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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, a bit dreary here.


Well, Christmas Day came and went, highlight for me was dinner which, as I was having a 'can't be bothered' day was baked beans on toast. Still the Peroni went down well.


Been to the sales today, bought a dishwasher. The old one died a few months ago so I decided that I didn't need another one. Unfortunately I don't wash up as I go, so a couple of months of using every piece of cutlery and crockery I possess whilst watching the mountain of todo stuff grow on the kitchen sink has persuaded me that I should get one!


Have a good one.

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Back from the (muddy) walk - diverted from intended destination because of the ******* hunt meeting in the square. Dogs well walked, and now well fed - we're still cleaning us - the dogs are now 'relaxing' in front of the fire, having been given their usual snack when they came in.


Lunch for us shortly, then excavate, repackage and reprocess the turkey. SWMBO has requested 'one of my turkey stews' for tomorrow. Easy.

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Was your dog ok Debs? :/




His starboard-side lower leg was cut by the metal racing-style bike pedal.....requiring a trip to to the vets for a clean and suture......the pavement bicyclist wouldn`t give me his name/address; but did wish to tell me to: "Be more careful in the future" and "show a bit of f***ing respect". :O

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An unsolicited but invigorating kiss from a visiting villager


Sorry DD, but this begs several serious questions:


Do you otherwise solicit kisses from local villagers?

What part of the kiss was invigorating? The act itself or the effect on your person?

If it was so invigorating what part of your body received the kiss?


Best, Pete

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

His starboard-side lower leg was cut by the metal racing-style bike pedal.....requiring a trip to to the vets for a clean and suture......the pavement bicyclist wouldn`t give me his name/address; but did wish to tell me to: "Be more careful in the future" and "show a bit of f***ing respect". :O


You should have kicked him of his f""""ng bike Debs , then stamped on the spokes .

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  • RMweb Gold

You should have kicked him of his f""""ng bike Debs , then stamped on the spokes .

Unfortunately, there are examples of ill mannered and inconsiderate folk in all groups of people - cyclist, walkers drivers etc etc. Over the years many threads have gone down this route and have ended up being locked. Let's avoid that scenario here if we can.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dd, Battle of Benfleet 894. Not on the English school curriculum but when we went to  Denmark and mentioned where we lived the hotel receptionist knew about the significance of the 9th century event. There is a big metal sculpture of a dragon ship prow glaring across the road towards the Conservative Club!


One of the main paths through our park is a shared footpath and cycle way. Most times it isn't a problem, though  I've seen poor behaviour from pedestrians and cyclists. Some dog walkers can be a bit naughty as well, standing on the footpath with about a dozen dogs blocking the way!


Crossed with BoD's post, but I think I'm saying the same thing, though naughty people generally aren't treated quite as roughly as the Danes were in the 9th Century!

Edited by Tony_S
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Guest jim s-w
His starboard-side lower leg was cut by the metal racing-style bike pedal.....requiring a trip to to the vets for a clean and suture......the pavement bicyclist wouldn`t give me his name/address; but did wish to tell me to: "Be more careful in the future" and "show a bit of f***ing respect". :O


Id like to say unbelievable but sadly it isnt. Only my awareness saved me from being mown down on a crossing years ago, the cyclist was completely oblivious to the fact that traffic lights applied to him too. The lack of ID is the problem in my mind but as always a few bad apples spoil the reputation of the thousands of cyclists who are sensible/responsible.


Hope your dog recovers quickly



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  • RMweb Premium

Back from hospital and Boots (other pharmacies are available) with a bottle of jollop. Apparently tastes "ooo-disgusting" so it must be good stuff. She's been told to eat something with it and has elected that the "sprout" would be a good foil for the medicine. Must be bad if a sprout can make it taste better. 


Thanks to all those manning hospitals and pharmacies today!  :thankyou:


Bicycling on pavement. I got stopped when I was about 9 or 10 cycling to school, name taken (along with other culprits) and a list handed to the headmaster. Suffice to say I've never done it again. Where we live seems to be the focus for a number of road racing bike clubs that use the A31 for time trials. They don't add much to village life, unless you count parking on the verges, cycling 2 abreast down the main road. Funny how that turns in to "line astern" when villagers don't "give way to them". Debs hope the dog is ok - we can always let the miscreants tyre down some time if you can get his address.    :jester:


Spotted a local hunt out today but for the life of me I've no idea what they were planning on chasing. Passed them again on the way back from hospital and they looked to have caught something - a collective cold! Really miserable weather out there now. 


Finally pressies. A while back I was looking for a tool box (affordable) and Coombe B and others came up with a great suggestion, which duly turned up under the Christmas tree. A couple of double slips were also in my stocking and I'm just settling down to work on the logic of how these operate. Maybe a couple of beers would help. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Had planned some ZZZ time this morning, but got dragged off to Lancaster to visit the sales - and 30747 came back with virtually nothing!  That well known clothing emporium which starts its sale at silly o'clock had nothing but a load of tat - the menswear "offers" were generally a few odds and ends of stuff in two sizes - XXL and S - though there might have been some sensible sizes first thing, but getting there so early was not on the agenda.  Most of the other stores with sales had similarly poor offerings.


Lunch today was leftover special - and now sitting online with Downton Abbey on the recorder - they've just departed for Scotland from what 30747 described as Milton Keynes (actually Horsted Keynes, but she was close) on a long distance train ably hauled by the SECR C Class 0-6-0 freight loco - no wonder one of the characters mentioned feeling queasy after the train journey!


