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  • RMweb Premium

starting the Ark Mk II now! Garden awash - so this is what the end of the world looks like(!)


My driving test was in Stevenage with no traffic lights but 1 pelican crossing not far from the test office. Always a queue of learners/ people being tested waiting for the lights to change. Examiner wouldn't wear his seat belt so when i did the emergency stop he had a close up view of the windscreen - I still managed to pass and since then I have had a "real" 850 Mini, a Metro or three (the wife liked them) a Maestro, Montego, Rover 216 GTi, Peugeot 406, Passat estate, Mondeo estate and now the Honda Civic ----


But the best beasts to drive - Chieftain, Challenger 1 and Challenger 2 - for some reason you just feel really safe in one of those.


Have a nice day and I hope the world is still with us later today...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I passed my test in a MkII Escort, after 3 lessons, although I'd driven my brothers MkIII Cortina PCA432M for quite a bit before hand and was lucky to have a mate who was a good teacher so I learnt well, practiced hard and passed first time. On the test I was driving along the A41 in Rock Ferry, sticking to the 30mph limit and the examiner said "Come on, you're driving like a beginner!" (I didn't speed though), he asked me about ungated level crossings, none around the Wirral but never mind, I got the questions right and passed, I've then spent the last 30+ years driving a million+ miles around the country (I used to do 100k+ per year, don't miss that), still learning.


A pleasant morning, standing water in a lot of places, another "river" to cross, but not too deep, the sun is struggling to break through though.


Some photos from my journey


The lake at Harleston



Veni, Vidi, Vici - a Roman road, Heveningham Long Lane - no legionaires around this morning though



My "boys" were ignoring me again, I knew I should have got them a card



And the sun makes a valiant effort to break through at Sibton - but fails.



A pleasant journey, with another nice (but not photographable) barn owl watch - she was following the hedgerows alongside the car, I stopped but she was too far for the camera. I watched her looking for breakfast for a good 5 minutes. Life's tough at times ..

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  • RMweb Premium

Damp start to the day but with a hint of fire and brimstone for later in the morning.


Nice lake photo there, Beast.


Last day at school today. Not sure if the children are more excited about Christmas or a trip/pilgrimage to StoryBook Glen nr Aberdeen in January.


Plans to get all the wrapping done way ahead of schedule failed due to having #1 child flopped on the sofa this week with a bug that is doing the rounds.


#2 child brought some pottery home from school.


"What's that?" asks I.


"My diva dish"


"Diva dish?"


"Yes, my DIVA dish."


"What's a diva dish?" - aware that at 5 y/o he does have theatrical tendencies.


"It's my diva dish because we've been learning about diva."


"Diwali, son. Diwali."


Have a nice day everyone. And if you spot a Vogon construction fleet around opening time then don't forget your towel." :)



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Actually not raining, and there were some blue bits for a while. Nice and mild.


Mum got her licence in the '30s - no tests then. Apart from borrowing a friend's car in the 50s for a few days, she next drove when Dad bought an ex-firm's A40 in 1963. She had a couple of refresher lessons with BSM - but had evidently not lost the plot. Dad never did get to grips with driving, so Mum did it all.


Winter Solstice - always a good day, as the year begins to climb again from this point, with days getting longer.


Hope your day goes well.

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Morning all. It's the 25th anniversary of the release of REM's It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)... ok, it was a couple of weeks ago, but it feels appropriate!


I've just realised that 20 years ago today I'd have been in Moscow, flying back to Heathrow later in the day.


It's grey in Edinburgh today, but seems a little lighter than yesterday - it actually feels like day might actually break at some point today... Suppose I'd better go sacrifice a druid or whatever it is you do to make the sun rise again...

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Morning All,


I've been absent for a couple of days. Having finished work for Christmas, I didn't switch on the computer for a couple of days!


The weather is somewhat miserable - grey and wet. I don't think we are going to be having a white Christmas this year.


I had to do a real emergency stop on my driving test too. I was driving along Hastings Seafront and a student ran out into the road. As very often happens in Hastings, the student (probably French) looked the wrong way and ran straight into the road. I learnt to drive in a Nissan Sunny, which wasn't too bad - just boring! My driving instructor was a great guy. He had been a London Bus driver and a London Cabbie before "retiring" to the coast and becoming a driving instructor.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Riding the big dog! Where's he going, Tony? There's lots of snow fallen already this year. Our son and daughter-in-law were at Sun Peaks (near Kamloops) last weekend and said the skiing was great.

Matthew is going to Kelowna. Two of his friends (from Leicester Uni studying in Vancouver) invited him to spend Christmas with them on their skiing holiday. A Canadian friend took him somewhere near Calgary yesterday to "show him the basics". His Leicester friends are also absolute beginners so they can all learn together. He said he enjoyed his "first lesson " in Calgary and plans to sleep while on the bus! For the New Year he is going to Montreal, but not on a bus, he is flying from Calgary.


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  • RMweb Gold

But the best beasts to drive - Chieftain, Challenger 1 and Challenger 2 - for some reason you just feel really safe in one of those.


