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Early Risers.


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Day had improved but is now on the slide, with a downpour imminent, I think. Very windy (outside).


Very much like here, Ian. We've been out in the country with Charlie the beagle who was very fond of digging up molehills, though without finding anything. It's been drizzling for more than an hour now and been windy almost all day, too.

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Just about to serve 'the dinner'.......


...........Turkey, Roasties, Parsnips, Yorkshires, Sprouts & Gravy.........


a couple of very-hungry octogenarians eagerly await!


I give thanks for them (my dear-Mother and Father) and for all our friends; near and far! :friends:

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New Haven Neil - yes, the water here is lovely. We try not to be too controversial, and bask in the banalities of life, while supporting those who are having a tough old time of it. Dreadful humour and appalling puns are very much part of the fabric, and typing errors may be seized upon - you have been warned. Given your monicker - which NH livery do you prefer on a DL109? I like the grey stripey thing, once described as "Brooks Brothers".


Thanks for the invite!  Of course that should be invitation, to pre-empt my first attack!  ;-)  I have had a bit of a rough month myself, had major hip surgery but it went well, joint is saved for future modelling/kayaking/motorcycling activities, but it's going to take 4 months to repair now - eek.  Nothing though, to what I gather you have suffered this year, you have my heartfelt sympathies.


As for DL109's, I don't recall a gray (US spelling ;-0 ) one, I know of hunter green, another green I can't remember the name of, the 'Cranberry' and the poor one that got McGinnis which looks great on other units but truly awful on a '109.  Off to look in 'NH Power' !!!


May you all have a great time, keep the Rennies handy.

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Seems nice in here, can I play?  I need to get up earlier though, maybe.....


Have a great one, and spare a thought for the less fortunate.



Sorry Neil, I missed your entrance to the realms of ERs - don't put too much store in the "early" bit - it has rather become just the general social area of RMweb where we bat the breeze and generally put the world to rights - some of us (Don for instance) do tend to get here early, but often we come back later.  There is quite a cameraderie here, and some of us regulars feel like old friends, even though most of us have never met (though some of us have rectified this at the Members' day in Stafford - but that's a bit difficult from IOM - steamer to Liverpool, then train to Stafford but time and cost....)

We seem to share an affliction as I was off work for nearly six months after hitting myself on a kerbstone when I fell, fractured the neck of my femur, and winding up in hospital where a dynamic hip screw was fitted, but I then fell when they got me out of bed too soon, and the whole repair was set back as some of the screws shifted, so I was not allowed to put weight down for three months.  Then earlier this year, they decided to get the metalwork out again - Doctors DOH.



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Hi Stewart


Yes, this part of the forum is very like some of the others I have posted on for years, very friendly.


As for the hip, it was 'femoral acetabular impingement' I had to google...  After the local general hospital told me there was nothing wrong, a good physio my GP referred me to took 10 seconds to diagnose the cause of the pain!  Only trouble was that was two years ago.  Things slowly got worse, then in October a bomb went off in there, turned out part of the impinging bone has come away and cut off the edge of the cartilege.  Ow.  Operated on 27/11, removed the parts of bone and cartilage, ground bone off the pelvis and femur to prevent a re-occurence, pulled cartilage around the joint and re-attached via stitches in holes drilled in the pelvis! Ow again.  I had to go to the UK for all this as it was so specialised, Mr Mohammed at Wrightington Hospital in Lancashire (centre of excellence for hip surgery) did the operation and declared it a better success than they had hoped, especially as the damage was greater than had been feared. So 6 weeks no weight bearing and no more than 60 degrees flexion, and 4 months partial weight bearing.  I have to say the flight home was a nightmare, I don't want to do that again in a hurry!


OK, enough waffle, sorry for the gory details folks not interested in hips!  


The 60 degree thing means I can't sit upright, so no workbench, just a lot of daytime TV and train DVD's.  Oh, and RM Web I discovered whilst slouching here with the laptop, adding to the other forums I post on!  That 16t mineral thread kept me busy for days, the era I used to model in my BR modelling days, and that I will return to in the future.  The company here helps keep me sane, so thank you for your forebearance.



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Lunch cooked, served, eaten. Guest taken home because she doesn't like to be out after dark.


Just persuaded SWMBO that the clearing up doesn't need to be done straight away so the dishwasher is being drip fed, eliminating the double handling. SWMBO is sitting down going gooey of the Paul O'Grady/Battersea Dogs Home programme. And no, caravan sites only allow two dogs, and we're up to that limit already. Much as both of us would like more.

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Our Christmas Day in pictures!


In fact, we sat outside in bright sunshine by the harbour for a coffee after church.


Back home, I took yet another shot of the view towards Dartmoor; I also found a daffodil in bud in the garden, but despite my efforts with the image editor, I can't make it a suitable size to attach on here, but then you all know what a daffodil looks like!


Happy Christmas evening!






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I'm stuffed.. too much Christmas pudding !!



Its dired up a bit but a few deep floded spots on the road home.


My brother is up from South devon and was showing photos of the floods down there over the last few weeks. Luckily he has an old 4 x 4 he uses in such conditions.


Back to more scanning of negatives.



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Two is lovely...... :yes:


........but, three can be heavenly! :tender:


Three was heavenly for us when we adopted Max - See his story here - http://johncolby.wordpress.com/2008/12/21/unwanted-and-old/


He was ten and going to be put down because his tail wagged too much, but a contact on another forum rescued him - but couldn't keep him as she already had two dogs.


It transpired that he had a heart condition but we had a couple of Christmases, one summer holiday (dogblog here - http://johncolby.wordpress.com/2010/02/06/celtic-terrors-holiday-dogblog-2009/ ) but the heart condition was just too much. - http://johncolby.wordpress.com/2010/07/18/the-tail-that-wagged-too-much-is-stilled-forever/


Collectively they were and are called the Celtic Terrors - Sandy was born in Scotland, Kerry came from Ireland and Max was a Welsh Collie cross, with the characteristic ear tip droop.


