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I have just had a look in the cupboard and the packet of orzo claims to be 100% durum semolina shaped in bronze dies etc. About the size of basmati rice.

Hmmmm, Orzo IS Italian for barley (I knew it was a grain), it seems that what you have is Risoni by another name. As someone who is (for want of a better term) a culinary "internationalist", I've often noted that the same word is used in two different countries to describe two different foodstuffs (e.g. The US pepperoni and the Italian pepperoni).


Anyway "Orzo" or "Risoni", small rice shaped pasta is very enjoyable




It's just occurred to me, the name "orzo" may be a regional variation, similar pastas can have different names depending upon where you are in Italy

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  • RMweb Gold

Can she get an NVQ in Anti Terrorism Procedure?

I'm sure you will be getting the training soon. Apparently teachers are one of the legs on the security chair or some such metaphor. If there were an NVQ I'm sure the performance criteria for awareness of "radicalisation awareness in the playground" will be interesting to read. Aditi didn't mention that as an FE / HE institution they don't have a playground.

Aditi did get told off for breaking security today. She took the Ofsted inspector from one site to another and met him at the end of his meeting. She said she would show him the way out but he politely declined and said he knew where to go. At which point she was criticised "for not escorting him off the premises, in case he assaulted someone".


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  • RMweb Gold

Blimey Mike, that's one of the worst 'caught between a rock and a hard place' situations I've heard for a long while. I hope that you and the consultant find a solution that is for the best.

Mike. My mother cancelled her first cataract operation (not supposed to bend forwards for 24 hours) as she claimed there would be no-one to look after her for that time.

How long would you have to be in the face down position? It doesn't sound fun.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mike. My mother cancelled her first cataract operation (not supposed to bend forwards for 24 hours) as she claimed there would be no-one to look after her for that time.

How long would you have to be in the face down position? It doesn't sound fun.


Basically all the time you are not in bed and asleep for about 7 days . This is to allow the 'gas bubble ' to

maintain pressure on the back of the eyeball and refix the bit of retina that has been pulled over the hole .

Thats my understanding from my reading and the video voice over .


In my position that just cant happen , apart from the practicalities of eating etc I'd probably go mad with

boredom .


Now if they could put me in an induced coma for the week ..................... :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

. As someone who is (for want of a better term) a culinary "internationalist", I've often noted that the same word is used in two different countries to describe two different foodstuffs...

It's just occurred to me, the name "orzo" may be a regional variation, similar pastas can have different names depending upon where you are in Italy

We had the same experience in the Indian restaurant on the cruise ship this summer. The menu had the English version of south Indian names. Aditi speaks Hindi and Punjabi but not any other Indian languages. Aditi's queries apparently had the chef telling the other kitchen staff to be polite as there was a lady who spoke Hindi in the restaurant.

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  • RMweb Premium


Normally Santa is sitting on his sleigh on top of the vehicle ( large Transit type) however this year there was a dummy on the sleigh & he was walking & talking to everyone ( Apparently H & S have stuck their oar in)



Hmm. H & S. Maybe they got wind of this.


Two summers ago we went to a local carnival. As we watched the floats go past, further down the road, out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the WAGs (footie Wives and Girlfriends / chaps in drag) fall to the road through the orange mesh netting across the end of the float. He got up and walked off. I saw him later on the carnival field looking none the worse for his experience but I guess he must have been a bit sore for a while.


It could have been much worse. It shook me up, I can tell you, but there were lots of children around and on a following float and I didn't want to draw their attention to it, so had to take a deep breath and carry on as normal - making appropriate cheering noises and gestures :dancer: :friends: :bye: as you do.



Glad you had a great evening with the family. Our youngest daughter is still a believer. I've already informed Santa she'll be hanging her stocking up at our house this year. I hope he's got something for the nearly 30s. :mosking:


Time to catch up on the rest of ER and fit in a couple of beddy-time drinks.

If you're still up, 'night all.

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Hi all,

This is getting riduclous. I purposely logged into ERs late yesterday afternoon and read a few pages of posts then, but this morning still had three pages of catching up to do!

Clear blue sky with a STRONG South Easter blowing.


