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  • RMweb Premium

If ever I find the person who said we were going to have a drought in the UK this year I can send them a bill for cleaning my clothes from Warley - I have been soaked by various vehicles over two days so far - just hope today is better!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Didn't manage to post yesterday due to us having taken a trip to Cologne in order to visit the combined International Model Railway Fair and LEGO Fan World. This had been entirely new to me as I'd never attended any model fairs before, which is why I really cannot make any educated comparison. I took a number of images which I'll see to posting some time soon, but what I can say is that it certainly was crowded! A few retailers were also present, but far as I could see, none had any of the items I'm currently seeking to obtain. Perhaps it's better this way as pay day won't be till the end of next week!

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Hi All, Happy Sunday to you all!

I'm on later than usual, having been to Church.

I woke up at 5:00 and could hear the alarm ringing in the room next door. It continued to ring and ring and ring so I went to investigate. Opened the door very gingerly, switched on the light and beheld the very elderly lady asleep in her bed with the alarm still ringing. I called the night duty nurses on the intercom to come and investigate. They could not understand me until I said "I think the lady next door might be dead"! They came in a rush. She was fine and asleep, just very hard of hearing or deaf, not dead

I did find my next door neighbour in the flats dead in his bed some years ago. He had been dead some days, judging by the smell!

His little dog, alive, lay on the floor next to the bed.


On that cheerful note I leave you to enjoy the rest of Sunday


Gordon, have you pre-ordered your LNER B17. It looks to be a lovely model and an essential addition to the East Coast fleet!

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Is the Pope a Catholic?.... :D


Just been watching the news. I hope all our friends are warm and dry and with power. Seems the SW caught the worst of it. Watched the rugby yesterday. Sadly not the greatest of games with England just a shadow of the former greatness. Chelsea v Man City or F1 this afternoon? That's a tough one. Could be channel hopping after the first few laps...

Edited by gordon s
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Mornin' all,


....I too watched the qualifying Sixoh and will be taking up residence in front of the TV for the last race of the season....I've got a funny feeling that the scramble for turn one will be interesting.


With all this water around I hope that everyone else lives on a hill too...commiserations to those with flooded homes.


Off to church this morning.


Have a good one all



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny, dry but wind is gusting quite strongly.


Pete. It is quite chilly with snow in Alberta but Matthew seems OK with what is around at the moment. He said -6C counts as warm. Whatever variety of bank card he has in Canada doesn't permit online purchases hence his trip to the Microsoft Store in Edmonton. I think it would have been easier to apply for a credit card but he seemed happy about the journey, with friends and a meeting with an until then online friend.

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I hope all our friends are warm and dry and with power. Seems the SW caught the worst of it.


Yes, thanks. Torbay has seen high winds and rain but all is calm and stillness now as I enjoy a late TIB. (we have power!)


Slept later after a busy Saturday. The leaflet drop to promote the "play wot I'm in" went well. Responses from the public varied but were mostly polite. The funniest one was a chap who said, "No fanks, love; I've already 'ad me breakfast!"


Obviously I looked like I was from a fast good outlet!


Another busy day ahead with a pre service singing rehearsal at 0930 so better get going. Costume check rehearsal at 1730 and I have some stupidly quick changes!


A happy day of rest to you all.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - strong winds (30mph) over night meant a restless few hours sleep, they're still blowing but should die out during the morning.


Don mentioning adding machines takes me back, my dad worked for Burroughs as an engineer, he used to bring equipment home for me to see, adding machines were always popular. Later he would bring circuit boards home for hard wire fixes, and we would spend hours making alterations to the boards - he got paid on the number that worked after the changes, he always seemed happy so I guess we were successful. Happy days.


Hope we all have a good day.

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"have some stupidly quick changes!"

In a Scout "Gang Show" in the 80s I had 11 costume changes.

I had one of the boy's mothers as my 'dresser'. We got it down to a fine art with me undressing between stage and dressing room,

arriving there in just shoes and underwear, and then just had to stand still lifting feet when necessary, whilst I was 'dressed' for next scene.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,

Very wet & windy last night but nowhere near as bad as some parts. Blue sky & sunshine at the moment & 5oC.


Disappointing rugby match yesterday Don but your guys took their chances-we didn't! The way your defence was holding up I don't think that the "wrong" decision in the last couple of minutes would have made any difference but we'll never know so once again everybody will be saying "we will learn from this". Only New Zealand to worry about now so that won't be much of a problem will it? :rolleyes:


Breakfast has been offered and I can smell bacon so see you all later!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all nice and bright after a strong blow at night (oh no not back to the rhyming!)

We recently visited Lostwithiel and walked along by the river, this morning the TV reporter was stood in the same placewith the river across the road. In the background you could see the railway bridges. You need to be very careful when choosing a place to live.


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  • RMweb Gold

Phew - that's better! Deb's netbook seems to be permanently set on s-l-o-w mode. Can't even keep up with keyboard input. I had left it chuntering away for a few days updating Windows etc and AVG, so I'm not sure what was going on. It's quite modern - Win7 installed from the factory - but not really of any use like that. Must try her laptop, which is older, but no doubt has a better processor. That will also need 3 months-worth of updates, no doubt.


We had wind-speeds up to 80 kph/50 mph (forecast) overnight, and it was very windy. I have a stupidly tall tree, some sort of willow thing, I think, which sheds branches liberally and grows like weed, so I'm pleased to see that still standing. I'd like to get it cut down to half the height, really - it must be 50' tall.


We were promised rain all day yesterday, but hardly a drop, and this morning's dawned fine. Tales of floods and gales make others' problems seem dreadful.


Enjoy your day of rest - if such it be!

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Morning all. No Warley for me afterall. My lower back has decided it needs a day off. I was kind enough to let me know at 3 am instead of waiting until we were underway.