And here is a pic them in front of the fire, Christmas 2009.



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:tender: "And if, whilst you’ve been reading this, a furry head with large eyes is looking at you waiting, then please reach out and stroke it. Or go and seek it out. Gentle the ears, place a blessing on its head because they feel about you just like Max felt about us, and we about him" :yes:

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Furry heads not in short supply here - but feline, and currently demanding supper with menaces!


NH Neil may find he is not the only hip sufferer on here - no, not me.


Neil - the gray (noted!) is in Don Ball Jr's "America's Colorful Railroads" and is a pic taken in October 1946 of symbol freight FGB-2 with DL109 #0753 with another DL, both in grey with the usual four pin-stripes, at East Haven, Ct.


Seem to have been on phone half the evening - two ladies, who feature with me among 630 pupils in the 1964 skool snap, and one septuagenarian chap, who doesn't. If I were to describe the ladies as sexagenarians, it might be misinterpreted, so I won't!

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Happy Boxing Day,

         Yesterday was perfect.

Church at 7:00,

Fetched for the trip to Pringle Bay at 9:00

Gifts exchanged at 10:30,

Sat in the SUN (but in the shade) with automatic refilling glass in hand,

Turkey and gammon lunch,

Lie down for zizz whilst Tim and his Dad went for a sea swim

Chocolatet mousse dessert followed by more loaf in the Sun

Trip home in surprisingly clear road.

A really lovely day.

My 22nd Christmas day with the Millar/Coxes (Godson Tim is 22)

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Good morning all!


Good luck with the hip recovery, Neil! In 2005, I had my right hip resurfaced as it was painful due to osteoarthritis. The op was very successful and within a couple of months, I was back at work (teaching), walking, dancing, etc.


During the recovery period, I followed the advice re exercise, especially daily walks. My surgeon has prescribed Calcichew (calcium with Vit D) to maintain bone density.


Now I have the occasional twinge, usually when I've worn high heels, which is unlikely to be an issue for you! Eventually, my other hip will need surgery so that will be interesting as, in the intervening years, we have moved areas.


Wishing you a full recovery from what sounds like a much more complicated procedure than mine.


And welcome to ER!

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Morning all...


I guess I overate last night as I didn't sleep all that well, unfortunately. And I guess I'll be doing so again tonight when goose will be on the menu. Hope you all enjoyed your day yesterday and will do so again today. Though I understand the Boxing Day sales can be a nightmare! We do have another day of reprieve over here as both the 25th and 26th are public holidays.

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Morning all.


Rather unsurprisingly it was my turn to make the tea again, still got a cough, from the last couple of days of man flu, so to get it moving I'm up and around.


Dark here (!) so I can't predict the day but I hope it's a good one for us all.

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Morning all.  Hope you all enjoyed Christmas Day.  Managed to escape the excesses and whilst family were watching East Enders, sat in front of my pc watching 'The East Coast Main Line - Kings Cross and it's Appproaches'  Didn't get through it all, but some wonderful memories.  I'm sure one day, I'll appear in short trousers, duffle bag on my back and notebook in hand.


Hoping to find a few minutes today to take another quick look at 'The Golden Age of Trainspotting'  Again some good pics, that will require peace and quiet and a few hours to really appreciate.


Second wave of family arrive today and Spurs v Villa is on the agenda around 5pm.  Poor SiL who as a Villa fan had to endure an 8-0 thrashing by Chelsea a few days ago and now he'll be surrounded by Spurs fans hoping for a similar result.  He's dreading it....


Can't believe the scenes of people queueing at 7am this morning to buy 'stuff' in the sales.. :O

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We've cleared up after family dinner. Turkey carcass picked clean and boiling for soup. We're waiting for that to finish and having a last glass of wine before bed - can't leave half-full bottles around, now can we? 


Our joint present from the kids was Amtrak tickets to Portland, and a voucher for two nights in a downtown hotel there - very nice of them!

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Morning all,


Responding to feline demands for only he knew what (was it food or was it door opening - well he went out, in the end0 got me out somewhat earlier than usuall.  Weather is currently dry but it won't last according to the seaweed twirlers in Exeter.


Had a good look through my newly acquired Powell Duffryn book last night and it has some top notch colliery pictures, plus wagons (too early a period for me in all cases), and adjacent railway lines with some pics that are new to me so, as usual, daughter hit the spot with her choice.  I've reached the age where shop sales have become something to puzzle about rather than visit - and I never did visit them in their early stages except for one occasion about 35 years ago (see, I can remember things!!).  No doubt another lazy day today - probably without the champagne cocktail.

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Morning all. Most people back to work today in the New York Metroplex area. My daughter, who is 16 was pleased to get tickets for Lady GaGa at the new arena (the Barclay's Arena, would you believe) in her home town of Brooklyn. I will not be attending, however, despite actually liking Lady Gaga's voice and bum.


Night Sky wonderfully clear here but weather will deteriorate, badly later.


Later, Pete.

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Morning all, on firewatch at work again so catching up on the top site on t'interweb. We had a nice family get together yesterday at ours then back to our daughter's for evening entertainment which included watching Eastenders. As if there isn't enough misery in the world. Kept myself busy playing with our great grandson and his toys. Ten months old now and trying to stand and walk but still flops onto the floor at every step, which makes him laugh so he's a sweet natured little chap. Can't believe he's related to me!


Just noticed that Stewart 45156 has joined the 1000 postings club, it would have been one or two more if Wheeltappers were included. Keep up the good work Stewart.

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