My father said one of the reasons when he volunteered for the army rather than wait to be conscripted was that he believed one was given some choice about what you wanted to do. He decided he liked the idea of being in a vehicle with some armour so ended up in the RTR. His favourite vehicle was the Churchill tank.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Doctor visit done - nothing earth shattering and my BP is down a bit but still too high for his liking so yet another pill added to the repertoire. And why do Doctors always need reminding about what they were going to check before your appointment? Mine is a good bloke but I had to remind him about checking one of the A&E blood test results - which he duly did online immediately (that bit was impressive - the IT worked well and came up with everything that had been tested while I was in A&E several weeks ago, better screens than TOPS as well).


Today should be a bit quieter as the various room tidyings were finished yesterday and we used the dining room for dining yesterday evening for the first time since last Christmas - but not too worry, it'll be back to its proper use (a hobbies room) within a fortnight, I hope. We are supposed to collect the Christmas meat tomorrow but if the Mayans were right we'll be saving a few quid there and saving the planet by not using any more diesel.


Have a nice end of the world folks and join the 'there's no need to do any hoovering today' movement - you know it makes sense!

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Hello, hello, hello? Anyone out there? Berkshire calling....


Seems it passed us by. Typical, we miss out on all the fun.


Blue sky and sunny here. Shall I send sandbags?...


Edit: Congrats to your son BoD. Nice one!

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Seems we are still here and even the sun is shining. Suppose I should either go and play golf or buy the wife a Christmas present. I wonder what they have in the pro shop?


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium



Morning all ,


we seem to have past the deadline for doomsday so I decided to post some

meaningless drivel as at least now there will still be someone to read it . I thought

no point in wasting valuable time if no-ones around anymore .


Acording to the Bristol airport website Trevors plane landed at 09-32 , so welcome home .


Big improvement in the weather today , as in it's 'not ' raining , it's warmer too .


I still have present wrapping to do , not mant thankfully .


Uhhmmm , cant think of much else to say really , so lets all celebrate the ' not the end of the world day ' .


Have a good day .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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If you've seen Knossos, you'll know that the Mayans' world ended sooner than they predicted.


Bluddy awful night (don't ask) - finally got to sleep at 7.45am.

Up at 9.30am to deal with Engineers who are studying the undercutting of the 'end of the garden' stream/river.


Welcome back, Trevor.

Happy shopping all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello to all - Welcome to the brave new - post Mayan apocalypse - world.


PS - the sun is shining, so something happened ....


It's not shining here - and all the dark clouds overhead look to be heading straight for Gordon (which ought to keep him off the golf course and getting that first circuit completed)

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Not on ET or the golf course. Toilet cistern has developed a leak because the numpty plumber connected the close coupled unit with metal bolts instead of stainless or nylon. Guess what, they've rusted and now leaking. Not sufficient to flood the house, but enough for a small puddle every 24 hours. It will have to be a pro job as the whole lot has to come out to replace the bolts...


Bluddy Mayans....

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  • RMweb Gold

Well it's nice to be back among friends, after the cruise to Antwerp and Amsterdam. (But again too much to catch up on, so I hope all are well etc)


Although themed as a Christmas markets event, the Antwerp Market was a collection of wooden huts with any nationality except the Germans, selling tat!

The Amsterdam experience, was alluded to as the smallest market was so small that it wasn't where it was supposed to be, it wasn't even found under a rather large tree.

I suspect the stall holders were all Mayans and had not bothered to turn up knowing the end of the world was upon them!


(Birmingham does put them all to shame)


One presumes we'll never hear another Mayan type prophesy, as they would not bother to predict anything else after the world ended....would they?


Although the world will probably end on 24 Dec if the postman has not delivered all the 42/52/72xx locos that are eagerly awaited. The floods of recent days will be nothing compared to the floods of tears as grown men (and women) realise that their Christmas special coal train will NOT be running behind superpower!


Apart from all that we did enjoy ourselves, it was a nice break away with no phone calls or other distractions. I even finally managed to finish 'The Claverings' on my Kindle.


In contrast to Mike's comments about the weather, the sun is out and shining here at present, so a quick bite to eat for lunch and then a long walk with the dog.




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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon, I hate leaks from any plumbing. When I have fitted anything I find myself staring obsessively and almost imagine drips. Condensation on new pipes has been known to quite confuse me! I fitted the close coupled unit in our bathroom. The bolts / wingnut on ours as supplied don't look stainless or plastic, they look grey (zinc coated). Though on the design of ours they don't get wet.


Dd, I've never been to Knossos, the latest theory as to why the Mayan city building, calendar making civilisation failed is soil erosion due to uprooting too many trees. Then later on their descendants met the Spanish!

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Thanks for the welcome guy's and the sun was (and still just is) shining. :sungum: But a bit of a shock to the system, yesterday morning out in the bush, 35c... Bristol airport 7c.....so easy way for me to get out of the airport is to walk out the back gate......(saves about 5 miles driving) I could probably walk to my ex's house from there. But got a lift from her this morning and a list... guest toilet not flushing (number one), new door bell , to fix, hanging basket brackets to install,..........some break this is going to be! (and most important my loco kit has appeared!)


Enjoy the rest of your day,



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