I had to look up the meaning of Aditi's RE/HE Institution. I think it's very unfair that the pupils are deprived of a play ground. Do they get a play room instead? Bridge, poker, darts, pool, chess, action debating (wrestling/boxing/fisticuffs/screaming/shouting) ?

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Yeah gods Mike that sounds like some pretty hairy stuff! And some pretty difficult decisions for you?


Had a pretty nasty scare my self yesterday morning when my car was rammed hard from behind by an petrol tanker......at about 25kph....."oh sorry" said the driver my brakes weren't working........my Nissan now has an unopenable rear door as the rear step acted as a crumple zone...mind you I'm still trying to work out how my 'phone got from my shirt pocket to behind the rear seat! (I was sat in the front).

Well to lighten the mood my GF has sent another sunrise photo from Daytona beech, enjoy.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


All this food talk is making me think about what I might do for dinner tonight – and the sun's not even up. I do have some fresh mushrooms left, so either some stir-fried veg and noodles or rice or a risotto might be sensible.


Blimey Mike, that's one of the worst 'caught between a rock and a hard place' situations I've heard for a long while. I hope that you and the consultant find a solution that is for the best.


So do I, Mike – having just read what a vitrectomy is all about, I'm not sure how I might decide if I were in your place, to be honest.

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Morning All,


Well, the promised snow hasn't materialised - still, I'm not too upset about that. It made it easier to get to work!


Good Heavens Trev! Petrol Tankers without working brakes - that must be very reassuring. I hope the rear end collision hasn't given you whiplash.


Have a good day everyone...

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I've just been back and read some of yesterday's posts.


First of all - Mike, I hope you manage to arrange something. That's quite a quandry you are in there.


At which point she was criticised "for not escorting him off the premises, in case he assaulted someone".


Good heavens! The lunatics really are ruling the asylum.


(Edited to add - In this politically correct era, I don't think I'm supposed to say that, am I?!?)

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings All,


Cold & frosty this morning - 0oC. Scattered clouds with some sunshine are on the menu today.

I've got a little bit of tidying up to do & am expecting 3 parcels. I won't hold my breath waiting but I expect they'll get here eventually.


Mike - I hope you soon find a solution to your problem.



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Morning all, chilly outside but not raining yet. The cat is a good bit better back up to his old tricks of trying to kill his keepers £65 well spent. I need to keep my big mouth shut, no sooner do I say relatively good heath than bronchitis makes a come back I haven't had it for two years.

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Mike it occurred to me that if you speak to the hospital's almoner or what ever they are called you may be able to get a home help or something similar while you are recovering/ completing the operation. That might or may not help making a decision. The other coincidence of the day my alarm is set for 6.30 at 6.28 the smallest cat vomits loudly about 2ft from my ear fortunately on the laminate floor, not on the bed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good heavens! The lunatics really are ruling the asylum.


(Edited to add - In this politically correct era, I don't think I'm supposed to say that, am I?!?)


Perhaps it was a quantum physicist who came up with this approach, as this is all too reminiscent of the saying, "anything that can happen does happen."

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"SNOW! And dad its STICKING", accompanied by a cartwheel across the lounge.

Deep joy.


I have to say I might work up to enthusiasm once I've had some emergency treatment for my tooth. Having tried the accepted treatments - paracetamol, ibruprofen and Madeira, I'm going down the alternative medicine route and booking an appointment to see a dentist.


Picking up the boards for my layout later this afternoon and doing some track planning. SWMBO is keen to add things to my Xmas pressie list, so some track and points seem to fit the bill.


Mike, hope things go ok for you.


Enjoy the day everybody and catch up later.

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Snow in Berkshire! Good grief what is going on with the world....


Got pages of stuff to catch up with but did see your posting Mike. Sounds like you have a tough time ahead of you, but am sure you are in the best hands. Haven't seen the video yet so will watch that after breakfast.


Struggled round 18 holes yesterday, so can barely bloomin' move today. I hate getting old and having to face not being able to do things as well as I did in my 30-40's. Still mustn't grumble, I'm still breathing.

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the smallest cat vomits.

Perhaps it was a quantum physicist who came up with this approach, as this is all too reminiscent of the saying, "anything that can happen does happen."


All this talk of Quanta and Felidae: Schrödinger would be delighted! :mosking:

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