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  • RMweb Gold

Just got back in with the dogs after a wet and windy walk. Just in time the wind and rain has now got so bad you can hardly listen to the TV ( a bonus?). It is reasuring to live at the top of a hill apart from the wind.


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  • RMweb Gold

Just got back in with the dogs after a wet and windy walk. Just in time the wind and rain has now got so bad you can hardly listen to the TV ( a bonus?). It is reasuring to live at the top of a hill apart from the wind.


I'm sure one of my first posts on ERs was in response to Dd being flooded some way up a hillside! I think he was very concerned about the effect it may have had on ramblers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


With all this talk of precipitation, I checked whether we might be getting any of that, and indeed there is an increasing chance of rain beginning this afternoon. Now preparing breakfast before setting off to work again!

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No rain here! Thank goodness.

Some high cloud but a mostly clear sky and 22C predicted.

Fried fish and chips for lunch today..

Cornish pasties are also very popular here. Made with mince and containing diced potato, carrot and peas in a half moon shape.

Unless purchased before 10:00 am they are usually sold out.

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Morning all,

Just seen the news reports from dear old blighty, does seem to be a tad damp in places....


Not much to report on from here this morning, but internet was bad last night, the connection kept dropping out, so still got lots to catch up on.


Try and stay dry....



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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning Everyone,


Plenty of wind & rain here last night but thankfully we don't get much in the way of flooding-just a few big puddles! Nice clear sky now & 6oC with some sunshine forecast.


Commiserations to all those who are affected by the weather and keep your feet dry!


This morning I am going shopping with my daughter although I will only be with her for about 45mins (my shopping) & not the rest of the day (her shopping) which also includes her having to meet a couple of friends for lunch etc.


Last night's quality control exercise on the beer was rather indecisive so I may have to revisit that particular problem this evening!



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Good morning everyone!


Weather update from Torbay: a calm night at last after a very wet and windy day. The local BBC TV tells of fallen trees and land slips in other parts of Devon.


"The Wind In The Willows" is now at the stage of full run throughs and last night the Director was pleased that we managed to finish by 22:05. Mind you, as was pointed out by the Asst Dir., a few chunks of script were ommited!


Hope all ER's have a good day - it is Friday!

Edited by Ashcombe
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No further disasters to report although it's only just getting light enough to see anything.

The stream/river is still where it's supposed to be - if a little restless.

I can understand the frustration of a chap on TV who was complaining of the '60 year' floods happening three times a month.

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Morning All,


Another grey and foggy morning here - but thankfully none of the flooding that seems to be affecting the UK at the moment.


I have rather a busy day ahead of me, so I had better get on.


Have a good day everyone...

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Mornin' all,


It became a bit hairy working on the third floor of a less than heavily constructed building yesterday evening, with the wind and rain slashing the exterior and a stream of calls describing more and more roads and railways closed or flooded. Commiserations to anyone caught up in any of the chaos.


Have a good day all



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Morning All, finally back in the right time zone!


I'm sorry to read of Phil difficulties in getting the right care for his mother. Dementia is a truly terrible condition and, unfortunately, currently there is little beyond palliative care available.


My mother suffered from dementia and my sister (who is truly a saint) dedicated herself to looking after her. In a way the family was fortunate as my mother died before the dementia had progressed to the point whereby mother would have been - to all intents and purposes - an empty shell.


Reading through the various posts (and recalling various recent newspaper articles), I am disgusted by the way the NHS, as an institution, is taking care of the elderly. In many cases the care (or lack of) would constitute malpractice. Perhaps if the NHS didn't dedicate monies to cosmetic surgery or IVF for the over 40s (amongst other misuses of NHS funds) then the elderly would be cared for better?


It's tempting to state that in regards to geriatric care, the NHS is little better than a third world country, but this would not be true as in many third world countries the extended family would all help take care of the elderly family members.

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My thoughts are with all you guys struggling through flood waters and the like. Have they got power to everyone in New York yet, Pete? These things tend to fade out of the news after a few days...


We've been affected too. Golf has been cancelled as the course is waterlogged. Is this the end of life as we know it?..... :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Nice and bright today. Will visit the In laws in the nursing home today. Mum has dementia, severe amnesia, a suspected bowel cancer and is very weak. Dad is severvely undernourished about 7stone just skin and bones, one leg does not work properly following a stroke, his blood presure is up and down possibly Addisons, he now has anemia suspected stomach cancer and is due an echo cardiagram due to concerns about his heart. I do not know how they keep going. Despite all that about care of the elderly I cannot fault the nursing home. True it is not cheap but the ammount of attention they need is huge. Dad has commented about them force feeding those who cannot feed themselves rather a different view. The district Matron told us this was a good nursing home. You don't want fancy new carpets and swish surroundings it is sufficient staff to care for them that matters.


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I've been following the UK too. According to reports I've seen the Gower has had wind gusts to 90mph - which is almost as high as we had during Sandy. The main difference being that we had higher sustained wind over a long period inland of 75mph+. Winds of this speed for any duration will cause structural damage. Local topography makes a big difference as you get venturi effects around hillsides that actually increase wind speed locally.


There are still pockets of outages. Individual outages on a Street, for example will always be dealt with last. Areas inland which had inundated soil preventing ingress by heavy machinery etc. Most coastal areas heavily damaged are still without power because it would just be dangerous to switch it on until every house is either stabilized or demolished where appropriate.


