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  • RMweb Gold

I remember the Sundays of my childhood Sunday was enforced as a dreary day only one shop was open (run by jews who shut on the saturday) and then only for a morning. The radio was only allowed restrained music. We had to wear decent clothes in case someone called which meant we could play any games where we might get dirty. Such fun. Now Sunday has lost anything special. Still most people seem to prefer it like that the local Morrisons seems busier on a Sunday than during the week.


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It's going to be cooler today. only 20C which will be a relief after yesterday's heat. Although cloudy conditions are predicted, at the moment it's clear blue from horizo to horizon.


Anybody planning any modeling today, or has Christmas preparation routed any chance?

You'll be excused if you are planning a train running around the Christmas tree.


When Timothy already had a layout he got a TGF set, which was preserved as a set and set out around the tree each year well into his late teens.

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all, got shed loads of work stuff to do today & tomorrow before I escape from here on Thursday, and a few of us are supposed to be getting together for brunch tomorrow. I guess most will be busy also with Christmas preparations,


Try and find something to smile about today,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Thar be dreich ootside, looks like...so, before I do anything of relevance, I'll need some coffee.


Dreadful news from the U.S. indeed. I don't think I'll ever be able to comprehend how people may end up with such plans of evil in their mind...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, overslept this morning. About 2 o'cloak awoke because Monty was moving around I could hear him trying to open the wardrobe, God knows where he thought he was going. Got up and let him out in the garden. After about 10mins began to wonder would I have to get dressed to go a search for him. Fortunately he returned before I had bothered. Soaking wet so I had to towel him down. Back to bed but I couldn't go to sleep again spent ages tossing and turning. Oh the joys of dog owning!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Another damp day here.


So sad about the news from the US. A lot of my posts here mention the thrills and spills I have with my own children of the same age as these.

I can't imagine the depths of sorrow the parents must be going through today.



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  • RMweb Premium

sunny day in Leeds and... having slept in ... need to get on with various chores and doing some modelling (signal bashing).


Sad news indeed from the USA



Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold


I often get stories from the local newspapers in Connecticut and many of the small towns seem to be nice places where nothing ever happens. (Rather like here in Essex. ) Our friends were originally from near where the school shooting happened. One still lives in CT but in another small town, All her grandchildren go to a nice school in a nice town.

I can't comprehend acts that apparently involve considerable preparation involving such little children.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, wet but not bad shopping will be for dead rodents this am. I feel really sick about the killings in the US one of the pleasures of my job is going into schools where kids are singing, happy and excited at this time of year.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright, clear, mild, but with clouds gathering, I think.


On my facebook page an RMwebber in the US (not trisonic Pete) has posted his outrage about the shootings, citing big drug companies making millions from prescribed drugs used to pacify disturbed kids, with unknown repercussions/side-effects. Elsewhere there are the usual mutterings about gun laws. My observation is that there are plenty of gun crimes here, where guns are illegal, and there have always been nutters and screwballs in every society on the planet. Every sympathy for the bereaved - no instant panacea IMHO.

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  • RMweb Gold

Got up: fed Dog: TIB delivered.

Scanned through RM web and now arrived at ERs.


Too much to catch up on and offer comment yet again (thank the Lord you mutter!)


The weather started bright, but there is now a number of bands of low grey cloud acting like a venetian blind on the sun.


The exterior Christmas lights go up this morning followed by the dog going off to kennels for a few days.


We are off on a cruise tomorrow, but before anyone gets any ideas about cocktails on the pool deck under the warm, westering sun, we are going across to Antwerp and Amsterdam.


Duffel coats sea boots and hot chocolate laced with rum are more appropriate for the NordSee in December.





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Someone else over here apart from me?

I was nearly as depressed by the non-professional way the incident was reported - with no recognition of the families (the impact on them of wildly nonsensical theories like the class escaped through the woods).

There really is nothing I can add from 100 miles away.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all, overslept this morning. About 2 o'cloak awoke because Monty was moving around I could hear him trying to open the wardrobe, God knows where he thought he was going. Got up and let him out in the garden. After about 10mins began to wonder would I have to get dressed to go a search for him. Fortunately he returned before I had bothered. Soaking wet so I had to towel him down. Back to bed but I couldn't go to sleep again spent ages tossing and turning. Oh the joys of dog owning!



