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  • RMweb Gold

A former neighbour who worked in the used car business at one time had as his speciality restoring cars that had fatalities (mainly suicides) inside. I'm not sure his specialist cleaning stuff would have coped with the after effects of some of the security measures mentioned in recent posts!

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  • RMweb Gold

I have got my wife's car back. It did just need a new alternator belt. There was no charge (money not battery!) as they said it was covered by the 12 month /12000 mile guarantee on their repairs (they fitted the belt/pulley in July). They did suggest bringing it back in a couple of months and they will check the tension. I'm sure my wife will be happy as she doesn't really want a new car.


Edit. I've just had an email from my wife, she is happy. Especially she said as it took 5 minutes to reverse the Scenic into her parking space at work. She used to have an easy parking space but had to swap as a colleague couldn't get her Range Rover into her allocated space. Getting a Scenic into a Clio sized slot is quite good I think. The Scenic is normally so muddy that people park well away from it. I'm sure the car cleaning people at local supermarkets have me marked down as "don't bother asking" as I always politely decline the car cleaning service by saying it isn't dirty enough yet.



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  • RMweb Gold

Still no idea what to eat for dinner? Perhaps something Mongolian, such as boodog? Click.


(Ugh! :blink: )


Murmeltierfett seemed a very popular product in Alpine regions. I thought marmots were protected in Europe so I wonder if the pharmaceutical product on sale came from rendered down boodog dinners?


We had chicken tonight.



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Morning All,


I'm feeling a bit on the tired side this morning - spent half the night chatting to a friend over dinner and didn't get to bed until it was far too late (early).


Interestingly enough, I went to a Mongolian restaurant last weekend - Boodog wasn't on the menu, but they did have a Mongolian barbeque which was rather nice.


On the subject of dealing with the car thieves - perhaps flooding the car with Argon would be a good idea? Halon has rather unpleasant environmental impacts! We have got an Argon extinguisher system here at work and there are very strict instructions about what to do in the event of a fire. These instructions basically say when the lights and sirens start (which you can't miss!) get out of the room as quickly and as safely as is possible! :icon_lol:


There's more snow here today. Really fine powdery stuff, the roads were "interesting" on my drive to work.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

"then 9 days of holiday"

Lucky you! Enjoy! Do you have a list or will you be able to "play"?

Do chauffeur duties continue - so no lie ins?

No all the children have the same holiday so some much needed lie ins will be allowed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Minus something or other here too. No snow though. No frost on the car either, then I made the mistake of using the screenwash when I got going.

Oops. Where did everything disappear too?

Had to pull in pretty quick and de-ice.

Managed without the AA or drugs.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks awful cold out there this morning though the patches of blue between the oktas are nice. My work diary seems to be filling up with meetings again, this is the fourth day in a row I've had to go into the office. That can't be right so expect snow! Have a good on all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. It is rather cold and dry here this morning. The window cleaners are at work but it sounds as if they are scraping the window rather than wiping them. I've been out to transfer the crates with my wife's work stuff in from the Scenic to the Clio.



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  • RMweb Premium

Winter's struck over here again - quite windy and snowy, so getting home from the cinema took longer than usual as I did not dare go faster than about 50 kph. Quite tricky when you cannot even recognize the road painting!


Up in the Air is good, though - but a bit sad overall. I did try to imagine myself in a situation like Bingham's afterwards, but with a railway loyalty card rather than an airline one. I would think clocking 10 million miles on the rails would be worthy of an entry in the Guinness World Records! :lol:

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Definitely Wintery Dominik. I've had a few weather reports from friends this evening:


Here, we have a light dusting of snow and fine, powdery stuff is still coming down.


Berlin have quite a bit of snow.


It isn't snowing in Wiesbaden.


My parents in the UK have 10cm of snow


Sydney is extremely humid.


The wonders of modern communication :)

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  • RMweb Gold

No snow here now but the lawn (small piece of grass in front of house!) is still white from yesterday's light dusting. We spoke to my mother in law at the weekend and she said it is quite pleasant in Delhi at the moment. She is determined not to overwinter in Nottingham again. Until she sells it she is treating her Nottingham house as a summer only residence, she seems to prefer spending the winter in Enfield, California or India.

I haven't been to the cinema this year yet. I thought perhaps Matthew would want to see Avatar and we could go but I think he wants to go with friends. My wife may go with me though! I think the last film we went to as a family was the most recent Star Trek.



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  • RMweb Gold

I can't remember the last time I was at the cinema.

I think it was either Blazing Saddles or '10' with Bo Derek.


I can remember, however, the last time it snowed.


I've never met Bo Derek. I hope she wasn't one of those people who talk through the film or eat pop corn.

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