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  • RMweb Gold

Many, many years ago whilst dinghy racing out of Port Dinorwig SC my helm & I capsized his National 12, the full 180 capsize. So we sat on the upturned hull, singing 'For tbose in peril on the sea' whilst awaiting the rescue boat. Another time I capsized my Topper dinghy, after surfing off the bow-wave of a beautifully built Scimitar.


Have also been safely through the Straits each way in a 36ft yacht.


(Taking a break from making new shelves in the garage - under orders, of course )

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  • RMweb Premium

Still sunny here and the air is still. Spent a useful hour out in the garden taking the layout apart and spraying with mold killer.


I'm always surprised how much time and effort go into creating a layout and the contrast with how quickly it can be taken to pieces.

However, it is quite cathartic (the process, as opposed to the mold killer).


I've now got two 6' x 18" baseboards, 1 class 47 loco, a collection of wagons and buildings...

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  • RMweb Gold

we are going food shopping and I'm fixing some faulty electrics around the house - lucky me. (Oh and the garage doors are getting a look at, although not necessarily fixed as Jill doesn't have a lot of strength and I wouldn't want to be the only one holding the door up!)


Done, done and fixed - a successful day all in all.

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Many, many years ago whilst dinghy racing out of Port Dinorwig SC my helm & I capsized his National 12, the full 180 capsize. So we sat on the upturned hull, singing 'For tbose in peril on the sea' whilst awaiting the rescue boat. Another time I capsized my Topper dinghy, after surfing off the bow-wave of a beautifully built Scimitar.

I only know the Reliant Scimitar and I certainly wouldn't want to try sailing in one of those!

Edited by sixoh8sixoh
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About 10 years ago, we attended a welding at Portmeirion. A very grand affair, where the bride looked stunning, so much so that a visitor to the place, on watching the couple pose for photos, asked me if she was someone famous "off the telly"!

Sadly the weld wasn't strong enough and they are now separated with ghastly wranglings over the child, involving allegations (from both sides) of child abuse.


On a brighter note, we've had a lovely sunny day here and I found the acting workshop to be good fun and informative. It's made me realise that from the many years spent in musical theatre, I've learnt to use facial expressions more than is required for straight drama. Never too old to learn!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Good pic., Mike.

Strange place.



Thanks for the pic, Mike. We haven't been ther lately, but I hope to go again before the end of March - they usually have Winter special entry price (hint to OH).


Even stranger, DD, when you arrive and find the place swarming with Prisoner Convention attendees (mostly Americans, it seemed) all dressed in character and in full colour - I only remember it in black and white. :mocking_mini:



Many, many years ago whilst dinghy racing out of Port Dinorwig SC my helm & I capsized his National 12, the full 180 capsize. So we sat on the upturned hull, singing 'For tbose in peril on the sea' whilst awaiting the rescue boat. Another time I capsized my Topper dinghy, after surfing off the bow-wave of a beautifully built Scimitar.


Have also been safely through the Straits each way in a 36ft yacht.


(Taking a break from making new shelves in the garage - under orders, of course )


We were once members of PDSC, too. Did a lot of capsizing, I remember, especially when we got caught in the opposing air stream. For those who don't know the Menai Strait, the sailing club is midway along the strait where the sea breeze coming down from the north end sometimes meets the sea breeze coming up from the south end. Of course, the brighter sailor would notice and take advantage of it. The rest of us usually ended up with sail on the wrong side of the boat and sudden submersion in the drink.


Oh, and we were severly reprimanded for calling the 'Safety Boat' the 'rescue boat'. :nono:


OH woken from his post sail nap wants a cupa...back later...

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  • RMweb Gold

I feel as if someone has dropped a small boat on me and all I've done is brush chemicals onto the shed. After I finished that I did go shopping. Too much of my casual clothing had got into the "are you going out in that?" category so a quick trip to the "outdoor" shop with my 10% discount voucher took place.

We did have a nice walk down at the park and it was mildly amusing to see Aditi realise that following a spaniel across a recently flooded field isn't a reliable route. Fortunately she was wearing her walking boots (expensive, German, probably sewn by gnomes under a full moon)

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  • RMweb Gold

I feel as if someone has dropped a small boat on me and all I've done is brush chemicals onto the shed. After I finished that I did go shopping.


