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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - dull and raining in Norfolk / Suffolk but it's mild.


@DD - I've watched two people fade away, one over a few weeks and one over the best part of a year - I hope the end for your friend is peaceful and comes when the time is right.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm hoping she goes in her sleep as predicted.


When a disease reaches that stage, it really is the only real wish that you can have, for a tranquil and peaceful end to the suffering.



Morning All


So much for the possible easy day, as 30747 was called in to work, leaving me with puppy sitting again, and today she's hell on legs, and is barking at everything in sight, grabbing, pulling, chewing - she'll need to be left home alone as I need to go into town to the bank (oh roll on the day that you can pay in a cheque by shoving it into a slot on your computer) - just had a few minutes peace as she decided (at last) to go and have her breakfast and of course there was I thinking the worst and that she was getting up to mischief in the kitchen. Her boisterous behaviour is not normally a problem, but I'm very stiff in the hip today after the cortisone injection into the joint capsule yesterday.


One thing that I never mentioned on here but which I discovered last year was that one of my near neighbours (about six doors away) is also an RMWebber - Ohmisterporter of this parish - has anybody else made such a discovery?


I'll probably be off air now til the weekend, as I'm not taking a computer with me when I go, and my mobile phone is good for calls and nothing else.


There's a lovely smell coming from the coffee machine now, so it's


Regards to All



ps thanks for ending the poetic gems

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  • RMweb Gold

Friend is going downhill fast.

Now totally incontinent due to a further stroke.

What a terrible end for a really lovely person.

I'm hoping she goes in her sleep as predicted.

I hope the medics enable her to be as comfy as she can 'til the end, DD. I really, really empathise - as everyone knows.
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very dull and damp outside today. I think Robbie only went out this morning as I had to (bin bags etc today , black non recyclable stuff and food waste container this week).

Dd. I really hope your friends end is as peaceful as it can be. My mother spent many years being terrified of death but it did appear that she really did go to sleep one night and not wake up. She had taken her sandwich (night starvation was a concern for her) and cup of tea to bed. She had eaten one quarter of the sandwich and drunk most of the tea and gone to sleep.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

don't mention the weather it will be damp clothes and dog towels everywhere.

The in-laws are now in a nursing home Dad in particular is seriously underweight so they can get extra rations. They have been told by the Nursing staff and the doctor not to get themselves up because they keep falling. However Dad likes to get up and see if anyone is about so he can blag an early cup of tea. The trouble is he gets funny ideas about food and often will not eat his meals. He really thinks the staff should be letting him pick what meals he has. We did that at home he insisted on eating a poor diet and suffered constipation diahorrea and kept losing weight. He is his own worst enemy. Not the way I would like things to be.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Wet and a bit breezy here - but we're only a month off Winter Solstice, which is the first of the great signs that the declining year is going into reverse. The other two are Xmas and the New Year - and this time I will be truly grateful to see the back of them all!


Not a great night, with a bit of tummy ache. As I'm on something to inhibit that, it's a bit worrying/disappointing, but I'll soldier on a little longer before going back to the GP.


Off to feed the dobbins now.


Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Premium

and this time I will be truly grateful to see the back of them all!


I think that many of us echo that sentiment, Ian - seems that many of us ERs have had less than our fair share of luck during 2012, with you near the front of the queue!

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..........Thanksgiving Day tomorrow........


I think we British should have a day of thanksgiving (although of course not stemming from the original U.S concept).

Perhaps a national day of personal-reflection, for all our many blessings and privileges..........it`s perhaps all to easy to lose sight of the true value within our daily lives, good health and care-towards/from people most-dear (and dogs too; of course!).

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  • RMweb Gold

One thing that I never mentioned on here but which I discovered last year was that one of my near neighbours (about six doors away) is also an RMWebber - Ohmisterporter of this parish - has anybody else made such a discovery?


Not on RMWeb but an on-line war game, I played for a good year or two in a clan with players from UK, Belguim, Holland, Egypt etc., eventually we got the ability to talk to each other and one of the guys I'd been "fighting" with regularly lived about 500yards from me.

