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  • RMweb Premium

Merry Christmas to one and all. 

Very rainy here - kept me awake most of the night, along with #1 child who had ear ache and a persistent cough.

zzz zzzz zzz zzzz must....stay...awake....for...Queen's.....speech.....



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and a Happy Christmas to you all.  The wind has dropped, the rain has stopped (for now) and having just had its legs tied together the capon is heading for the oven.  Oh and I actually remembered - about 20 minutes ago - to write the Christmas card for herself, her pressies were wrapped last night although no surprises as she knows what is heading her way.


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Merry Christmas All


I see that at least 105 of us are not watching idiot TV/assisting with dinner/looking after the kids/walking the dog, and are doing the sensible thing and going onto RMWeb.


Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, as my work PC is still not letting me post, and I can't apply the "usual" solutions as it might mess up the other web based applications that we use for the everyday tasks of running a customer service team. 


I was disappointed not to be able, for example, to post on Ian's Christmas thread.  I'll rectify that before I log off.


Also interested to see the comments about "Clue" which is still one of the best radio shows in the world.  Barry Cryer (name dropper me) told me that when they were on tour, Humph (God rest his soul) was a gentleman all round, turned up for breakfast one morning in the hotel, and got himself a bowl of stewed fruit, took a mouthful, and turned to his companions saying "how do you f*ck up a prune?".  Lovely guy, Barry Cryer, and actually surprisingly laid back, and he  thanked me for coming to his one man (plus Colin Sell) show when I would have thought that I should be thanking him for giving me so much pleasure over the past 20 plus years.


Anyway, I've got to go onto a couple of other sites relating to my other hobbies to wish them Season's Greetings.


Christmas Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Merry Christmas Morning all!


Blustery, squally showers and some sunshine - so not too bad.


After 40 min chat with my regular muse, I fed the horses early, and have just finished breakfast - bucks fizz, smoked salmon & scrambled eggs, accompanied by Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols, as usual.


I aim to do some modelling today - between phone-calls, if I get time!


Hope you all have a great day!


EDIT - My likes quota has been exceeded again. I will try to catch up with people's just deserts when the system allows!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sure there'll be so many Christmas wishes on here over the course of the day that I'd just like to post a collective, pre-emptive "like" to them all and continue to wish you all a wonderful holiday. I'll now need to familiarise myself with inputting handwritten text through this Wacom tablet which I was given, though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Some say we are an odd family!


We always eat our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, candle lit in front of the Christmas tree.


Today will be a do what you like day, so after gift exchanging, I'll walk the dog and then do some of the little jobs I feel are special.


Yesterday was to re-battery the watch of an elderly neighbour. (I gave it a whizz in the ultrasonic cleaner as a bonus.)


However, I will not be fixing my friend's lawn mower today.


Today's jobs are strictly indoors with the rest of the family


Please all have a great day, especially Olddudders.





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Merry Christmas  all, 


Bit on the drag this morning as I sat up late last night making 1:24 scale brass "try-cocks" .( bit of bent wire does not survice in that scale, despite what kit manufacturer says!). 


Hopefully son & D-i-L  will  visit this evening........as to Grand children....daughter has fallen out with her mother (or other way round!)  so who knows when I'll get to see them?....Families eh?


That said,


Have a good un



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  • RMweb Premium



Happy Christmas all ,


 looks like we had a lot of rain during  the night , but now it's bright and the sun is

coming out .


 I'm quite glad that I dont have to do all this family coming for lunch thing , sounds

like hard work to me and I try to avoid that where ever possible . My lunch will be done

and dusted in about 45 minutes , this will leave the rest of the day for relaxing . Much

like every day in fact .  :boast:


 I hope you all have a good time whatever you are doing and enjoy the day .

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And to you , Mke (and everyone else).


I'm a loner by nature and found myself pitched into the middle of an ebullient New York/Italian family when I remarried   - talk about a shock to the system! My family has just about all gone, even my brother, who I miss terribly.


Best, Pete.

