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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, hope all are well.


I've just got back from checking out some sheltered housing for my mother who, also, is suffering from dementia as well as being the proud owner of various replacement bits in her body all of which means that her capacity for self sustenance is virtually nil now, she just can't look after herself anymore. I wasn't looking forward to scoping the place, but was gratified to find that it will be exactly right for her, enough independence to satisfy her free spirit but care and company when she wants it.


Just have to convince her now.

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Fingers crossed for you Phil. My mother will be 90 in a week or so and moving her into a sheltered home was the best thing we did. Fortunately she is not showing signs of dementia and is reasonably well for her age, although a little unsteady on her feet. I know it's not the same as a nursing home but has similar benefits. She is safe and secure and staff are on call 24 hours a day. She has her own flat, yet can enjoy company in the communal lounge and restaurant if she wants. They have some form of entertainment once a week and all in all she does seem happy there with no garden to care for, no stairs to climb, full support if needed and company of friends and neighbours who are all in a similar situation.


It took a while to convince her to leave the house she shared with my father for 50 years, but she has accepted it was the best thing for her to do.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good luck Phil ,


I was quite lucky in that I did'nt have to do any persuading , my Mum had been on numerous tablets

for a whole range of problems and sometimes forgot to take them or took two lots in one day such was

her memory , not really dementia but just forgetful . She was also finding the daily grind getting harder

and very tiring


I was doing shift work and trying to keep as good an eye on her as possible and doing all the good son things

like helping with shopping and so on but it was also taking a toll on me .


After a few spells in hospital with minor problems she would come home quite fit but after few days she was

struggling again to look after herself properly , so I suggested that she needed a good break and as she could

not ' go away ' for a holiday why not have a few weeks in one of the local residential homes , this would gve her

a good break from all the day to day things that she was struggling with.


We got a room at one of the seafront places here where she could get her meals all done for her , there were

people to mix with yet she could still go out if she wanted to .


She spent three weeks there and came home looking fit and well , she then said that as she liked it so much

she had decided to sell the bungalow and move in there .


I know it sounds bad but inside I whooped with joy . I had not been looking forward to being where you are now

but I knew it had to come , her decision took that load away .


It took three weeks before we could get her a permanant place and in that time she had really gone backwards

in her general health just doing the day to day things .


Once she was installed she became much happier in herself and was well looked after , sadly she passed away

a couple of years later with a recurrance of cancer , but I think this would have been sooner had she not moved .


I sincerely hope that you can persuade your Mum that it has to be for the best . Maybe you could try something similar .

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Funeral on Staten Island went as well as could be expected.


Internment helped by US Marine Honour Guard including bugler who played a very sensitive and dynamic version of "The Last Post" - very moving.


Raw emotions on display gave me a migraine though. Small price to pay...


Best, Pete.

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Hi all.

A depressing start to the day! S.A. playing a cricket test against Australia. Australia batting extremely well at 9rpo. Two of our front line bowlers out injured!

On the home front it was a chilly night requiring a blanket again. Now a bright blue, sunny, cloudless sky but a forecast max of only 23C.

I have just doled out my pills for the day; 12 after breakfast but only 3 tonight! I rattle!

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Good Morning all,

not much to report from this part of the world this morning, but who's to say what "excitement" the day may bring for us?


The talk the other day of ice in the inside of bedroom windows got me thinking of the school milk (1/3pint) bottles that had to be thawed out on top of the radiators in the classroom....


Try and have a good a day a possible,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All.

Rain now stopped -slight breeze & 11oC. It may become sunny later and warm up to 13oC !!!!


A foraging mission is planned today for food etc and more importantly beer. I have just noticed that I've only got about 3/4 days supply left!! This is of course a completely unacceptable situation as you never know-some idiot in power may decide that we're only allowed 1 unit a fortnight & decide to ration it. (Pessimistic hat on today) :rolleyes:



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Good Morning all,



The talk the other day of ice in the inside of bedroom windows got me thinking of the school milk (1/3pint) bottles that had to be thawed out on top of the radiators in the classroom....






...that takes me back to primary school days with, conversely, warm milk in the summer months on the brink of going off due to the heat. For some reason I volunteered to be one of the sick monitors too....going to various classrooms with a bucket of sawdust and a small shovel to remove the offending deposit. Mind you, it probably helped when we disected the real cow eyes to remove the clear round lens in the science lessons.


