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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

My phone app informs me that it is 12C and overcast. Looks about right.

I have been given a few tasks to complete while Aditi is at the hairdresser this morning. Tidying, vacuuming, walking the dog, and preparing lunch. Aditi's sister will be dropping in on her way home from holiday.


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Good Saturday Morning All,



Have taken tea to my beloved so that will be 1 Brownie point. I'm racking my brains at the moment to try & think of something different to buy her for Christmas. As we've been together 47 years & married for 42 of them this is rather difficult. It's made harder by the fact that she never wants anything for herself (apart from a couple of books) yet spends all year looking for & buying presents for everyone else. The upside of this is that we now don't need to join the throngs in the shops for the next few weeks.



All the best




Does she like the theatre? Or would she appreciate a day at a health spa? Vouchers are avilable for all sorts of "treat" type things which can be a happy alternative to buying yet more things. Many years ago, my lovely Dad organised a delivery of flowers for my Mum to arrive once a month for a year. She loved it!

Good luck and hope you think of something to please her.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Misty, moisty morning here, and unlikely to improve, says Meteo.


Lovely to hear Trisonic Pete and his battered community rowing along to help those worse off. The best of human spirits, surely. The post-Sandy equivalent of a cup of sugar - "Take it - we can spare it" as Ian Dury put it.


Norwich? Featured in an Alan Bennett monologue, as an acronym. (K)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home!

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry about your sick child, Stubby. Are you a good nurse? How old is the patient?

Do you read stories to him/her in bed (The child in bed, not you)

Memories of my being sick before the age of reading myself.


Son is 18 going on 5... Diagnosed at 2 1/2 as autistic, so has some developmental and communication challenges. He is not one to complain, or indicate he is not well or in pain, but is fairly self-sufficient if prompted - ie 'get dressed' is enough ( mind you, that doesn't work on No 2 son who is 13 and normal !

It's just 24 vomitting bug, so as long as the routes to the toilets are clear there are no real issues.

As for reading to him, not any more - he watches one of his 60+ steam videos each night !

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I'm just a small cog in the wheel, Bob. There will probably be 1,000 vehicles full like mine setting out to distribution centres in New Jersey with similar quantities of food from their own communities.


Best, Pete.


It on;y takes one small cog not to work and then the big wheel stops!


Well done Pete.


p.s. Not saying you've a small cog, to us here, you're a big cog!!!!


(Double checked for spelling before posting )

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  • RMweb Gold

Instructive, really. This morning we have had Trisonic Pete - much knocked about, but going out to help others all the same, Don - who has lived minus a hand almost all his life, and Stu - who has a near-adult son with special needs. Very good for putting your own problems in perspective and avoiding a gratuitous wallow!

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  • RMweb Gold

Blimey-posts coming in thick & fast this morning!


Gordon-tried the agreeing to not buying each other presents thing so I didn't but she went ahead & bought me something anyway-made me feel really good-not!


Ashers- Theatre - no, Health Spa - NO NO NO(that's her shouting) Vouchers -still looking for something, Flowers are great but looking for something different.


John- I love dogs & I love bacon sarnies but never shall the two come together!


Ian- Norwich? I spy a headache coming on!


Now raining and very dull & dismal.

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  • RMweb Gold

Instructive, really. This morning we have had Trisonic Pete - much knocked about, but going out to help others all the same, Don - who has lived minus a hand almost all his life, and Stu - who has a near-adult son with special needs. Very good for putting your own problems in perspective and avoiding a gratuitous wallow!

Didn't know about Don - but his coment earlier now makes sense...


Ian, we (SWMBO & I and the other 2 kids) just see No 2 son as No 2 son - each of the 3 have their own 'special needs' - even if that's just me being a taxi !

I think you've had more to deal with in the last few years than anyone would reasonable expect to in a lifetime.


Expanding that, I think we all play the cards we have in life, and marvel at how others cope with what, to us, might seem insurmountable obstacles.


Meanwhile, a sneaky preview of a little scene...



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Didn't know about Don - but his coment earlier now makes sense...


Expanding that, I think we all play the cards we have in life, and marvel at how others cope with what, to us, might seem insurmountable obstacles



Quite so, Stu. Everyone on here would do what I'm doing given half a chance.


You just get on with it.




Best, Pete.


PS Don't forget the sign above the urinal: "Please don't drop your dog-ends in the urinal as it makes them diffcult to re-light". As seen at a Cricket Club in southern England.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all

Well, it's nice and sunny after the trainstorm last night.


Not had a chance to catch up on everything yet so thanks to those who have provided summary feedback.


Off now to make a panad (cuppa) before heading out to get some Citadel paints for modelling - our nearest stockist is "closed til further notice". Will report success rate later.

If, all fails, there's always the Little Trains to watch so it won't be a fruitless day. ;)


Enjoy your day.

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Morning all. Last evening spent at the Street Feast attempting to catch up with family. Too noisy to really have a proper chat but the food was amazing. I even sampled the octopus curry. Quite nice.


I'll get most of my day in the shed, soldering iron in hand. (the cool bit not the hot bit, in hand that is). Very theraputic. On that note, time to pop out to put the heating on then another coffee.


The downside of the weekend will be tonight when I'll be dragged to a function for SWMBO's office. Weeee a whole place filled with accountants. Just kill me now.

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  • RMweb Gold

My friend John who died a couple of years ago was an accountant. He used to entertain us as we walked round the park with the dogs with exciting tales of his life. He worked for a shipping company and his tales of marine financial life were always fun to hear. He had started his career as a lorry drivers mate and worked his way up to Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


and well done Pete and his neighbours - that really says something when you've only recently gone through trial by hurricane yourselves, ace job.


And like Gordon I too have a wife who has a strong dislike of shopping but we do still give each Christmas presents (In my case I either buy it first or give her the book list, she tells me what she wants - it usually seems to glisten). Anyway first part of day is dealt with - flu jabs duly jabbed, Waitrose duly visited, cooked breakfast duly eaten and tea just about to progressto the second cup, son gone to football, daughter expected home some time after yesterday at the Seamanship Institute (!!) and some p*ss up gathering in London last night. Now to RMweb ...

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My one claim to fame as a callow Lloyd's Broker Substitute was to notice that claims for water damage to shipped carpets for one particular client had a familiar 'ring' to them - literally.

He was shipping the carpets backwards and forwards for the Insurance money.

That and alerting the market to aflatoxin in peanuts were my sole contribution to the well-being of the City.

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