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Not yet on the alcohol induced getting merrier (except as an ingredient in the cooking) in this household, but the lunch is in and since I remembered to turn the oven on this year, cooking. SWMBO is clearing up/excavating the kitchen, a job she says she's happy to do since I do the cooking. Had to remind son that there's giblets in plastic bags in the turkey. They're happy, which is all that matters to us.


Merry Christmas to all and sundry.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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I'm sure there'll be so many Christmas wishes on here over the course of the day that I'd just like to post a collective, pre-emptive "like" to them all and continue to wish you all a wonderful holiday. I'll now need to familiarise myself with inputting handwritten text through this Wacom tablet which I was given, though!

Must be honest,and say that I tried the same some years back, but there are so many "Handwriting" fonts out there, and mine resembles a cross between a doctors scribble and a spider that fell in an inkwell (remember those?) that I always pick a legible handwritten font in preference.

May your whole day be a good one



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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Christmas/Sol Invictus/Mithras's birthday to all ERs. Son is simultaneously assembling Lego, playing Farming Simulator and watching the Back to the Future DVD. Who says males can't multitask? A quiet day ahead, the lad won't eat turkey so I have a small thigh joint and he has lasagne! His mum's coming over later. I bought a present for myself, a Bachmann GWR ROD, which has had a run out on the old oval with a rake of weathered PO empties. I shall have a beer or 3 later. Have a good day everyone.


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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Christmas all, turkey went in the oven at 7.00 am prompt so having prepared the veg yesterday we are now waiting for the outlaws to turn up. DD1 is making up a dragon and DD2 a sequin picture so quiet at the moment I could get my head down for an hour.


Hope there is an outburst of peace and happiness on RMweb if not the world and those in distress get some relief.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dinner's prepared now, I do the starter, stuffing and afters  and set the table,  while 30747 does the veg and we spread the dinner over three courses with a gap between, so we put the chicken in the over, then sit down to the prawn and smoked salmon starter, let that digest while the chicken is cooking, then rest for about forty minutes, put the pud on to steam, get the main course down, then rest for about forty minutes, then have pud and coffee - result, a lovely dinner without that horrible bloated feeling.


I'm not meant to be drinking but as I'm not on too many pain killers now, and Santa again brought some malts, I think I'll be tempted.


Might pop back later, but in case I don't, enjoy the rest of your day....

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  • RMweb Gold

Presents opened, now games are underway with Monopoly about to start - is it safer to keep out of the way I wonder?  Christmas Dinner here won't be until about 15h00 this afternoon - we usually tend to eat late-ish and that works out quite well.  My reading interest is now torn between 'Peerless Powell Duffryn' (great pics!!) and 'Antarctica 1912' (fascinating story).

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Similar to Mike, no monopoly and my books are 70s Spotting Days and English Electric Chester to Holyhead Vols 1 & 2.


Chicken (we prefer that) is in the oven, veg etc. will be prepared in an hour or so, for eating around 16:00. I made us all a good English breakfast (including fried bread, mmmm) earlier so we are all stuffed at the moment.


Man flu still got me at the moment, tired just typing this but dosed up with paracetamols etc. so hopefully once my temperature drops I'll feel a lot better.


Enjoy the day team.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dinner - eaten

bucks fizz.... drunk

wine ... ditto


cricket on tV

Lots of railway related pressies (including a nice soldering station)..


peace to the world and may you all have a good day and may your gods be with you

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  • RMweb Gold

We have finished Christmas Lunch. Quite a few phone calls this morning from family in the UK.. The North American ones come later! Aditi is still not too well but emerged for lunch. No catering catastrophes but I did set  my finger alight. It is comfortably numb now!

Very quiet in the park this morning. I suppose the rain stopped all the children trying out their new bikes or remote control cars.



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  • RMweb Gold

Just having a late snack lunch. Day had improved but is now on the slide, with a downpour imminent, I think. Very windy (outside).


Have spent some time on a Nu-Cast LBSCR open wagon kit, bought in 1983. Unfamiliar territory, cast kits, in recent years. I have several more to do, so this one is a bit of a learning-for-the-future experience!

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