I'd be tempted to blame it on the shopping.

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  • RMweb Gold

Peace & quiet now over & my services are required!

Tonight we are having steak & this is one of the few things I am entrusted with in the kitchen because:

1. I will treat it with all due love & attention.

2. I can get it just right for both of us.

3. I am only in the kitchen for a few minutes so won't clutter the place up & make a mess!

Time to sort out some wine I think :drinks:

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't laugh. Please don't laugh. I have spent 90 minutes today ironing - for the first time in 25 years. The last time, when Deb was away for a few days, I developed a migraine after a couple of items, and as that is a very rare event - no more than half a dozen in the intervening years - it was clearly a sign that I was not intended to do such a task. When Deb was first injured, a friend insisted on doing the ironing, and wouldn 't take anything in return. Then for the last 3 years the insurers have provided a home-help who could do it. Now it's just me. I did get some handy hints by email from an RMwebber, and they gave me a few clues, so it hasn't turned out too bad, but I am really rather slow.


I did say don't laugh!

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Ian - this is where you decide that a tumble dryer is a requirement - the only things I iron are pillow cases, handkerchiefs and shirts - everything else goes in the dryer. Shirts get ironed, placed on a hangar and sit in the airing cupboard overnight and then hang up in the wardrobe

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

I need to confess that ironing is something I do only as an exception rather than a rule! Then again, I'm not subject to any official dress code at work, so I don't see any problem with hanging my laundry up to dry.


We're now back from Leipzig and rather exhausted by the weekend, so I guess dinner tonight will be provided by way of home delivery.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's alright, since I broke my elbow last year, IF, I manage any ironing, I have to do it back to front (iron in left hand). That the brain really struggles with - I'm right handed, of course, but that's life.


Just remember - collar, cuffs, sleeves, then the rest of the shirt. That's what mum taught me way back...but who irons shirts these days????


You'll do fine, like the rest of us :yes: and I'm not laughing :laugh: :lol: :rofl: honest...

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  • RMweb Gold

My brother is obsessive about ironing. For some reason this I think annoyed his first two wives. It doesn't bother his soon to be third. (He is divorced from the other 2, he isn't a polygamist).

I can iron but I am so slow. Aditi claims to enjoy ironing.


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  • RMweb Gold

Who irons shirts these days?


Me! Old military habits die hard. however, they are only my formal shirts


As for those talking about sailing I have to admit it is the one sport with which I become became demonic.


Parachuting, rugby, hockey, shooting orienteering. I loved them all, and was happy to finish either with points on the board, or at least not in last place.


But dinghy sailing! I was the Micheal Schumaker of our club. Tuned my boat to an inch if it's life, knew all the more arcane RYA racing rules, and was never afraid to use them to my advantage, and practiced and practiced and practiced. I even drew out a wind shadow chart of the lake.


Some people called me very good, others such as my wife, called me twisted and demented.


I did enjoy it, but I don't think my back would cope with the gyroscopic movements required.


These days, if I'm allowed , I'm quite happy to potter along in a sailing boat I can sit in, rather than sit on.


Even easier is standing under a cold wet shower, ripping up £10 pound notes.





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  • RMweb Gold

...but who irons shirts these days????




Would you believe that SWMBO does? There was a time that she used to iron & fold them so that they looked like a new shirt straight out of the box! She also says she enjoys ironing-so much so that she often volunteers to do it for our daughter.

I never go near an iron after being laughed at because I was walking around the ironing board making sure that I "got it" from every angle! :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Gold


I'm sure the esteemed members here could suggest some suitable tracks.


Marty Robbins -Big Iron?


Perhaps not!


Iron Man- Black Sabbath?


And of course anything from Iron Maiden



Ironic- Alanis Morissette



I'll get my coat

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Anything by Iron Maiden?


I haven't ironed anything for years. I live in jeans or combats with T shirts, ordinary shirts stetch over my tum so no creases show. M's school trousers have a sort of vestigial crease but a 12 year-old's trousers are never going to look smart anyway. I don't even have an iron at the moment, but there is an ironing board. If it didn't belong to the now absent other half I'd put a layout on it.


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