Back to the UK I understand that yet more rain and gales will occur Saturday night - mostly along the Channel and into the South East of England, meaning up to 70mph winds possible.


I don't have better news unfortunately as a further vigorous system just left the shores of the Carolina's taking a more southerly track which could impact the Western Approaches again next week....however it may go further south and hit the French coast along the Bay of Biscay.




Edit: Sorry it's Saturday night that more Gales and Wind will hit etc......

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


After a really nice day yesterday, with sunshine most of the time, we have a bit of rain and breeze today. Nothing like the hideous tales some of you are telling, though. I hope you and your loved ones and your properties survive intact.


Perhaps if the NHS didn't dedicate monies to cosmetic surgery or IVF for the over 40s (amongst other misuses of NHS funds) then the elderly would be cared for better?

With a planet that is so hopelessly overcrowded, why is IVF provided for anyone? Why do governments subsidise families - other than to court popularity? We have managed to reduce smoking which is a cost to health services - why not discourage parenthood, too, reducing costs in education, healthcare, pollution etc etc etc!?


And on that cheerful and controversial note - have a nice day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think we had nothing more than light showers during the night and there is hardly any breeze now. The garden looks OK so Robbie can safely go out.

Task for today; tidy up in anticipation of Aditi's sister visiting this afternoon / evening. This may include making Robbie look presentable. He isn't the easiest dog to groom as he wriggles a lot to see what you are doing. Of course when he stays with friends they always tell me how good he is about being brushed!


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


An overcast morning down here, but the sun is trying to break through so who knows, it may succeed.


A poor weekend forecast, dry tomorrow morning and then heavy rain for the afternoon through to Sunday, looks like I'll be staying in tomorrow then.


Hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

My thoughts are with all you guys struggling through flood waters and the like. Have they got power to everyone in New York yet, Pete? These things tend to fade out of the news after a few days...


I can only pass on what I hear from colleagues in Washington who are involved in relief efforts. A few days ago they flagged a request for room heating solutions for communities around Rockaway, NY who are still without electricity. So, as you say, Gordon, these things tend to fade from the news but the reality of getting stabilised and back to normal takes time and outside help.


Road testing my new racking solution with a thorough stock take today, rather than driving to Worcestershire and Shropshire.


Have a nice and hopefully dry day everyone.


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Morning everyone. All's quiet in the SE. No major weather events or flooding. Then again if we flooded, the Thames would be half way up the London Eye first. Dunno why but we've always ended up living on or near the top of a hill. Very windy last night but the only damage to report is one of the bird feeders managed to spill a bit of seed. While working in the shed yesterday I thought something had blown down onto the roof. Popped my head out the door to see one of our local fox population scrambling across to the neighbour's garage. We have a mini wild life highway along the back. With the fences and garages nicely aligned, critters can go from one end of the street to the other along the back without ever touching the ground. I feel sorry for this particular fox though. He's the most mangy scrawny thing I've ever seen. He's also got the perfect puppy dog sad eye face. SWMBO spotted him at the end of the alleyway a week ago trying to forage a meal from a discarded chicken takeaway container. I don't want to risk feeding him though as it would likely attract others. When next door was empty and being rebuilt, there was a den established in their back garden under all the felled trees. Not really what we want in our garden.


Back to work. One more day of dealing with clowns. May pop up to Brummieland on Sunday to enjoy the experience of being whacked with rucksacks by socially inept morons.

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The Rockaways of NYC are just the most photographed of the heavily damaged coastal areas. I'm afraid that it is typical of Washington types to concentrate on the most visible. The Red Cross has not come out of this very well - they have been supplying things that nobody wants to the wrong places. The best responses have been from volunteer locals - they know what is going on. Chris Christie, the Governer of New Jersey has been brilliant. Easily the best of the local leaders.


Every township along the entire New Jersey shore has badly damaged (or in some cases entire sections of seafront including houses have literally disappeared - the land has gone).

ALL the boardwalks have disappeared - this is a particularly picturesque part of the New Jersey shore.

We're talking of a coastline comparable to the distance from Sussex to Cornwall....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Lul before the storm...? It's opening up nicely here this morning after a cloudy start, but rain is forecast one again for the whole weekend.


And lots to do...tennis lesson, dentist and a friend's birthday party and they're just my son's activities to which we'll have to ferry him around. Some time to myself? I'll be lucky.


Have a good weekend.

Edited by brushman47544
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  • RMweb Gold

The Wind in the Willows was certainly here last night as well as the rain.


Today is the extreme opposite! (So far).


The sun has crept over the horizon to apologize for it's absence yesterday, there is no wind and not a cloud in the sky.


Preparations are well under way for the trip to the Warley show tomorrow, (and Sunday).


The preparations include a packing list, and just as importantly, a purchasing list.


Hope everyone else is gearing up for a peaceful and pleasurable weekend.





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Unimaginable, Pete.


We have some severe weather problems in the UK at times - floods timed to coincide with hosepipe bans, some very dodgy forecasting, lack of timely attention to prevention schemes, blocked drainage etc., but nothing on the scale of yours.


We've been flooded twice - once in the valley when the water actually had big waves from the River travelling uphill through our house and more recently when obstructions in the river (fallen trees and a blocked culvert) combined with deforestation by the construction of a wind farm led to our stream/river overflowing its banks and wrecking the place - all this near the TOP of a mountain.


I've since installed my own prevention measures by way of a Sun Room mounted on a 12" concrete plinth which (in theory) should deal with the overflow until it finds its way downhill.


But it's not been tested yet.

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