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  • RMweb Premium

raining in Leeds - on top of ice = lots of accidents


Her indoors warned me the road is a sheet of ice so time to get ready to sort out car and go to Morr***ns for a wekly shop.


No modelling yesterday but may get some time today....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Arose earlier an had a quick look out of the window to check frost level. Not bad at all. Disappeared into the bathroom as you do, had a coffee and some breakfast (after the I came out of the bathroom, before you ask) and SWMBO came downstairs and asked "when did the snow fall". What snow? We now have a covering of snow, a light covering, but still a covering. All in the last hour.



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Balmy temperatures have not arrived here as forecast.

Hopefully that will improve during the day.


Off soon to a charity do at another golf club where various bits of home made seasonal offerings will be for sale.

They are also charging £3 admission in spite of my observation that I don't pay to get into Harrods.

I offered a small donation in lieu but apparently my presence is required for a completely obscure reason.

Probably they know they'll be able to mug me for more.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Quite warm but rather blustery.

I thought I was supposed to be driving Aditi to the doctors this morning for part 2 of her diabetes check but she is taking herself and going straight on to work. Update on weather. It must be wet out as I can hear Aditi telling Robbie to wipe his paws .


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Good morrow from a wet and blustery Torbay!


Typical when I have to go out: optician appt this morning and a follow up re steroid injection at the hospital this afternoon. Although not perfect, my trigger thumb is much better.


Hope all your troubles are little ones and that you all have a good day!

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  • RMweb Premium

They still are popular with blackberry pickers. The sea wall route parallels the railway line so you can walk safely! The Benfleet and Hadleigh Downs walks are still pleasant either down by the water or up along the hilly bits. Were there cattle on the marshes in your day? They seem to be back now. I suppose the sea marsh cattle are perfect for salt beef!


From memory we used to take a path that led west off Castle Drive / Belton Way West, which went straight in to brambles all the way up to the castle. Not sure if there were cattle there in those days. There may have been closer to the castle? I'll be popping over there again, maybe next year; my dad's wish was to be scattered in that area.


Looking at google map the station forecourt looks to have been developed a lot since I used it back in the 70s going down to Thorpe Bay each day. Sort of fond memories of slam door stock, a parcels train at Southend East each evening.... racing up the station stairs to catch the bus.... a blackboard outside the station saying "Due to industrial action....", seeing what speed I could get up to on my bike down Belton Way each morning.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good luck to my brother today who is on duty in London today. Hope he doesn't trip over his sword in front of SW-Really-MBO. :)



Seems yesterday went without a hitch and he didn't trip over his sword. SWRMBO was inspecting gold in a bank vault so my brother was with her understudy.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A dull but very mild day ( 8 deg ) here in Suffolk at the moment, off for the works Christmas meal in Southwold later and then the weekend is here, and this one is very special as my son is coming to see me :danced:


Hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Much milder, with a fierce South-Westerly. We may get gusts above 50 mph today. Wet overnight, but just a bit showery now, with heavy overcast. I have to visit LM this afternoon to finalise car insurance - and take a death cert to the lady in the Prefecture. I hope it doesn't rain too much.


Yet again my ability to type is inhibited by having something furry, purry and really rather heavy on my lap! Three cats on my bed all night isn't always an advantage!


Freezing rain is a nightmare - hope no-one suffers as a result.

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Morning All,


Partly cloudy but nippy, not as bad as yesterday though.


Had another bout of insomnia, although a bit too sleepy to do precision modelling, I was able to design and then bodge-up the office for the Oldbury Rd building. Pictures to be posted this weekend


...Yet again my ability to type is inhibited by having something furry, purry and really rather heavy on my lap!...
Isn't that TMI* for a forum than can be accessed by railway modellers of a nervous or retiring disposition?




* TMI = Too Much Information!

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Morning all


Frost slowly going but the road outside is a sheet of ice, mind you with only half a dozen vehicles a day it's not surprising it hangs about.


No dog this morning so late up, must get on with chores now before going shopping and having an acupuncture session this afternoon.



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  • RMweb Gold

You always get one....


Makes my fairy lights look silly. :yes:




Morning all.....:-)

I Googled it to see where it was. Utah apparently. I wonder if the people down our road who had a "ambitious" display emigrated. Oddly enough Matthew said the people with the big Christmas display used to "tell off" any child who played anywhere near their house (at any time of year).

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  • RMweb Premium

... Is anybody modelling?


What is this "modelling" of which you speak? Surely this is the Ramblers and Moaners web.


No longer cold in these 'ere parts but it 'aint 'alf wet.


Have a good one all.




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I saw on the news last night (not sure if it was local) some family next door to one of those houses with 30 mega watts of Christmas Lights had put up a rather nice sign in lights saying simply "DITTO" with an arrow pointing next door.


Have a good day everyone. I'm trying to find out whether we are going to get another 100 year storm next week.......local forecasters will soon be "commited", I think...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


temps must be well above 0c as it chucking it down with rain . At least it saves a bit with

heating costs .


My parcel arrived yesterday so today I can do what I want with no fear of getting the dreaded

we called but you were out card .


Heres one for Gordon , the whole street does the lights thing , it started as just one but grew to

the extent that it appears on telly every year , also raises a lot of money for local charities .




Well looks like I will have to brave the elements as items are required .


Have a good one .

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  • RMweb Gold

I saw on the news last night (not sure if it was local) some family next door to one of those houses with 30 mega watts of Christmas Lights had put up a rather nice sign in lights saying simply "DITTO" with an arrow pointing next door.

There was a Facebook posting showing that, but I wasn't sure it was legit - Photoshop may have been involved. It certainly was with the subsequent one that had the same arrow, but instead of "Ditto" said "Twat"!
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well all our frost has gone, and been replaced by rain which is not freezing when it hits the ground or anything else - almost like a summer day in fact but a little bit chillier. The Waitrose expedition is done, the Smiffs magazine shopping is done, the local 'paper and the 'heavy' are bought, the logs and kindling were replenished yesterday, and I'm just finishing a nice cuppa tea (Yorkshire Gold - luvverly stuff) so basically all's well in the world.


Fortunately our road doesn't suffer particularly from the folk who like to keep the electricity generating industry in business at this time of year although we had several of that ilk where we used to live (one of them being so full of seasonal cheer that he would threaten ti thump you if you rollocked his badly behaved sons for displaying their yob habits outside your gate - presumably he thought his Christmas lights were his gift to the community and his juvenile yobs therefore had free licence?).


And Gordon should not forget the local-ish display of Christmas lights in Arborfield village - which in places put to shame all we have so far seen on here


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