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Being able to book appointments online is brilliant - one can be seen in less than 24 hours without the hassle of circumventing the dragon receptionists of fable by 'phone, of which there were a few at our previous practice.


Yes, the times I`ve suffered toe-curling embarrassment, having to answer that pejorative "What seems to be the problem?" when it is bellowed at me from behind the receptionist`s window. :blush:



Progress isn`t always good though.......for, our local general practice has recently introduced a completely I.T 'client' (?!?!) interface: bookings online, SMS confirmations and notification of test results and a touch-screen check in terminal in the waiting room........

.......Great fun (not!) for my parents, now in their late eighties; who don`t own a computer, nor a mobile phone and are frightened and intimidated by 'technology' when offered without any human alternative. :angry:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Weather not bad at all for November, already about 10C and dry (rain expected later).

After yesterdays uncharacteristic burst of DIY I was hoping a good nights sleep would deal with all the various aches and pains! I didn't think I'd get more. At about 2am I was having a silly dream and jumped out of bed (to escape a violent attack by an angry footballer) and banged my head and hit the floor so hard I was having to breathe deeply to recover. Aditi of course woke up to find me collapsed on the floor gasping for breath. She was very calm I'm glad to say. She was then amused as I explained the dream had started with me trying to adjust her parents' satellite dish which for some reason they had mounted on a bean bag. The irate footballer emerged from the television! Isn't the subconscious world strange!


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice blue skies in Norfolk, working at home today so the drive to work is a walk down the lane from Jills to my temporary accommodation, hopefully the barn owl will be out and about, although it's probably way past his or her bedtime.


DD - if you have 32bit Windows it will only address 3GB of RAM (to keep it at rough values), when adding more memory, performance doesn't increase particularly (assuming it had reasonable amounts in the first place) but the computer will be able to take more load without slowing down so much.


Good that Pete's back in the fray.



Anyone want to borrow a couple (one of each) moaning teenagers for the weekend ? - pleeeease.

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  • RMweb Gold



Moved ET round 180 yesterday and survived, although


Mr Speilberg, Mrs Spielberg, We've had an idea for a sequel: 'ET: The Rotation.'


Just looked out the window to be confronted by 50 shades of grey. Although there is no rain lashing at the window yet.


Definitely not a blue sky today.


However, tib delivered and Elsa is lying in trip mode at top of stairs, pretending to sleep judging by the snorts and grunts.


Don't worry Tony, I used to have a recurring dream of getting leave from the Army, coming home and being sent back to school in my pajamas!


I'm sure there was a deep rooted psych thing going on there.





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  • RMweb Gold

as a dipper in and out of this fine group, rather than a regular contributor, I notice there's a fair amount of trouble afflicting some of you good folks.


Perhaps this "cautionary tale" will put things in perspective - certainly for the chaps!



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all


Woke up this morning to feel a little older as my son is 30 today. Hoped to sleep late this morning, as up early tomorrow for a train trip to Spalding exhibition. the bin men had other ideas and I was wide awake well before 7


Anyway of to work looking forward to tomorrow



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  • RMweb Premium

And happy birthday to your son, from me too, Eltel.


We have three 30+ year olds but what was worse for me was when I became a pensioner and wondered how my mum must have been feeling.


Wet and windy here, typical November (although this year, typical every month?).


I agree ER is a good place with warm and kinded hearted people who, despite everything, still show a sense of humour.


But I am reminded of my late teens when my Nan died. I was devastated. A couple of weeks later Grandad died, too. I couldn't cry. I didn't feel devastated. At the time, I thought I couldn't have loved him as much as I did my Nan. Total rubbish, of course, I was merely spent, like knocking your pint over - when the glass is empty, it's empty. Just have to wait for the refill and with the human condition it's not always on tap.


Hope you all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold


We need photos............................................wide angle?


best, Pete.

Have you been looking at the Wycrail thread and Mr Media's efforts - lots of big noses there but at least he's only put up my giant forehead.


Anyway morning all - not a brilliant day weather wise plus herself is on the warpath so no Risborough Club open day for me tomorrow and lots of hoovering today plus advised yesterday that most of my lots had been taken out of next week's auction ('because it had too many lots in it') so even more apologies from my pal who had the decision forced on him.


Seems like a night of broken sleep too as I was up at 04.15 with a lot of Henry like racket outside and had to open the front door for his lordship in order to break things up - the opposition had by then scarpered.


Talking of Doctors' herself has gone for a fasting blood test this morning and I hope she can check herself in as the touch screen is a bit on the temperamental side and the receptionists don't like to be interrupted by mere patients announcing their arrival. At our previous practice before we moved here the Practice Manager used to sack receptionists who didn't or wouldn't deal promptly and politely with patients - it's a shame she isn't working here as this lot are not in a 'customer friendly mode a lot of the time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold clear night has already greyed-over a bit, but it's calm and sort of tranquil.