I can't complain about my short journey today really. Matthew went from Calgary to Edmonton on a "school bus". He bought what he wanted from a very large mall and is returning to Calgary tomorrow. I suppose there will be photos but he mentioned that it isn't the most interesting journey (unless you like fields and small towns).

Highway 2 between the cities has to be one of the most boring drives on the planet. 300km with only 2 curves in it as the road bends around Red Deer. It's why they invented cruise control. Sounds like he had a good time at the West Edmonton Mall. The shopping is pretty boring as its just the same chain stores you get in every Canadian mall, but the indoor fun park, water slides, and wavepool are worth the trip.


Pete: according to the weather channel it was a balmy +2 in Calgary yesterday and -7 in Edmonton. Apart from the headaches, I loved Chinooks. Which brings me to an old story. Once upon a time a local Calgary radio station decided to get a subscription weather package from a US company called Accu-Weather. Their early forecasts didn't take into account the effect on moist air being pushed over the Rockies. When they were announcing cold (-30c type of cold) and blizzard like conditions for the region, it was actually sunny and around +15c.


Have a good Sunday everyone. I'm off back to bed with my Magic Bag properly heated and some codeine laced Ibuprofen.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


the wind has abated and from what I can see through the windows most things still seem to be where they were when I last saw them, good job Elinor had tied down the potato growing bags after she cleaned them. Day promises fair & sunny, evening promises more heavy rain. Our stretch of the Thames is at 'Flood Alert' stage but looked ok on Friday but I saw quite a bit of flooding further upstream enroute to Brum yesterday and that will be coming our way in a couple of days time - hope that fancy new house at Shiplake is thoroughly waterproof! Fortunately we're a couple of contour lines above even the maximum flood level.


Have a good day folks and hopefully my legs and knees will be gradually recovering from yesterday's pounding at the Warley show.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. No Warley for me afterall. My lower back has decided it needs a day off. I was kind enough to let me know at 3 am instead of waiting until we were underway.

Have a good Sunday everyone. I'm off back to bed with my Magic Bag properly heated and some codeine laced Ibuprofen.


I don't know the source of your back problem (obviously!!) but have you tried a chiropractic ice pack on it - can work wonders if the trouble is muscular (when I need to apply it the result is usually that I can sometimes actually manage to straighten without wincing).

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  • RMweb Gold

Phew - that's better! Deb's netbook seems to be permanently set on s-l-o-w mode. Can't even keep up with keyboard input. I had left it chuntering away for a few days updating Windows etc and AVG, so I'm not sure what was going on. It's quite modern - Win7 installed from the factory - but not really of any use like that. Must try her laptop, which is older, but no doubt has a better processor. That will also need 3 months-worth of updates, no doubt.


Make sure it's not going to sleep when you leave it, otherwise it's not applying all the updates, so when you start using it again it goes back to updating. There have been quite a few Win7 updates recently which take a good few minutes to apply on a fast machine, so a netbook is going to be a loooonnnnggggg time.

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I don't know the source of your back problem (obviously!!) but have you tried a chiropractic ice pack on it - can work wonders if the trouble is muscular (when I need to apply it the result is usually that I can sometimes actually manage to straighten without wincing).

Thanks. I've got ice packs but find that heat generally calms things down better than cold does. The trouble is more spinal and joint related than muscular. Still, my bank account just let out a big sigh of relief, with no trade stands to tempt me.



One other thing I forgot earlier. I never knew that Hornby had opened a retail outlet of their own.





This is tucked away in the furthest corner of Westfield Stratford. Lots of discounts on the Olympic branded stuff but the trains and Scalex all appear to be at full RRP. I was almost tempted by an Airfix Golden Hinde for £15. The staff said they expect the shop to remain into January.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


First off, hope we are all safe, dry, and well this morning. I chucked it down most of the night here, but nothing to what other parts appear to have had.


Back to work tomorrow (ugh) and 30747 has ideas about going out this morning, and there's a list of tasks to finish and a dog to put away in the kitchen, so I'd best sign off for now.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Having just looked through the photos I took yesterday for some quick examples to post, what do you think about these models?





This would be a I scale class 150 electric...






...and these are Siemens ER 20 type diesels in O and I scale respectively. I doubt I could ever accommodate any layout in that scale, but having one of these on the desk to look at sure would be nice – if very pricey.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well the netbook had given me an updates downloaded message a couple of days ago, but I've got it just sitting amusing itself now, and certainly the hard-drive light seems to be flickering all the time, indicating some process under way. We'll see. Meantime I've dug out the laptop - a widescreen Toshiba - and it is password protected. Doh! There is a password hint, but it doesn't mean anything to me. As far as I am aware, Deb didn't have any great secrets from me - but then, as I think George Smiley observed, that's the point about secrets!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


At least I think it's morning. It hasn't got much lighter at all.

It has been raining heavily since last night but I believe this is only the tail end of what others have had. Hope all are safe.

Did Nostrodamus say anything about 2012?

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  • RMweb Gold

Meantime I've dug out the laptop - a widescreen Toshiba - and it is password protected. Doh! There is a password hint, but it doesn't mean anything to me. As far as I am aware, Deb didn't have any great secrets from me - but then, as I think George Smiley observed, that's the point about secrets!


Watch for the caps lock .. perhaps she accidentally left it on when setting the password.

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  • RMweb Gold

"I can smell bacon" Lucky you!


New Zealand regularly beat us! :threaten:


Bacon together with eggs etc was delicious (sorry Don)


Our record v New Zealand appears to be :

Played 34 Lost 27 Won 6 Drawn 1 so I think as far as we are concerned I would substitute "nearly always" for "regularly"


I think we need a miracle!

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