Try and enjoy your breakfast all



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


Too dark to see what the weather is, but I'm assuming "rain" will be on the menu. But on the plus side the heating works here - more than can be said for a community in Queens who are still without electricity and trying to find ways to keep their homes warm.


Thoughts are with all those with family and friends who are slipping away. I think 2012 will be remembered by many of us because of personal losses. Let's hope for brighter things in 2013 knowing that our loved ones are at peace.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy but warm here.

I enjoyed the trip to Chelmsford last night. I can confirm that school trips to the theatre still exist.

I think I had a few suggestions for ways to occupy myself today. It was dark when Aditi set off (early start as she is Duty Principal) this morning. I think the light may have erased my memory (well that bit that stores tasks).


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving (thanks for the reminder, grandadbob).


Another dark grey, wet and windy day but don't let that ruin yours :no:


Nothiing special to report but sorry to hear about your batsmen, DonBradley. Hope it doesn't affect the team's game. Time honoured game in my family (I got to Lords, once, on a really hot day sunny day and even filled out the score sheet for the first, and only time, to boot - not too big a deal cos I used to umpire tennis in my school days and had score sheets then).


Oh dear, hope I've not started something....didn't think I had anything to say, this morning. Ah, well....The worlds ER's full of surprises.


Enjoy your day and look forward to all your news ....

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Morning all.

Cloudy but warm here.

I enjoyed the trip to Chelmsford last night. I can confirm that school trips to the theatre still exist.

I think I had a few suggestions for ways to occupy myself today. It was dark when Aditi set off (early start as she is Duty Principal) this morning. I think the light may have erased my memory (well that bit that stores tasks).



So one can have selective memory loss as well as selective hearing loss?


Anyway, good morning all!


Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. My recollection of this event when we lived in Michigan ('71/72) was of it being a big meal with friends/family. Pumpkin pie was part of it. A bit like Christmas dinner sans pressies!


Squally showers here and still windy. Hope everyone has a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Squally showers here and still windy.


Saw the pictures of the flooding on the net down in Somerset and Devon. Hope you're not affected, or others reading this. Something certainly seems to have changed in the UK's weather this year.


Here in Lisbon the sun is shining but it's cold - we'll I feel cold anyway. Have a good day everyone.

Edited by brushman47544
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A lovely clear morning here, so I suppose I ought to be out and about enjoying it - and there are a myriad things to be doing. In practice I'll be off to feed the horses shortly, taking Varian's rug off as it's nice, but then back for coffee and more RMweb.


I seem to have upset one or two people on a thread elsewhere here, by daring to support an RMweb stalwart who's managed to convince Network Rail to spend over £9m on a Devon branchline. More in real terms than has been spent on it in over a century, so the man deserves a gong! Others feel track renewals aren't much of a coup, but in fact track is the bedrock of everything on the railway.


Probably need to do a mini-shop at some stage.


Enjoy your day, each!

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Saw the pictures of the flooding on the net down in Somerset and Devon. Hope you're not affected, or others reading this. Something certainly seems to have changed in the UK's weather this year.


Here in Lisbon the sun is shining but it's cold - we'll I feel cold anyway. Have a good day everyone.


Our house is set quite high up at the top of a valley (wind but not floods!) so we're OK, thanks. We won't discuss the greenhouse any more!


Coincidentally, we've booked a five day break in Lisbon in January. If you are local, perhaps you'd be kind enough to suggest a few sights worth visiting. O/H sent off for a guide book from Amazon but it was in black and white, published in 1928!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, a bit late as I had to go early with the dogs as we are expecting a delivery unfortunately more DIY not trains. Very windy but mild with a bit of sun. The bridge at templecombe shown on the news was a bit of a surprise. A blocked culvert somewhere?


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  • RMweb Gold

My memory has been jogged. There are a number of small heaps of washing ready sorted for the machine where not even I could miss them. I also had a text sent to me.

I may have some shopping to do as Aditi's sister is coming tomorrow for afternoon tea while her husband gets some therapy somewhere near here. The shopping is in case they stay for dinner.

In answer to Andrew's query about Grey Cup parties, Matthew said he is going to Edmonton on Saturday (shopping?).

Other news. It is really sunny here now.

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