Looking for his Christmas presents? It's what I always did as a child!


On a much more serious note, I agree with many of the comments re the school shootings but clicking on "like" seems inappropriate somehow. One cannot imagine the grief of the parents, other pupils, staff and the wider community associated with this school.

Years ago, I worked in a school where a much loved member of staff died suddenly from undiagnosed lung cancer - she was a lady who had never smoked, rarely drank and exercised regularly. The shock of all who knew her was only slightly greater than our concern when the Headteacher was initially reluctant to have any form of memorial service in her honour and had to be persuaded of the need for this.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Clear blue sky & sunshine today & the temperature has ""rocketed up to 8oC but there is a threat of rain to come later.


"Herself" is off to have her hair done shortly and no lists have been made so I can please myself what I do for the next couple of hours although I & the bread machine are "building" a loaf at present.



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  • RMweb Gold

I have just found out we may be going over to Enfield this afternoon to see MiL. However Aditi seems to have been on the phone for ages (not at all usual) to her sister so I'm not sure what is happening! I'll take Robbie down to the park but I'll try to restrain his urge to swim. He seems to have a small cut on his back that if it was on a human would require being kept clean. It doesn't seem to bother him and I only noticed when he was being brushed, he seems to be very furry at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Grinding my teeth about the Railway Pension Fund admin. I advised them by phone on 6th September that Deb had gone. It took a month for them to write to me. I filled in the forms and returned them, asking for the spouse's pension to be paid into the same account Deb had used. On 26th November I got a letter - dated 29th October, despite being recorded - saying that I needed to fill out a new mandate for that to happen. I did so. Today I get a letter saying sorry, as you are also a pensioner, the spouse's pension will have to be paid into your account. First payment, with arrears, will be in January.


As far as I am aware, the investment of funds is not entrusted to the same set of clowns who do the admin. I do hope not!

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  • RMweb Gold

Grinding my teeth about the Railway Pension Fund admin. I advised them by phone on 6th September that Deb had gone. It took a month for them to write to me. I filled in the forms and returned them, asking for the spouse's pension to be paid into the same account Deb had used. On 26th November I got a letter - dated 29th October, despite being recorded - saying that I needed to fill out a new mandate for that to happen. I did so. Today I get a letter saying sorry, as you are also a pensioner, the spouse's pension will have to be paid into your account. First payment, with arrears, will be in January.


As far as I am aware, the investment of funds is not entrusted to the same set of clowns who do the admin. I do hope not!


Fortunately not but the admin does sound atrocious. I had a big 'debate' with them when I first went on pension because they would not grant me the increase in the first year (they won) so I lost out twice - didn't get the increase at work because I was leaving and didn't get the increase in the pension because I'd not been drawing a pension for long enough. I'd not been drawing a pension for long enough because the ruddy personnel office took forever to deal with getting me off the books (8 months!!) although that obviously wasn't Darlo's fault. But at least the money goes in the bank every 4 weeks.


It will be 'interesting' to see what happens next month when the pension is supposed to be reduced and to see if they (I hope) get it right and in accordance with the figure they gave me a few months back.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Much brighter and milder today. Yesterday didn't get much above a dull twilight. I don't think I can remember a day quite like it in terms of not quite getting light.


Tony: Perhaps Robbie's furry coat might be nature's way of telling you we are going to have a bad winter. If I were you I'd let the Met Office know.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium



I think we should have an understanding on ERs about LIKES.

I've no idea of the purpose of them, except perhaps to agree without having to say so with a 'me too' post.


i) The absence of a LIKE tick doesn't mean someone doesn't like you or your post.

ii)Ticking in reference to a painful subject means one empathises rather than LIKES the subject matter.

iii) A wise comment, a witty post, good pictures etc., are all good candidates for LIKES.


That's quite how I always understood those "Like" buttons and their various possible uses. I wonder if there even exists any term which might be suitable for covering them all – aside from just the Google way of calling it "+1".

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  • RMweb Gold



Tony: Perhaps Robbie's furry coat might be nature's way of telling you we are going to have a bad winter. If I were you I'd let the Met Office know.

Robbie's coat has got thicker and curlier since his operation at Easter. Not a popular choice though I think for human male pattern baldness

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