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  • RMweb Gold

Sad news iD. I'm sure Jodi had a good life, now is the time for you and your friends to think back to all the laughs and love he gave you over the years.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

So sorry to hear about Jordi iD - one of our cats went through all sorts of immune system problems over quite a long time but we let him live his life provided he wasn't in pain and was still as happy as he had ever been until the sad day came for the two injections. But at least he hadn't suffered, so sorry that Jordi was not given the final few weeks of dignity he deserved.

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Guest Max Stafford

Sorry to hear your sad news, ID. Safe passage to Rainbow Bridge, Jordi.

Annual fire show in Carlisle tonight. In the past it has caused us serious problems on the railway, but over the last two years, the railway has adopted a new queueing and marshalling system for travellers from the west of the county, backed up by a hefty presence from my guys. It worked well and the return journeys passed off peacefully. Been a long 12 hour day though but nearly done now! :-)

Ready for bed!


G'night all!

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Mike Ha I see Greens also cater for me - boerewors, droewors & biltong. Though I bet the pigs aren't so happy now!


Heavy overcast but no rain expected, and a high of only 23C


Happy modeling, viewing Sunday to you all.


SAM of the two big .....of course.


ID, Very sorry to hear the sad news. Lovely picture though.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I'm saddened to hear this, iD - the photo looks like Jordi was one great fellow...


Still dull and grey outside, but at least it's not raining at this moment - and nothing else to report at this time.

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So saddened to read that you lost Jordi, ID. That's a beautiful picture of a wonderful companion...


I thought the rain had stopped, but looking closely the puddles are still splashing, so it could be in for the day.


Started ballasting yesterday. Looks like it could continue for weeks....

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I expect we all deal with losing a loved pet in different ways.

When the time came for my constant companion, Max, I became insanely angry.

Returning from the Vet's I took a sledge hammer to his (very substantial) bed and reduced it to component parts and then took SWMBO off to Ireland for the day.

It didn't help because the first thing to greet us at the ferry terminal was one of those plastic dogs used for collecting donations - and it looked just like Max.

Then, for a week, I had a recurring nightmare that he had recovered at the Vets and was trying to find his way home.


A long winded way of saying my thoughts are truly with you, Doc - I've been there.

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Morning all - said the very occasional visitor to ER.


The old crocks are off to Notts today to see beloved Grandaughter, Mia Katie (Meerkat !) who was four last weekend and Grandson, Liam Joshua, who is just five months old. Oh, and their Dad and Mum. As often happens, Liam is the perfect child, being the second child of, by now, relaxed parents. But then so was his Dad. Our Daughter Claire will be chauffeuring her Parents.

T'will make a pleasant change from the numerous medical conditions surrounding us as the moment :imsohappy: Ah, the joys of old(er) age :laugh:


Still, it kinda beats the alternative.....

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Was feeding a hedgehog cat biscuits at midnight.

Seen lots here in the last month or so but none in six years before.

Perhaps some do-gooder has 'rescued' them from somewhere and dumped them here.

The one last night is not big enough to survive a bad winter.

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Morning all,


So sorry to hear your news iD, not a good start to the day. Had a disturbed night as there was an armed robbery attempt at one of my projects which did result in two of our security guards being hospitalised. But I stayed firmly abed!

Now a day of report writing and may be have a scan through the cook book to see if any thing take my fancy, thinking of maybe some scones.......


Have a good un



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My thanks to all for the kind words and thoughts.


It's amazing how we get so attached to our pets. Perhaps it's because they love us despite our faults and - certainly in the case of dogs - unconditionally (I'm not sure about cats, they are great companions when they "condescend" to be owned by us, but unconditional love???. Sometimes I think that cats only tolerate us until someone invents a paw operated tin opener!).


Being loved for just being yourself... Alas, something we can't always say about humans.


A new day and a new era beckons, again my thanks for your thoughts.



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Was feeding a hedgehog cat biscuits at midnight.

Seen lots here in the last month or so but none in six years before.

Perhaps some do-gooder has 'rescued' them from somewhere and dumped them here.

The one last night is not big enough to survive a bad winter.

I do hope the small one survives. I think hedgehogs are appealing and useful animals to have in the garden. We can always tell when we have hedgehogs visiting Schloss iD as the slug population (always a problem here, as we are near a nature conservancy area) plummets.


Mind you, DD, if you have a small population of hedgehogs in your grounds, be prepared for a noisy Spring... One night in Spring a few years ago, I was awakened by screaming in the garden, my high power torch revealed two hedgehogs in flagrante delicto - the only possible source of the noise (bringing to mind the old joke: how do hedgehogs ######? Very, very carefully).


If you can help them overwinter, they'll be a big asset to your garden (but they mustn't be given milk, apparently it disagrees with them)


p.s. I just discovered after I posted that "m a k e l o v e" gets asterisked by the censoring software, giving the impression I had used a vulgarity when I had not. Most bizarre.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Good morning, all!


Only adult up this morn, "playing cars" with William, aged 2! His new baby sister, like the aforementioned hedgehogs, is also proving to be nocturnal, having slept for most of yesterday then stayed awake for much of the night. O/H rarely rises before 10 but he had to leave his pit briefly as my arthritic thumb refused to undo William's safety gate!


Dull with a little blue sky here. Have a good day, everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Very sorry to hear iD has lost his little chum, especially as you have inside-track on how the care could have continued. Presumably a joint decision between owner and vet. When Troy was put down he hadn't eaten in several days, was just lying about, so life wasn't up to much.


The role of our domestic pets is interesting, and the 4 cats here have helped me through recent events, I'm sure. The muddy horses, less so!


Another wet night and morning, after a beautiful evening - Autumn weather!

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If you can help them overwinter, they'll be a big asset to your garden (but they mustn't be given milk, apparently it disagrees with them)



My late mother used to feed hedgehogs with tinned cat food which they seemed to enjoy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


and it's chucking down -so probably a good day to get on with a bit of article checkin/a possible rwewrite for someone. In the meanwhile worth knowing that hedgehogs are very fond of catfood - in our experience 5 out of 5 hedgehogs prefer Whiskas. So here, from our former back garden in 2003 -





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Morning everyone


A cold and very frosty start here, all but the trees have a white covering, the hills have a slight mist on them and smoke is curling from a few chimneys. An idyllic Village scene in its own way.

Have taken breakfast up to Mrs A, cat is content after a night on the hearth in front of what remained of last night fire, all is well in our world then.


Have an enjoyable Sunday whatever you do.

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Morning all sorry to hear your news ID as in the Ralph Mctell song "That old brown dog tail wagging in the sun" remember the good times.

North Wales is bright but cold this morning I v'e got to visit little sister and her grandchildren today so I will wind the kids up (you have to don't you)

Have a good one all

Edited by simon hudson
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