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  • RMweb Premium

The auction wasn't too bad though - got the desired railway item at mid-estimate which for a substantial heap of Pre-Group ephemera wasn't bad

Great to know that the stuff has gone to a good home, and will add to your already massive knowledge of all things West of Paddington

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  • RMweb Gold

As Matthew will be away in Canada Aditi has decided that we shall do something different during the Christmas holidays. Her current suggestion is decorating the utility room and kitchen.

I have met a few people in person after communicating online but I don't think any of the near neighbours are model train enthusiasts. Aditi said quite a lot of people at work like trains. She thinks they admit it after she enthuses about being overtaken by Eurostar while she waits in traffic jams!


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Thanks rob and Gordon,

Tupperware container I do have. Have been using it to covey sandwiches from supper table to room for late night consumption.

Clingwrap will be acquired.


DD Very sorry to read your news. I hope her going will be soon and peacefull

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

I think we British should have a day of thanksgiving (although of course not stemming from the original U.S concept).

Perhaps a national day of personal-reflection, for all our many blessings and privileges..........it`s perhaps all to easy to lose sight of the true value within our daily lives, good health and care-towards/from people most-dear (and dogs too; of course!).


Well said. I try to do this most days....


Yesterday saw me in class again as a volunteer helper supervising a group of boys known to be the most difficult. During the last session they'd given me so much cheek that they were disciplined by their teacher, with the parents being called in too. Suffice to say there were many contrite faces and "sorry" notes handed to me by these lads and a complete change in their behaviour as individuals and as a group. Long story short we had a quick chat about how they should behave, show respect for each other and adults. We cracked on with their craft projects with them all doing passable bits of work and all quite proud of their efforts. Plenty to be thankful there, methinks.



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Morning all. rain dark meh!


DD all I can do is repeat the sentiments already expressed by others. Let's just hope she's comfortable and well looked after.


Tony: has Matthew been invited to a Grey Cup party yet? With Calgary in the final, things are going to get silly there this week. Especially along the "Red Mile".


Not a lot to say today. No RMwebbers near me as far as I can tell. Most likely Simon down in Sidcup is my closest neighbour.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think we British should have a day of thanksgiving (although of course not stemming from the original U.S concept).

I am spectacularly ill-informed about religious matters - but isn't Harvest Festival a similar concept here?
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I am spectacularly ill-informed about religious matters - but isn't Harvest Festival a similar concept here?


Yes, the day in the liturgical calender, when one is joyously able to offload the tinned goods from one`s larder that have gone more than 1 year beyond their use-by date! :mosking:



♪♫ All together now: "We plough the fields and scatter.........." ♪♫

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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry to hear that, Donw.

Also have that prospect looming here.

To those who are, or may be, in the "parents/close relatives in a care home" scenario, may I add a few words of encouragement and hope. My mum got to the stage where she could not cope on her own at home, as many ERs already know - we suspect that the combination of mild dementia and not being able to regulate food versus insulin intakes resulted in the demetia being accelerated to the extent that care was the only option. The home could not have been better - it was well run, with staff who seemed to care about the residents and making sure that they did eat (messing with food is a common symptom of dementia) and that if there was any indication of weight loss, etc that a fortifed diet was prescribed.


Also they had all sorts of activites to make sure that the residents were stimulated and they were all encouraged to participate. Visiting was virtually unlimited, and family visitors were given updates on the resident's progress by the staff. So, I would just say that in most care homes, the staff do know what they're about, and they do care what goes on. In choosing a home, try to find one that will allow short notice inspection visits (ie they've no time to hide anything).


I would say to those who are in two minds about the care home route that in 99.9% of cases, it is really a case of needs must, as it is (as some of us know already) very difficult indeed to look after a relative with dementia at a distance and unless there can be virtually 24 hour assistance at home for the person concerned, there really is no other option - much as we would like to think otherwise.

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