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Morning all,


Seem to think that FOOD should be on the "list", gets a fair few mentions (and photos!). Just getting light here now, so seems like another warm (29c) and hopefully not so humid day.


While I was in Canada earlier this year, GF to me to a Cheese factory near Kingston (I think) . Early one morning where you can buy fresh & warm cheese curd.....strange stuff.


Oh well, lets hope we all have a productive day,



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Morning All,


It is another dark and damp Winter Morning here in Hessen. Not a morning for getting out of bed!


Having said that, I did and I'm in the office and after a cup of Coffee I'll be as ready as I am going to be for the day ahead.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All,

Today's forecast dry & partly sunny currently 6oC rising to 7oC later!!

I can confidently predict there will be no shipping in Sutton today.


With reference to the list I cannot see any mention of SWMBO or should I whisper swmbo?


I spent all day yesterday waiting in for 4 parcels. One of them had a guaranteed time slot of 11.00am to 3.00pm. It duly arrived at 8.33pm! (Apparently there is something called Christmas approaching which means everything will be late) The others are still somewhere in transit.


Tonight I am going for a meal with some old school friends. I have kept in touch with one over the years & seen a couple of others recently but there may be others I haven't seen for 43 years! Could be interesting.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Weather forecast does not sound very encouraging indeed. I haven't put in my lenses just yet as I'll be off to the eye specialist later this morning for a checkup.


Enjoy your day, everyone...

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Morning all! :bye:


The heating`s just clicked-on; so it`s 06.28...........next timely way-point due at 06.45, when the youngest `Collie will nudge the keys hanging in the garden-door lock: he`ll be asking to go out for his first relief-stop of the day.

These days have a comforting cadence........

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"Water under the bridge?"


Yes, Martin - lots of good news this morning:


Threat of inundation has definitely abated although, as you have heard, others are in trouble.


'Alice' the 7 year old has a lengthy operation on her arm and was very brave about it.

The surgeon uttered those time honoured words, "I think I got it all".

A nasty wound but she is proud of her sling and is at home with her mother.


'Lynn' is still struggling on but is now in hospital following a fall from her bed.

There is talk of a transfer to a (very good) Hospice near to us and her parents.

Marie Curie won't accept her as an in-patient because she is in denial.


Other matters are not such good news.

Idiot BiL is still playing up and there is nothing I can do there - short of bringing things to a head (preferably in the form of something heavy).


Lots of other stuff too but too boring for ERs.


I'm going to bring the sale of Richard's stuff to an end on RMW.

Andy has been magnificent in allowing me to bend the rules but it can't go on forever without activity.

I still have a raft of stuff to get through - mostly loads of items in need of repair and books.

I'll get there in the end but it's time consuming.

Spoke to Jean last evening and she seems in good spirits.


A long epistle for ERs. Little notes have been popping up to inform me of further posts so I'm off to read them.

... and get more coffee.

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Good morning all!


I'm glad to be a member of the ER 'gang' and enjoy the warmth, humour and support to be found herein. I shall never forget the kindness expressed last month when I had Shingles and the interest shown in our new granddaughter, Alice, who is doing very well. See photo.


Hope it's a calm day, in every sense, for everyone.


PS Sorry, folks, photo will appear later as iPhone doesn't want to play at uploading photo.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I have just put out the burgundy recycling bin and the ground is dry underfoot and it isn't raining! I have been a bit down worrying about my kids recently but compared to those parents who have children in Afghanistan it isn't that bad at all.

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You won't need a dedicated bin for it then, Bob.


Those bins were distributed to residents in Denbighshire two weeks ago.

Blooming great ugly things. 5 of them - including a little grey one which looks like it should be in a ladies' lavatory.

Over the last few days, the wind and water has redistributed a lot of them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Just edited out my first comment [about bridges], - already said above. Not paying attention. :scratchhead:


Pink (and grey) sky - won't use the word 'red' cos you know what they say about mornings and red skies...


Wont mention the 'w' word either.


Have a good day all.

Edited by southern42
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Guest jim s-w

Just caught the cat clawing the wall at the top of the stairs. On closer inspection she's been at it a while! She ran off at the time but later issued a statement as follows





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  • RMweb Gold

This month we have a green bin, a blue bin and a black box.

Who knows what they will give us next month?

Whish I had shares in the bin manufacturer.


Edit: whish I could spell wish

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

We are very lucky here with bin collections.

Brown bin for general household waste is collected weekly. (they are trying out food waste collections in some areas)

Green bin for recycling is collected fortnightly and can contain glass & plastic bottles, cans, paper & cardboard, ( incl books & mags), aerosols and quite a lot of other items.

Two largish plastic bags are also supplied for garden waste collections from April to December.


Compared to some areas this seems to me to be a very good service particularly as our various bin men are an obliging & cheerful lot. :yes:



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Big doings on ERs last night, I noted. I like the lighthearted ambience, like everyone else.


Burgundy? I once painted an Airfix Lotus Cortina in Pactra Metallic Burgundy - with a chartreuse roof. Took it to the slot-car club on the Sunday night, and another member - he used to work at Wills model shop in Coulsdon - said it looked like he felt. Not a compliment, I thought, as he looked ill ....


Some communes round here seem to have bins - but we are just encouraged to use poly bags. Yellow ones provided by the commune for recyc, use your own for rubbish.


Wind has swung round to the North, so a bit nippy out there, although not too breezy at present.


Dentist this afternoon, finishing what he began 2 weeks ago, I hope.


Have a good day, all.

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  • RMweb Premium

To force encourage you out of picking up 'single use' carrier bags in Wales, they charge you 5p which goes to charity.

But there is a big growth now in the thicker plastic 'if it breaks we'll give you a new one' carrier bag usually costing somewhere between 12p and 30p.

Then, there's the market in all sorts of plastic containers to put your waste recycling in instead of those thin 'single use' bags most of used to use.


Where's all this thick plastic, which is supposed to help save the planet, going to go at the end of ITS life?



Some smileys to lighten things up a bit


:crazy: :telephone: :dontknow:

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, There are times when I appreciate living at the top of a hill! Still grey, damp and cold outside so not sure whether the normal Wednesday afternoon golf bats sessions will proceed.


Down in these parts we only have 2 bins, green one for recycling (a very restricted list of stuff) and a grey one for everything else. As they only collect each fortnightly they are huge and ugly.


The city council stores it's spare bins in the old tunnel next to where Winchester Chesil Station used to be on the Dirty, Noisy and Smelly line that was closed in the 60s. On occasions they have walking tours of the tunnel. If you get to go down there you find that the vast majority of the bins in the tunnel, many many thousands of the things, are broken. They are not waiting for repair and they are too expensive to dispose of. Why you may ask. Because they are not recyclable!


Have a good one all.




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