Today is fortnightly recyc day, so I felt very smug putting out the regulation Commune-provided yellow translucent sack full of tins, cardboard and plastic last thing last night. The cats must have thought it interesting, because it had been opened and some contents spilt by this morning. The dilemma is this - if you wash food packaging then you are reducing the benefit of the recycling by wasting water etc. If you don't then the stuff stinks after a few days and is very interesting to vermin etc. Heads you lose, tails you can't win!


Hopefully Ashcombe will be reassured about her snozzle. I'm sure no-one else is aware that it is swollen and throbbing, anyway - that sort of organ is very sensitive to any discomfort. Who recorded "I've Got A Ferret Sticking Up My Nose?"

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Overcast here today - fitting, maybe, for the school's Remembrance Service; a simple service in the village church followed by the children laying poppies on the war memorial.

Reminds me that last year my 7 y/o daughter was tapped on the shoulder and asked to lay the Brownie's wreath and ended up walking up to the town cairn in front of thousands of people who were lining the route. A proud moment.


Product testing later. Remembering that when it falls to pieces in 50 different ways that is a good thing.


Fireworks and bonfire this evening.


Wherever you are and whatever you're doing today have a good one. For those with burdens to carry, ER is the best place to be to lighten the load!!


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  • RMweb Gold

Debs' recycling and fragmentation of a PC reminds me - not that she needs such basic advice, mind you - that a PC case, suitably stripped out, makes a great tidy place to build your PSU and control gubbins for the model railway. At least, that was my excuse for reclaiming the case as well as the hard drive when a PC collapsed in a heap a few years back. Helpful man put the hard drive in a case, so I didn't lose any data - except email everything, of course, which seems impossible for most of us to back up etc, hence I now use Hotmail and let others do it for me. The PC case is of course still sitting empty under the layout.....


I tend to have been lucky with doctors' appointments over the years - and my present GP has a walk-in surgery most days as well as appointments if you require. There was a horrendous story recently on RMweb about a girl in Oz who was murdered after being fobbed off by the emergency operator, who kept asking questions about why she needed the police. The actual phonecall was available online. The operator has since resigned, but I did suggest she'd have no trouble finding work training doctors' receptionists!

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Hopefully Ashcombe will be reassured about her snozzle. I'm sure no-one else is aware that it is swollen and throbbing, anyway - that sort of organ is very sensitive to any discomfort. Who recorded "I've Got A Ferret Sticking Up My Nose?"


Compo Simmonite?

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  • RMweb Gold

Rats. Had to google 23 across.

Don't feel too much of a 4 down for not knowing what wolfram is. I would like to say I knew as I know what W is the chemical symbol for (I do actually) but the real reason is that I can recall looking it up after reading a story in a comic (probably totally not at all PC) about the Wolf of Kabul (secret agent, NW frontier, side kick armed with cricket bat) battling Nazi agents seeking wolframite. Now if only my memory for work related activity could have been as good.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The patient is progressing well and has perked up immensely. Very embarrasing having the whole of your backend shaved though!




Have a good one all.




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Anyone seen BoD since his appointment to the Archbishopric?


I spotted a photo of him on the BBC News site in a feature about men called Justin..........





Looks like I'm Justin time.



I do admit to having a higher calling a few years ago.

I bought an 'O' gauge wagon kit.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


typical November day , dull and dismal ,might rain .


Possibly my last post for a week , depending on internet availability in the holiday hotel .


Today will consist of making sure I have all everything I need , then persuading it into the

case , then on arrival realising I did leave something behind .


I could be in for a long day , as my flight leaves at 06-15 tomorrow morning from Cardiff I have to

to leave home at about 02-30 , now to decide wether try for a few hours sleep or just stay up all night .


Right then , time to get moving , have a good day all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, The patient is progressing well and has perked up immensely. Very embarrasing having the whole of your backend shaved though!




Much better behaved than my dog! After his op he woke up, removed the cone collar, the dressings and wound drains. The nurse said he looked very pleased with his nights work. He had to have a very large head cone fitted.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today will consist of making sure I have all everything I need , then persuading it into the

case , then on arrival realising I did leave something behind .


I could be in for a long day , as my flight leaves at 06-15 tomorrow morning from Cardiff I have to

to leave home at about 02-30 , now to decide wether try for a few hours sleep or just stay up all night .




I start with passports, other travel documents, medication and credit cards. Once I am convinced I have those anything else is a bonus!

I tend to like to get to airports (very) early. Aditi seems to prefer "just in time" arrival.

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