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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, an alltogether too exciting night chasing a large snake round Matt's bedroom after midnight. It ended after the snake hid in one of the drawers of his wardrobe.This morning it has warmed up to 0 so ice scraping beckons....

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Mornin' all,


Stunning orange sunrise in the Peak District this morning, diffused through low cloud, bathed the Autumnal colours in an orange glow which lasted arounfd 5 mins before the heavy cloud and rain arrived. A jay eating peanuts in the birdhouse was completely indifferent to the spectacle.


Have a good day everybody



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry, remiss of me not to include a weather report !

A glorious start to the day, no little white clouds, big grey clouds or clouds of any sort at the moment, slightly wet underfoot but remarkably pleasant for the time of year.

Forecast is it will either rain or go dark before midnight...

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Aditi had a disturbed night being anxious about something at work. she has been producing an important report for 2 weeks and on the day it was due in someone realised that the data she has been commenting on is incorrect. Also she is miffed that someone senior has taken her report and changed comments like "poor" to "good".


Many years ago, I worked for an organisation which worked on contract for a UK government department. Anything we wrote, which they might make use of, was always returned for at least a partial re-write - sometimes for several re-writes. One had been returned 5 or 6 times, and some of the requested changes were really trivial. We were completely p1ssed off - so we sent them the original draft again - and they accepted it, with thanks!

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Guest Linthorpe

Morning Folks,


I am not anti fireworks, but our two dogs are, indeed they hate them so had an awful night. Off on morning patrol with them in a few minutes, lets see how many rocket sticks we can collect.

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright sunny morning here today.


The story of Nat Cat was hysterical - what a great way to start the day.


I intensely dislike documents being repetitively returned for rewrite or alteration. If a document cannot be correctly edited in two iterations then the comments are not helpful or useful in the first place.


As for fireworks, no activity here at all last night (unsurprisingly) but rocket sticks are very useful, and I usually make an excursion on New Years day for sticks. They can be used for kindling, support for seedlings, modelling and a whole host of other things!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Oh and I forgot to add - when he sees a human approaching with a camera his usual inclination is to pose for the photographer.







What a splendid creature! Beautiful!


Edited by Ashcombe
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Morning all from the boring boring borough. Sunny yet misty start to the day. 2c so no frost on the pumpkins.


Tony, wish Aditi a happy birthday from me.


Nothing exciting happening here at the moment. Just another (hopefully) quiet workday. Time for a coffee refill.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


First 0 deg on the thermometer this morning, and a few minutes letting the car warm itself up. A lovely drive to work, the sun was full but had a light cloud covering which meant it wasn't dazzling so I was able to enjoy it across the fields for most of the 32 mile journey. A crash on one of the main roads into Diss meant a lot of unhappy motorists, fortunately all going the opposite way, a lot were trying to "rat run" through Oakleigh, I didn't know whether to be "annoyed" (not really but you know what I mean - "Get orf ma road!") that they were all using a tiny village road to save a few minutes (they thought) or smile as I knew the length of the queue to get out at the end and they were all heading to the end of it.


"Downgrading" my new laptop to Windows 7 today, Windows 8 is not for me at the moment so out it goes.

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Dramatic sunrise over the Vale of Am this morning. Tried to interest baby Thomas in it but he was more interested in the ornaments on the window sill.

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Good grief, a lot to catch up with. With two cats and two dogs, I can see the best and worst of both sides. Loveable as our Ragdoll is, using a brand new carpet as a dirt tray, didn't see her in our best books yesterday. Never done it before, so something must have upset her. Like others, I suspect the stress of fireworks. Both dogs were barking most of the evening so that didn't help either.


Must be the car service day as mine was collected yesterday and returned in good order, washed and hoovered, so that will see me through till next time.


Still beavering away on ET. Everything seems to take forever...


Hearing stories from my SiL of what it's like to work in a council call centre filled me with horror. It seems good management and common sense have gone out the window to be replaced by rules, rules and more rules. Instead of dealing with the one or two rogues first hand, they put in procedures that penalise and demotivate all the good genuine staff. If these are modern management skills, I'm glad I got out when I did. What's worse is these guys are training the next generation, so it will only get worse....

