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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


being away for only one day means lots of catching-up on here -

sorry to hear about Jordi iD and I hope thinsg go peacefully and painlessly for him,

hope things go well with the surgeon Don,

hope th weekend is a bit brighter for you DD,

trist all is well for everybody else.


Mixed day yesterday bit Debs and Dave will be amused to note that Dennis did not turn up - despite saying to me on the 'phone a couple of weeks back 'see you on the 1st' he apparently got it into his head that it was on the 8th so didn't arrive. Rumour has it he might be retiring again before the end of the year.


Nice lunch apart from one chap suffering 'something' while at the bar which resulted in him falling sideways onto to the me the first time and - having said he was perfectlly ok - going over backwards onto the floor a couple of minutes later. Put a bit of a damper on proceedings (and on my trousers where part of his pint of Exmoor Bitter landed) but he was given all clear by the paramedics after an ECG etc. He put it down to blood sugar balance (or rather imbalance) but we are now chasing hime to get to see his GP asap as several of us are concerned it might have been a TIA. Good day otherwise, Reading station leaping ahead.


Today we have Waitrose (done), hoovering (next), Henry to the vet for his rooster shot (will make sense to those who watched 'Rugrats'!), then to Pangbourne to order the Christmas meat and stock up on various butchery goodies (might mean faggots for dinner tomorrow, whoopee).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - days holiday today, looking after my boss, she's finally run out of things for me to do, so she's let me nip back to my house to download the photos I took yesterday - and get some sundires from the village shop, she's all heart at times.


These things have already been said far better than I could so I'll keep my comments simple.


Congratulations to the new borns


Hope the op goes well




I hope Jordi has a pleasant last month or two - one of my beloved Jack Russells (Monty Dog) went from being a fit healthy dog to needing the vets (and the ultimate treatment) overnight, but my other one (Montys puppy, yes Monty was a girl!) Booza Pup had a more sedate end, gradually becoming more ill but never (apparently) in pain, until one day, when Liverpool were playing in Europe she simply let out a long breath and took the long sleep, very sad, but very peaceful and she was with those she loved, my son especially as she'd looked after him since he was born and idolised him.


They are a big part of our lives and we miss them when they go, my eyes are watery writing this but the memories are good, very good.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mixed day yesterday bit Debs and Dave will be amused to note that Dennis did not turn up - despite saying to me on the 'phone a couple of weeks back 'see you on the 1st' he apparently got it into his head that it was on the 8th so didn't arrive. Rumour has it he might be retiring again before the end of the year.


Well he hasn't retired for a few years now, so he must be due another one !


I'd be fibbing if I feigned shock at his no-show ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day although windy. Good news for us DD1 has passed her resit and has now passed her foundation degree :no: Unfortunately there has been a major accident on the M6 so we are undecided about going up to celebrate with her at the moment. More cleaning and tidying needs doing and my ambition to give stuff away to the charity shop is still thwarted by children who insist on keeping early mementoes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


more best wish's thoughts to the suffering here today , it's a bit like the doctors waiting room

lately , makes you think about staying away in case you catch something .


Having watched the first F1 practice session it's now time to pop to the shop for ' stuff ' and then prepare

for the second .


More rotten weather here today , spells of dry then very wet .


Enjoy the day .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, a bright sunny day although windy. Good news for us DD1 has passed her resit and has now passed her foundation degree :no: Unfortunately there has been a major accident on the M6 so we are undecided about going up to celebrate with her at the moment. More cleaning and tidying needs doing and my ambition to give stuff away to the charity shop is still thwarted by children who insist on keeping early mementoes.


Congrats to your daughter. They seem to have kept her waiting but at least the uni sorted it out in time to make sure they kept their HEFCE funding.

Matthew won't be deported from Canada as he got all the results of his mid-term exams yesterday.

Matthew asks us to keep things so I put them in the loft until he asks why on earth did we keep something. I did have a good clear out when he went to Canada but it really did seem to be empty boxes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good news that, Mick!


It's been fairly sunny for the last one or two hours, but now beginning to cloud up again. Intense rain has been predicted from tonight onwards, but at least this means we won't be having any frost for the next few days.

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  • RMweb Gold

"might mean faggots for dinner tomorrow"

Interesting guests.


If you had been at the funeral of one of MrS's relatives a while back you would definitely have done no more than whisper that - alas i had to leave before the 'pub gurb' bit for an appointment made some months previously but I very nearly took my son with me although I was more than happy to leave MrsS in the company of the bunch of shaven headed, leather clad bikers who were at the wake as I knew she would be perfectly safe with them ;)

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That's kind, Ashers.

Just a bit washed out and very tired at present.

SWMBO has panicked and called the Doctor.

I told her I was too ill to see anyone.

Apparently he's on his way on a motorbike!

Can't remember the last time I saw a Doctor. My own hasn't returned to work since her daughter was killed in a car accident.

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Just had a visit from a previous Miss Wales which made me feel better.


Her boyfriend is involved with Colas Rail which I had to look up.

Seems they are big time operators in the Railway field.


Thanks for good wishes - I've had a lot worse.

Condition has improved.

Probably because of lack of ammunition.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First off - Don - hope all goes well with surgeon. DD hope these problems dissipate for you - I've had the fridge problem. Mick - M6 was still solid when I crossed it coming to work, and that was about ten miles South of the accident.


Working a new shift pattern today, and I'm honestly not sure about it - later start and finish, but also compensated a bit by an earlier start and finish on a Thursday.


No definitive news yet on 30747 but she was very fragile after coming out of the hospital yesterday and it was fortunate that I was there to assist her, as she wouldn't have managed home on her own. Also no more update on puppy's ear'oles.


Regards to All


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Id, the hole in my foot caused by debriding the infection, filled in very nicely but has never actually closed fully. The orthopod thinks that the nodules revealed in the x-ray could be caused by gout or arthritus and is happy to watch progress and not take any surgical steps. There is NO pain so I am very happy to follow his advice.

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Mixed day yesterday bit Debs and Dave will be amused to note that Dennis did not turn up - despite saying to me on the 'phone a couple of weeks back 'see you on the 1st' he apparently got it into his head that it was on the 8th so didn't arrive. Rumour has it he might be retiring again before the end of the year.


Again!?!?! :mosking:

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Doctor has been and cured me.

Apparently I have bronchitis - those that have followed this boring story will remember I expressed this self diagnosis previously.

I was surprised by the high temperature I have.

A week's worth of antibiotics.

'Do you smoke?' he asked.

'Not for me, thank you', I replied. 'I have bronchitis'.


Best wishes for progress for Mrs Stewart.

Worrying for you.

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Rain – here we go again... The birds flocking around the feeder on the balcony do look rather happy, though. About an hour ago, I also saw two squirrels playing in the garden.


We have a lot of flocking birds here too..........our pup-mobile`s a right mess! :laugh:

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The new electric shower arrived. I think I may have broken several obscenity laws with the blue language used when ripping the old one out. Anyway, installed, working, no leaks, and no sparks. This is a good sign.


Any of you birdy twitchy types know how to discourage morning doves and pigeons from feeders? We put one of those hanging things up with various dispensers including a tray and water dish. Trouble is the bl**dy pigeons and doves sit on the water dish to reach the rest of the birdy buffet and crap all over it. We've never seen a smaller bird feeding.

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