I made a great discovery today, when I went out of this social club, and found that there's rather a lot of stuff about model railways out there - who'd have thought it.


Regards to All



ps Debs - I refrained from commenting about your encounter as I was just too angry initially to say anything, so having cooled down a bit, have returned to my post to add my ten penn'orth to it - suffice to say that I'm not pleased and as one dog lover to another, hope it's not too serious (or expensive)


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  • RMweb Gold

His starboard-side lower leg was cut by the metal racing-style bike pedal.....requiring a trip to to the vets for a clean and suture......the pavement bicyclist wouldn`t give me his name/address; but did wish to tell me to: "Be more careful in the future" and "show a bit of f***ing respect". :O

Well I'm glad it was you Debs, because if it had been me, the dog would have been in the vets, I'd have been in jail and the psycholist would have been in intensive care having his testicles removed from his thorax.





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  • RMweb Gold

Due to the cessation of rain the park was full of families today with children trying out their new wheeled toys. Those lightweight scooters seem to be popular again. One small child must have had a new pair of wellies as she was very happy running through the puddles on what until recently was a football pitch. Robbie met by chance the dog he was summoned to audition last week (to see if they got on while they are "boarded" next week). Robbie did his "I do not see you" act to Bella ( a nice working cocker). At least Robbie looked presentable today, I gave him a thorough brushing and de-tangling before the trip to the park.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I understand and agree..........apologies! :friends:

No need to apologise Debs. There's nothing wrong with recalling experiences and putting viewpoints forward in a reasoned way as you have done. For some reason though, when cyclists (and BMW drivers) are mentioned here antagonism more often than not develops.

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  • RMweb Premium

A fact of life I suppose that the minority spoil things for the majority - in many hobbies and walks of life.  Keeps me in a job though.... :keeporder:


MM, not really the best smilie but the nearest I could find!


Got a pile of Kiwi railway DVD's to watch sent from another forum friend, the presenter guy Marcus Lush is....ummm...somewhat off the wall!  Good stuff though, enjoying them.

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Cheese and Bacon loaf a success. Very tasty.


SWMBO into town tomorrow to get crown refitted, came off today!


Probably around sales as well.


Usual role of baggage handler and money exchange bureau to be expected.


Have a good day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

 Well, I'm back - feeling like Rizzo the Rat after the spooky bit (in the Muppets' Christmas Carol if you've not seen it - yet...) having read back through pages of ERs to catch up on your Doggy tales and Christmas tails (rearrange where apllicable).


My excuse - the televsion was banned on Christmas day - family tradition harking back to the days when the kids were little - as was the computer - the kids getting their own back on aging parents.


Watched The Railway Children this morning.   :cry:  Had lunch before daughter went off to visit friends.


So, tme to wish Happy Boxing Day to all on ERs while I'm sitting here quite happily with laptop on lap.

00oooo it's good to be back.   Yeay.....   smiley_boy_happy.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

His starboard-side lower leg was cut by the metal racing-style bike pedal.....requiring a trip to to the vets for a clean and suture......the pavement bicyclist wouldn`t give me his name/address; but did wish to tell me to: "Be more careful in the future" and "show a bit of f***ing respect". :O


Interesting to hear that your local constabulary is disinterested - much the same here as it happens although I have told them twice, when reporting idiots on bicycles, not to forget that they have been told about these twits riding the wrong way in the middle of one way streets.   But I do wonder if the RSPCA might be interested and they can be very good at campaigns where animal injury and abuse is involved.  In the meanwhile I usually carry an old extending umbrella - and one day I might have to use it ;) (the result could be even more impressive than Mike's advice to de-saddle the miscreant by means of a well aimed toecap and it won't damage one's shoes).

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  • RMweb Gold

A calendar and diary featuring mostly Bewdley - great pics. and from an unlikely source.


That wouldn't be the one with 5029 Nunney Castle hauling a train of GWR coaches through Bewdley Station on the cover of both the Calendar and Diary would it?


Ask me how I know. :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold


That wouldn't be the one with 5029 Nunney Castle hauling a train of GWR coaches through Bewdley Station on the cover of both the Calendar and Diary would it?


Ask me how I know. :biggrin_mini2:

Ooh, I had one of them from my oppo - but I've got another calendar (from herself - so guess which one will go on the hook) - however oppo also gave me a rather nice bottle of 20 year old whisky plus a small hip flask a week or so back  (and herself gave me a nice little funnel of exactly the right diameter yesterday) hic.


BTW Stewart - some of the C Class were built with steam heat pipes (on the tender only) and virtually all gained them subsequently.  So even if Lady Mary was shaken she could at least have been shaken warmly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Computers were definitely not banned on Christmas Day here as we had a Skype video chat with Matthew from Canada. He liked seeing his friends Ros and Sam again and was enjoying the skiing until he ate something on Christmas Eve that gave him the Canadian equivalent of Delhi Belly. He said he was starting to recover by the time he contacted us, his lunchtime, our evening. Also the accommodation had some sort of power problem, no power for hot water, nothing in the kitchenettes worked but there were lights and some of the sockets worked so he could charge his phone and tablet computer. Apparently the replacement part is in Vancouver.

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  • RMweb Premium

Unfortunately, there are examples of ill mannered and inconsiderate folk in all groups of people - cyclist, walkers drivers etc etc. Over the years many threads have gone down this route and have ended up being locked. Let's avoid that scenario here if we can.



My point was aimed at this person , not cyclists in general , any man using that sort of

language to a lady needs to re-evaluate his thinking and the use of the word respect ,

he appears to have none .

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