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all,


Misty moisty morning with blanket cloud cover. I think that just about sums it up.


Has anyone ordered anything from Amazon over the weekend and not got an email response?

I checked my Amazon Account this morning and the items have been despatched, but still no emails.

Is this current Amazon practice, do you know?


Have a good day, all, and hope the cats and dogs behave themselves....or maybe that should be their owners :senile:

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


My 2012 from hell just continues. After a rotten night with not much sleep - digestive issues and worries about digestive issues - I made TIB about 8.15. Hadn't quite finished when there was banging at the door - my English neighbour telling me the horses had escaped and were roaming the countryside! Quickly dressed as she put some feed in buckets and grabbed head-collars - and there were the Gendarmes at the gate! So I have already walked about 5 km in wellies, had to be very grateful to several French people, but have also achieved something - the girls are now in their Winter quarters. I will go down later and fix the battery to the electric fence etc.


There are days......

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Has anyone ordered anything from Amazon over the weekend and not got an email response?

I checked my Amazon Account this morning and the items have been despatched, but still no emails.

Is this current Amazon practice, do you know?

With my last couple of Amazon orders, the emails ended up in the spam folder of the email provider (Yahoo).
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Morning all! Happy Birthday to Aditi.


The car is in the hands of the mechanics now, but hadn't been taken in for its MOT as I left the house. The garage I use is very convenient, being 50 yards down my street. As I've been using them for almost 10 years, they know me and the car very well by now.


It's a bit grey and drizzly in Edinburgh this morning. I'm off to a visit to the offices of Care Information Scotland in Clydebank today, lucky me...


Have a good day all!

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Oh and I forgot to add - when he sees a human approaching with a camera his usual inclination is to pose for the photographer.

That second photo I think perfectly illustrates my contention that Henry is your master, Mike. He just oozes superiority, disdain and haughtiness. If he poses, it's simply to allow humans to record, awestruck, his regal persona and visage. To call him "King" Henry, would not be enough, at the minimum he's an emperor, if not a celestial god made feline...

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday to Aditi, Tony!


Can't wait to get home as my head is aching. Turning unexpectedly sunny, so that may be why.


Ian, glad your horses are safe again. I can well imagine you didn't need anything like that...

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  • RMweb Gold

I hardly ever check the Amazon emails as they go to Aditi's email. I just log on to the account. For anything that requires posting I use Aditi's Amazon Prime account. My own account is just used for my Kindle books.

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Morning all


My 2012 from hell just continues. After a rotten night with not much sleep - digestive issues and worries about digestive issues - I made TIB about 8.15. Hadn't quite finished when there was banging at the door - my English neighbour telling me the horses had escaped and were roaming the countryside! Quickly dressed as she put some feed in buckets and grabbed head-collars - and there were the Gendarmes at the gate! So I have already walked about 5 km in wellies, had to be very grateful to several French people, but have also achieved something - the girls are now in their Winter quarters. I will go down later and fix the battery to the electric fence etc.


There are days......


Oh goodness! Putting "like" seems wrong somehow. Your story conjures up a vivid picture. It must have been ghastly but you will dine out on the story for some time to come, I'm sure!


Life can only get better, Ian. After all, the girls being in their Winter quarters is something of a silver lining!

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Discussing control of unruly children elsewhere.


My father was the epitome of parenting:


"Would you like another cake, son?"

"Yes please, Dad".

"Speak up, I couldn't hear that, son".

"No thank you, Dad".

"That's better, son".

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  • RMweb Gold

Discussing control of unruly children elsewhere.


My father was the epitome of parenting:


"Would you like another cake, son?"

"Yes please, Dad".

"Speak up, I couldn't hear that, son".

"No thank you, Dad".

"That's better, son".

Matthew said it took him years to understand his parents could ask the same question but it meant different things. For example. "Would you like some more peas?". If his mother said it a more literal translation would be "You are going to eat some more peas".


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold



i think the horses had a lucky escape; if you'll pardon the pun.


The French, in my twisted mind, are still beret wearing, onion selling, gaulois smoking, wine swilling horse eaters.


And the bounders who purported to be steam loco footplate crew were always seen with their caps on backwards and wearing goggles........and that was before they left zi house!


Can I insult anyone else this morning.





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