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The UK laws are absurd.


Our local council requires snow to be cleared (after the end of the snowfall) from the sidewalks outside ones House and Business. Ideally cleared and salted. Luckily there is no sidewalk outside our house.


A layer of sprouts may work...


"Can I compare thee to a sprout..." doesn't.


Best, Pete.

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...In the UK, if one clears it and someone slips on the 'cleared' bit, liability may ensue....

Bl**dy absurd, it is winter, it is cold, there is ice, you should be careful.... Case dismissed, next. (I wish this were so nowadays in the UK)

...I understand that, in other Countries, there is a requirement for it to be cleared....
Indeed, even though the Gemeinde ploughs the roads (even our back road) and scrapes the pavement, I have to make sure my pavement and pathways are/remain clear. But people are also expected to use common sense... (e.g. NOT go walking in winter in stilettos...)

Latin has been the subject of many a post, perhaps it's time to return to the basic concepts of the Lex Romana, i.e. common sense and self responsibility being amongst those concepts, not just "precedence"

Edited by iL Dottore
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I think the law only becomes involved through civil action but I'm willing to believe otherwise if, say, H&S became involved.

One can imagine situations where there may be public concern - School Playgrounds, Business Premises etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,


Dry so far but a chance of precipitation later. Temp currently 6oC.


I'm sorry to say that I feel that I shall have to report certain matters on here to The League Against Cruelty To Sprouts. Brassica oleracea bullying (Bob for short) should not be tolerated here or anywhere else. If anyone sees any further outbreaks of Bob on here will they please notify me so that I can take the appropriate action.(Pssst-don't tell iL Dottore 'cos he thinks I'm demented anyway & this may make him send the men in white coats.


Bob A.N. Other

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I think the law only becomes involved through civil action but I'm willing to believe otherwise if, say, H&S became involved.

One can imagine situations where there may be public concern - School Playgrounds, Business Premises etc.


Over here you are likely to be sued if you have NOT cleared the sidewalk (you'd certainly be fined by the local council). Btw if you're disabled or age infirmed you can call them to advise and they will get someone to do it (eventually).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

German law says that home owners are obliged to clear the pavement between 7 am and 8 pm from Monday till Saturday and from 8 am till 8 pm on Sundays, and on a width sufficient for two persons to pass each other. However, common reason also applies in that it is not necessary to keep clearing while snow is still falling, so that you may wait for it to stop before you begin.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all the sun appears to have overslept here.

I cannot quite work out how a layer of sprouts could help with the snow Pete but I concede it may be preferable to eating them.


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  • RMweb Gold

Over here you are likely to be sued if you have NOT cleared the sidewalk (you'd certainly be fined by the local council). Btw if you're disabled or age infirmed you can call them to advise and they will get someone to do it (eventually).


Best, Pete.


I bet no one wants to buy houses on the corner. All that extra snow to clear! Is cronic laziness a disability?


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I've often seen paths cleared of snow outside houses - enough to give access - but not the adjacent fall of snow.

This gives a sort of crenelated appearance which makes walking even more difficult.

Unless, of course, the walker has one leg shorter than the other.

Like the two brothers who farmed hill country here in Wales.

One had a short right leg and his brother had a short left leg.

They each had a house at either end of the sloping ground to take advantage of their impairment.

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Is ER's on steroids or LSD? I'm used to reading a few posts, half a page at most before breakfast. My brain hurts this morning with postings I've really had to think about. Lots of long words, Latin phrases and deep and meaningful views on life.


I think I need a lie down....


Life used to be so simple. :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Do you know, sir, how long it has taken to build up our reputation of being alcohol fueled, socially maladjusted, eccentric, badly dressed, pongy, knapsack toting, rivet counting, arcana pursuing, single-minded, unlovable, train fanatics?

You omitted flatulent. Particularly relevant where the sprout community is concerned - and ISTR the things even smell fairly evil in the fields when wet!


Anyway, Morning all


Grey and dreary here. Reloading freezer today, and hoping to finish the 100-odd Xmas cards. One for New Zealand may miss deadlines, I fear, but the lady will get a Facebook message so not too bothered.

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Well as a member of the Peoples Front against Sprouts, our enshrined doctrine is the eradication of all sprouts in any shape or form, and call on fellow PFAS'ers to unite against this evil tide of Brassica oleracea. We shall fight them on the farms, we shall fight them in the supermarkets and we will fight them on the Christmas dinner table, we shall never give in!



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  • RMweb Premium

Is ER's on steroids or LSD? I'm used to reading a few posts, half a page at most before breakfast. My brain hurts this morning with postings I've really had to think about. Lots of long words, Latin phrases and deep and meaningful views on life.


I think I need a lie down....


Life used to be so simple. :yes:


Warning noted.

Christmas cake making day today with daughter - I'm measuring out. She's doing the hard the hard bit.


I'll catch up on all your news later...


Have a simple day...

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"have to go and put the Sprouts on for Christmas"


How are folk wearing them this season?


On the soles of shoes, dangling on strings from the brims of sun hats (particularly in Australia), as ear rings in fact anywhere EXCEPT on dinner plates.


Apple sauce with roast Pork is not officially rationed as far as I know, but ones meals are dished up for one by the catering staff and even though I am given large helpings of meat and veg, the amount of apple sauce with pork, mint sauce with mutton, tomato sauce where appropriate, etc ALWAS seems inadequate.

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