back :D . About 6° outside - my dad actually had migraines yesterday, as is often the case during such severe weather changes.


Later ;) .

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Been to 'Forum Help' and read about the brouhaha and lots of other things I hadn't heard about.


I know a lot of folk spend considerable time reading on here but unfortunately I can't do that at the moment.

There are 4700 posts in that section alone without all the others about ways and means connected with the forum.


It's why I now tend to hide away in ERs.

I did venture out once and got a mild slap for mentioning a TV programme which had its own thread.


I very much look forward to the vast cornucopia of knowledge being fully restored so that it becomes the lexicon we can all treasure.


How Andy can resist pulling out his hair (or even both of them) I can't imagine.

I would be suicidal by now.

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I know what you mean, Dd! Patience of a saint, that York chap! :)


It's snowing here at the moment. Doesn't seem to be settling yet but it's enough to make goin to work an unpleasant option!


Sorry to hear you didn't get the promotion, Ds. I should hear today or tomorrow if I'm getting one - went for an interview on Monday. Four of us up for the job, including a friend of mine.


Guess I'll have to brave the elements...

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  • RMweb Gold


It seems quite a lot warmer here today and isn't raining but the garden is very wet still but the recycling bags are all out and waiting now. (Update, it has started raining!)


I don't think I'll be eligible for any promotions.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas in evidence. Third day in a row that I have to go into the office for a meeting, flippin unreasonable! Promotions, I seem to remember them from some way back in my history. Now it's a case of sitting it out till the pension. Off to play trains at the club this evening though.




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It seems quite a lot warmer here today and isn't raining but the garden is very wet still but the recycling bags are all out and waiting now. (Update, it has started raining!)


I don't think I'll be eligible for any promotions.




Not even from Dog Walker to Dog Walker In Chief?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Day started badly for us here. Was wakened about 04.30 by heavy rain beating on the dormer, and had problems getting back down to some kip - not helped by the fact that I'd rolled onto my bad shoulder and had a very painful and stiff arm as a result. Got a phone call from the colleague who is taking Mrs 45156 to work saying that she had heavy snow and might or might not manage to get into work - luckily she did, about 15 minutes late.


I am now having to follow a quite tiring and punishing exercise regime to restore the muscle tone in my arm, and the physio has given me a probable return to work date of 8th March, so it's back to the GP this morning for yet another sicknote. I still can't drive as I still can't work the gears - we hope to get mobile again this weekend. Typing is also still a pain - my left hand will type now, but the keystrikes are still random and I need to correct about half of what I type - so certainly not yet up to working on a keyboard in the office where accuracy is essential. I'm due at the trauma clinic again on the 4th, so I really should also get their OK to go back to work, I think.


Great to be backn on board again now, and to be using a machine which actually fires up and gets me online in about 40 seconds, rather than the half hour plus that I was experiencing.




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Thanks, Martin.

I did find it this morning.

Thanks also for your behind the scenes efforts in steering the transfer.


Have you visited Rhuddlan Models yet?

Small shop but going the right way I think.

Reasonable prices. Much easier for me - only about 40 minutes drive.

Still stocking up on stuff.

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It's why I now tend to hide away in ERs.


I too rarely find my way out of W&S - modelling seems to be taking a back seat at the moment.


What with work, church, trying to change the radius arm on my Mini - all while trying to hold myself together it is a wonder if even have the time to post rubbish in here! :icon_lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Not even from Dog Walker to Dog Walker In Chief?


Somehow I think Robbie thinks he is in charge of dog walking. Even when the hospital consultant asked me about what exercise I took, said dog walking is exercise for the dog not the owner! Robbie has delegated some tasks to me like driving to the park or being responsible for poo bags. I had a few "promotions" like that in my career, "Of course there isn't a promoted post or allowance available but we really would like you to look after ...". A colleague said this was known as NCP management, ie if someone complained they were being overlooked for promotion they would be made responsible for car-parking on parent-teacher consultation evenings.



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Great to be backn on board again now, and to be using a machine which actually fires up and gets me online in about 40 seconds, rather than the half hour plus that I was experiencing.


Great to have you back, too! Never forget, however, that the innocuous abbreviation 'IT' stands for Infernal Technology! :lol:

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